Why do guys care? I'm asking a serious question...not trying to be a smartass. Why do guys really care how big their load is? Is it related to the male preoccupation with size? Does it make you feel like a better jizzer, better than the average wanker? Or do you have a cum fetish? I've met alot of guys who have a cum fetish, who like seeing their load, touching it, eating it etc. I'm just curious why some guys really want to work at having a bigger jizzpile after a wank. And I'd totally understand if it were just something you wanted when having sex, but women don't give a shit about how big your load is...in fact most would probably prefer smaller loads (means less swimmers trying to knock your ass up, and/or less throat clogging).
Please gents, enlighten me.
I don't care much for the original question, but damn it, I'm loving this reply :banana: