Georgian tanks have entered Chechnya

Stop with the red herring on nuclear power ...

Nuclear Power IS NOT AN OPTION until some SAFE process for dealing with the Nuke Waste is solved.
When will this red herring die? Radioactive waste is a general issue for us beyond what is produced by nuclear fission reactors.

France ships its waste to Russia.
France doesn't have a desert like we do (or the Russians, for that matter, among a few, former Soviet Republics).

Our "bright" idea a couple years ago was to bury our nuke shit in a Mountain in Nevada. Hmm. Earthquakes in NV? Probably not a good idea to bury shit in Nevada.
Actually, this is just more rhetoric. Yucca Mountain has repeatedly been shown it will contain waste for at least 10,000 years, if not longer.

Furthermore, natural uranium deposits (far, far worse than by-products) in various portions of the world have undergone earthquakes and other natural disasters. There is no water table involved here. That's the difference. Earth (like water in the ocean when subs/ships sink), makes an absolutely awesome insulator to gamma (among other) radiation. The issue is when there is a water is the table and flowing under the deposits. Again, not an issue here.

Right now general industrial radioactive waste from other uses than nuclear fission sit in temporary containers. So even taking nuclear power out of the equation, we have to store our normal waste generation from industrial sources somewhere as well.

I've driven by dozens of "temporary" nuclear waste dumps over the years -- all publicly known thanx the the Freedom of Information Act. This includes the nuclear waste sitting at Boeing, just outside the St. Louis International. What if a plane crashed into it?

When people like yourself stop relaying the rhetoric, and realize there is not only massive, existing nuclear waste (mainly from weapons production), but regular generation for non-power generating sources, maybe we can address it. Until the, you're just part of the problem. You prevent us from being able to store it.

And we're generating more every day, from sources outside of nuclear power generation. From sources of everyday, common use -- from medical to the smoke detector in your house. If you want to stop all those uses to rid new waste generation, by all means, fight those too! Until then, you just look like an ignorant fool to many in the industry, even if they are the only minority that actually knows all this reality.
Anyone else notice?

Anyone else notice that the US and Poland came to an agreement on hosting the ground-based interceptors (GBI) in our National Missile Defense (NMD)?

Yeah, I think the Russian attitudes with Georgia had a lot to do with that, especially the Russian leadership's questioning of a Democratically elected leader.

Of course, I fully expect the new set of conspiracy theories on this.
From "the US is to blame" to "the US helped plan this so they could deploy the GBIs in Poland!

Sigh, just blame the US, always. ;)


Closed Account
Medvedev is a puppet of Putin! He elected Medvedev and Russian people confirmed it with election.

Georgian "leader" Saakashvili is the puppet of Soros (his ultimate employer) and USA. Screw Saakashvili, he's so imcompetent! Russia will own Georgia and become land neighbour of Turkey. Our president and prime minister are fuckers too, they are incompetent too.

Believe or not, USSR is getting back. Russia controls entire Europe's natural gas and petroleum consumption, EU is dependent to Russia and former Iron Curtain states strongly need Russia. Today's American type of democracy is a lie, it works only in the USA. Iraq is a prime failure.

I'm not supporting Russia's actions to civilians but Saakashvili is the responsible for this whole Osetia shit from August 8th.

Did you know? Biggest street of Tiblisi is named as George W. Bush Boulevard. lol What a sickness! He's like a god there.
Re: Anyone else notice?

Anyone else notice that the US and Poland came to an agreement on hosting the ground-based interceptors (GBI) in our National Missile Defense (NMD)?

Yeah, I did. Typical juvenile George W. Bush move, a pissing contest. Tit-for-tat.
If Bush really cares about the Georgian people SO much, he would have waited until Russian tanks had left Georgia proper to finalize this publicly. All this does is provoke Russia more and might make them stay in Georgia longer, to the detriment of the Georgian people.
Re: Anyone else notice?

