Had the Times Square bomb detonated . . .


Secret tests show the bomb Faisal Shahzad left in Times Square (above) would have dwarfed the Oklahoma City blast.

A secret FBI test of a correctly made version of the Times Square bomb revealed that it "would have killed thousands of people" if it had been made to explode as terrorists had intended, law-enforcement sources told The Post yesterday.

Had he built the Times Square device the way he had originally intended to, terrorist Faisal Shahzad, would have turned his SUV and nearby vehicles into a fatal spray of razor-sharp fragments and transformed building windows into glass guillotines hurtling to the streets, cutting down hundreds of people walking by.

The results were discovered after feds composed the type of bomb Shahzad set out to make -- with the exact components he had initially intended to use -- and exploded it in Pennsylvania last month.

"It would have been the biggest thing ever to happen in this country since Sept. 11," another source said.
"It definitely would have been bigger than [the 1995] Oklahoma City" bombing of the federal building that killed 168 people, the source said. "There would have been a lot of casualties."

"People would also have been stomped to death from running away. It would have been panic. The buildings would have been severely damaged."

One source added: "If you look at the four corners [near the bomb] that night, there could easily be 500 people between 20 to 30 feet from the car.

"Any car going down that block or parked nearby would have been turned into fragments, because that SUV's going to rip apart those cars. More people get killed by the fragments than the actual explosion."
Full Story

Could you imagine 2,3,4 or more city blocks covered with glass and dismembered people . . . oh, and blood steadily flowing down the curbside? Talk about using resources to their maximum potential! These guys are pretty sharp! lesstheir bomb making skills. :p
If 'ifs' and 'but's were candy and nuts...eh...

Imagine if Luke never blew up the Death Star.
Imagine if he just stayed home and played with his "power converters".
Meh. I'd rather imagine how peaceful the world will be when we finally get the hell out of the Middle East permanently.

#1 That won't happen in the next 50 years. We've had a presence there since '42.

#2 Put aside "it's all our fault" feelings and join the fight against the real enemy.....islamic fanaticism.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Yeah and we allow these fucks into our country. :rolleyes::dunno: No offense against law abiding Muslim folks or ethnicity's from the middle east, but :wtf: How many sleeper cells are on AMERICAN soil???

I don't know what can be done but FFS were literally sitting ducks waiting to be vaporized. :eek: Do we close the borders for good? No more immigration? I don't know, but these terrorists have made it so bad, that anybody that even looks like there Muslim or of middle eastern decent can't really be trusted...

Sad but true, how the fuck are common civilian folk supposed to know if the middle eastern guy they see is a radical Muslim with a hard on to kill as many Americans as possible???

We don't, we can't, so that makes us Americans look twice @ every person that looks like there from the middle east... can you say stereotype, is it warranted? Just sayin.. its gettin to the point where you can't trust anybody...
:dunno: :2 cents:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Thank god I don't live in a place with anything nice to blow up.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
First it says thousands would have been killed then hundreds... can't make up it's mind.
I wonder if this isn't a wee bit of fear mongering (I mean over-stating the bombs power, I'm not suggesting the CIA planted it) to keep the populace in line...
Yeah yeah yeah. If. fucking bullshit.

1. The guy who tried to do this was a fucking idiot. He was about as close to building a successful bomb as Stanscratch it to getting laid. No way.

2. Phrases like "People would also have been stomped to death from running away." should cause the person who wrote this to get kicked in the genitals until they pass out and puke blood.

This is fucking fear mongering at its best. Something I'd expect to see on Glenn Beck or Pat Robertson's show.

Here's another headline:
"If terrorists manage to get a nuclear bomb into New York, millions will die."

Or perhaps:
"If the terrorists had managed to capture 20 planes, the U.S. would no longer exist."

Or even:
"If bad things happen, they will be terrible."

Fucking wretched, stupid, irresponsible reporting.

This is my $0.02. Everyone is welcome to enjoy their own delusions as they see fit.
Good thing Muslims are so peaceful they just scare us with failed bombs instead of actual working bombs. Whoo wee. Load off my mind.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
See I thought the guy would have burnt his lips on the exhaust pipe...yep bad joke.
Yeah yeah yeah. If. fucking bullshit.

1. The guy who tried to do this was a fucking idiot. He was about as close to building a successful bomb as Stanscratch it to getting laid. No way.

2. Phrases like "People would also have been stomped to death from running away." should cause the person who wrote this to get kicked in the genitals until they pass out and puke blood.

This is fucking fear mongering at its best. Something I'd expect to see on Glenn Beck or Pat Robertson's show.

Here's another headline:
"If terrorists manage to get a nuclear bomb into New York, millions will die."

Or perhaps:
"If the terrorists had managed to capture 20 planes, the U.S. would no longer exist."

Or even:
"If bad things happen, they will be terrible."

Fucking wretched, stupid, irresponsible reporting.

This is my $0.02. Everyone is welcome to enjoy their own delusions as they see fit.

:glugglug: That's exactly right! Hey everybody - the sky is falling! The sky is falling!
The best way to get people to listen to you and do as you say, is to instill fear into them. Every move ever made by (any) government has been fear-based, in order to make order. And who controls the media? Banks and government.
It's just like selling a product. "Don't let this happen to you"
They want people to be full of paranoia - but silent and obedient like dogs.


#2 Put aside "it's all our fault" feelings.....

maybe when you finally realize that your country can't win this thing militarily, you'll start to see the value in scrutinizing the effect your own fucked up foreign policy has on your national security, just like Michael Scheuer and others have been saying all along.

I'm of the opinion that the US will have completely bankrupted itself before that time comes though. So sad.

#2 Put aside "it's all our fault" feelings and join the fight against the real enemy.....islamic fanaticism.

I wonder if an Iraqi or Afghan family who have had their country bombed to bits by westerners are in agreement about the real enemy being islamic fanaticism.

I don't like your team Trident, and I don't want to be on it anymore than I'd want to convert to Islam. People like you act on emotion and end up justifying major international crimes for the 'greater good'.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and what if the militia from Ohio/Michigan had been allowed to...

Hey...wait...did dirk insult me?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Luckily the guy building the bomb was an idiot.
Those propane bombs have been used in Iraq, causing some casualities.
The total dead would of been high, but those seriously injured would have been higher.
It is common in homemade bombs to use any type of metal fragments to cause more damage ie ball bearings, nails, etc.
This should be a warning that we need to worry more about those small groups of terrorists within the US rather than a full blown attack like 9/11.
Israel has this kind of stuff constantly.
It's just a matter of time before the terrorist doesn't get caught before the bomb explodes.