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Here We Go Again


Postal Paranoiac
You know what I think? Fuck "Meet The Press" or "This Week With David Brinkley." There ought to be a full camera crew filming the debates right here on this good 'ole porn board here. Let people weigh in online about the issues, while you fellows prattle on about everything. Then in between topics, they can show pictures of big titties. :boobies:


Meanwhile in a building in NYC Nikki Haley makes Russia our bitch...



Meanwhile in a building in NYC Nikki Haley makes Russia our bitch...

what is that saying that you can judge a man by the company he keeps? You can judge a president by his appointees. 5-4. And Nikki Haley among others.
Our current president doesn't literally kowtow to foreign and hostile leaders. That bowing bitch in mom jeans isn't the leader of the free world anymore and the free world now knows it. and who else but us?

That "bowing bitch in mom jeans" not only kept your ass and mine safe for eight years, he also exterminated tens of thousands of radical muslims and their leaders in the process, went after Bin Laden in Pakistan despite the potential blowback from a "hostile leader", and also initiated sanctions against Russia that strongly impacted Putin, his buddies and their nation's economy.
That's hurting the man where and how he lives.
Let's wait and see if Trump will continue to follow that lead.
That "bowing bitch in mom jeans" not only kept your ass and mine safe for eight years

What he did in those eight years reverberates far beyond, as in the Iran nuclear deal. Just like Bush 41 putting troops in Saudi Arabia set off a certain mujahideen (according to him) who struck us a decade later.

And our allies appreciate a world leader who isn't leading from behind.

if not us, who?

and yes, I did thank President Obama for his service to our country.


Hiliary 2020
According to meester and the video he posted it was staged and never happened.

Hi. Responding to everybody here.
I hope it was a "one time strike".
Either way it was wrong. It breaks down simple:

Nobody knew for sure who did the gas attack and reacting to it by bombing another country with 24 hours without
proving facts, or getting Congressional approval is wreckless.
That's looking at the situation at face value.

But it's pretty obvious what this was. A false Flag to be used as an excuse to drop some bombs.
Many motives for this, some greater than others.
And again simple reality check- Syria is fighting our so called enemy who we have been fighting the "War On Terror" against for 15+ years.
Syria has been kicking their asses and won't go down like the rest. the US declaring Syria an enemy and attacking them shows again
who's side we are really on.
People need to see the fact that the US Military and the "terrorists" are on the same side. I think if one can't see that by now it's just willful ignorance.

Also I watched Trumps address from last night when he announced the attack.
Remember I speak a lot about body language ect. I even sometimes watch with the volume off.
Trump didn't look right, he didn't sound right. Not the usual candid Trump. More like robot Trump.
I'm not giving him a pass but I think this also shows that the PREZ is not calling these shots when it comes to the war machine.
It's easy to appear like that when the PREZ is on board with it like Bush and Obama were, but I think Trump has found out the hard way he has no control over this stuff. I don't think he likes it but he has no choice either way.
I mean he just lost at least half his voter base on this and he knows it and he can't feel good about that.
He reminded me a little of an innocent man plea bargaining and admitting guilt to avoid a possible long prison sentence.

Now bob. I know you are baiting me here.
My feelings on the attack are this:
1-Assad did not do it.Of that I am 99% sure.
2- It was a staged event to be used as an excuse to declare Syria our enemy and bomb them. Its something how all these reporters who are never in Syria were there so quickly to film it and ready to show the world how evil Assad is and how he must be attacked asap.
3- Those victims were not gassed. I don't know where they came from, I don't know how they died, but I am very confident they were not gassed.
White helmets have been proven may times to be Al-Quaeada. The same people. Whenever they are involved there is always a deception going on.
That's all I have to say.


Hiliary 2020
Today I spent some time looking into this and hoping it did not escalate.
I found this one video by chance and at 18:00 in there is a person who says exactly how I feel.
I don't know who he is but I think he's spot on. Food for thought 18:00-25:00 min into the video.
We've seen this suck movie before. Assad is evil, he used chemical weapons against his own people. Oh, no! He might have plans to use them against us. Be afraid! Be very afraid! We have to invade right this minute, before the evil dictator targets us, and if you question us in any way, shape or form, we will accuse you of hating the troops and America itself. We got rid of the evil dictator. The power vacuum left behind is ALL the Democrats' fault. Hey! What about North Korea. This is what you voted for, America.
We've seen this suck movie before. Assad is evil, he used chemical weapons against his own people. Oh, no! He might have plans to use them against us. Be afraid! Be very afraid! We have to invade right this minute, before the evil dictator targets us, and if you question us in any way, shape or form, we will accuse you of hating the troops and America itself. We got rid of the evil dictator. The power vacuum left behind is ALL the Democrats' fault. Hey! What about North Korea. This is what you voted for, America.

