Why save the world, when you can rule it?
maybe when you finally realize that your country can't win this thing militarily, you'll start to see the value in scrutinizing the effect your own fucked up foreign policy has on your national security, just like Michael Scheuer and others have been saying all along.
I'm of the opinion that the US will have completely bankrupted itself before that time comes though. So sad.
I wonder if an Iraqi or Afghan family who have had their country bombed to bits by westerners are in agreement about the real enemy being islamic fanaticism.
I don't like your team Trident, and I don't want to be on it anymore than I'd want to convert to Islam. People like you act on emotion and end up justifying major international crimes for the 'greater good'.
I like your post. One of the reasons people turn to Islamic fundamentalism is because there have been Christian soldiers in Moslem lands since the crusades.
I'm not defending terrorists; it's wrong, but one can hardly say the us hasn't earned it's share of hate. Think I'm stupid? Here is the take of a professor of M.I.T. If you think he's wrong, your smarter than him and disagree with his opinions, feel free to say so, but please give reasons to support yourself.