I read that in crayon.
.... It's a diversion from the real story of how Trump is colluding with teh Ruskies11111!!!1111 because the best way to divert attention away from the traitorous actions, is to piss off Putin and allow him to spill the goods on you!!!!!1111111!!!!!!!
sending 60 tomahawks into a syrian airbase was a further distraction from the Russia/Trump probe. And whatever retaliatory measures Russia enacts is just another diversionary ploy.

Trump warned the Russians 1 hour before the strikes landed. COLLUSION.
Hillary lost and Trump is OUR president because of russian meddling.

that's the conclusion. not that democrats suck ass and the american voter soundly rejected them once again.
What's the deal with our resident Ausshole with the "Drumpf" crap?

Was there a constant use of Barry Soetoro? Or Barack Hussein around here?

I don't get it. Plenty of immigrants moved to the United States and adopted more American sounding names in the process of assimilation.

Take a look at a list of well known celebrities and see some of the weird birth names they had.

The name Drumpf would seem perfectly normal in Germany.

Trump had no say in what his ancestors adopted as their name.

What a silly little libtard. :1orglaugh
he's boring.

everytime he says "Drumpf" I'm going to put another shrimp on the barbie m8. except they don't actually say that apparently. but who cares? it's australia. fuck those racist xenophobes.

ask their abos.

New Zealand is much more appealing.
Hillary lost and Trump is OUR president because of russian meddling.

that's the conclusion. not that democrats suck ass and the american voter soundly rejected them once again.

And that's just on the national level. Under Obama the party has been decimated at the state level with heavy losses in state legislatures and governorships. They're in the wilderness right now


Hiliary 2020
sending 60 tomahawks into a syrian airbase was a further distraction from the Russia/Trump probe. And whatever retaliatory measures Russia enacts is just another diversionary ploy.

Trump warned the Russians 1 hour before the strikes landed. COLLUSION.

I don't know meester "Edgy".
I dont know if you are being sarcastic or not.

I will say if you are serious that I feel this proves there is no collusion between Trump and Russia.
I mean they had/have been spying on him for so long that if they had anything even remotely suggesting that there is/was a Trump/Russia alliance it would have already been on every headline of every paper everywhere.
Remember they tried to use the fact that he said the word Pussy 11 years ago to try to ruin him.

I do think one of the motives of this crap was to distract from the "investinigation" of the spying on Trump, but it was a secondary motive.

Staged and not gassed. I guess you and your sources missed this:


This statement came out before the Trump air strikes.

bob lets not do this here.
I've already given you my full name and address in another thread.
I think you and I are very similar and come from very similar upbringings with similar values but at some point we went on seperate paths regarding world views.
I'm serious about that.

I know what Russia said about the attack of the civilians.
And I never said and dont feel it was fake. I do feel it was staged meaning a false flag.
But I really dont want to debate that because it doesnt really matter.
I'm just glad we're all not here banging the drum for war which many of us including myself probably would have been if this happened 5 or 10 years ago.

I am actually discussing this on bookface on an old friends page. Something I rarely do on that CIA honeypot.
I see people blaming Trump. People who finally have a legitimate reason to oppose him other than he's racist, homophobic, and sexist ect.

I wrote this to respond to a comment about how this is all Trumps doing and I would like to share it here.
just food for thought.

To add: JFK found out the hard way who controls things. Nixon was chosen. Ford was chosen. Carter won but was neutralized. Reagan won and was shot after 2 months in office but survived. Bush I was the prez for the next 11 years from the day that bullet hit Reagan. Clinton was chosen. Bush II was chosen. Obama was chosen. By chosen I mean they would have "won" no matter what and they did what they were told to do. Now Trump may have been chosen also but I think he is more like Carter and Reagan who both found out pretty quickly who really controls things and to roll with it or wind up like JFK. Notice Sanders never spoke out when he was robbed of so many primaries. That's because Sanders knew the deal, the truth and the consequences. I don't think Trump did but he does now.

I have a feeling that at this point Trump might be wishing he never took this shitty job now that he knows that The PREZ is not the man at the top and does not have the power he thought he would have.
He may be counting the days until his term is over.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Sorry to hear that you don't want to discuss the lies and fantasies you post on discussion boards. You tell us it was staged. No one hurt and no gas released. You say you knew about the gas release before I posted it. Then you deny saying the incident was fake. Rather than admit you were wrong, you try covering it up with a lie.

And this whole "staged" thing. The gas happened and the Russians back that up. The only ones who could have staged it would be Syria or the Russians.