Yeah, I did. Typical juvenile George Bush move, a pissing contest. Tit-for-tat.
If Bush really cares about the Georgian people SO much, he would have waited until Russian tanks had left Georgia proper to finalize this publicly. All this does is provoke Russia more and might make them stay in Georgia longer, to the detriment of the Georgian people.

But don't ya know it has been the Professors contention all along that these installations were in no way about the Russians and that it was just Russian propaganda that these systems were to counter them.Now it seems he has come round to the obvious that it is all about the Russians.We really missed an opportunity to instead of trying to build defensive weapons of reducing the stockpiles of arms.There was a time when both sides saw that as a much better way to go.
Re: Stop with the red herring on nuclear power ...

When will this red herring die? Radioactive waste is a general issue for us beyond what is produced by nuclear fission reactors.

France doesn't have a desert like we do (or the Russians, for that matter, among a few, former Soviet Republics).

Actually, this is just more rhetoric. Yucca Mountain has repeatedly been shown it will contain waste for at least 10,000 years, if not longer.

Prof, you make it sound so simple, yet, in reality, this is a complex issue which you have no solution to. As you pointed out in your rant, we are basically "hiding" our nuke waste wherever the public can be in warehouses or in somewhat secured facilities near Military bases.

More power to France for striking a smart deal with Russia. Shipping their shit off to Russia is OBVIOUSLY a better proposition than storing it in the Alps or someplace. We should try to strike a deal with Mexico and send our nuke shit their. Less population. Less development.

The last thing we need is a douchebag president "ordering" the construction of 50 more nuke plants around the country.

I'm not completely opposed to Nuke power because if we move to "electric" transportation someday..we'll need to inject massive amounts of power into the grid and it seems some utilities around the country are already seeing Nuke as a needed option. But, again, it's the "build it first, charge the customer immediately, deal with 'disposal issues' later"...mentality.

Oh, Friday, you should look at the Reno, NV newspaper someday, if you want to. You can read all about the earthquake problems affecting Reno residents. They've had so many earthquakes in Reno people are spooked and they're moving to South Reno...
Re: Stop with the red herring on nuclear power ...

Prof, you make it sound so simple, yet, in reality, this is a complex issue which you have no solution to. As you pointed out in your rant, we are basically "hiding" our nuke waste wherever the public can be in warehouses or in somewhat secured facilities near Military bases.
"the public can be duped"? Obviously you didn't read my post, because we already produce other types of nuclear wastes in industry outside of power generation (or weapons for that matter). The problem is well outside just nuclear fission.

And we've been doing for sixty (60) years. Adding a few more dozen nuclear power plants won't make it any worse, it's already a problem -- a problem Yucca Mountain does very much solve!

The last thing we need is a douchebag president "ordering" the construction of 50 more nuke plants around the country.
Which won't make much of a dent in the nuclear waste we already produce everyday! Again, it's not just power or weapons, it's medical equipment, detection equipment, various home uses, etc... People who think the "waste problem" is limited to power/weapons are just ignorant.

Some newer plant designs can actually re-use old waste. That's because these 3rd generation designs are 50 years ahead of the 1st generation we are currently relying on. I've had this argument over and over, you have to build newer plants to replace the older ones, or they will just keep using the older, less efficient, more dirty ones.

Engineers can't seem to get the ignorant public to recognize this simple fact. If you just prevent people from building new plants, you just get older, less efficient, more dirty ones. And when engineers tell the public that their only alternative is to stop consuming, "we're the bad guys" for pointing out the obvious.

The only "douchebags" are the Presidents who didn't have the guts to tell the public off and move forward. Obama seems to be yet another one of those "douchebags." He has absolutely no solution whatsoever and that's just stupid.

I'm not completely opposed to Nuke power because if we move to "electric" transportation someday..we'll need to inject massive amounts of power into the grid and it seems some utilities around the country are already seeing Nuke as a needed option. But, again, it's the "build it first, charge the customer immediately, deal with 'disposal issues' later"...mentality.
Then turn off your lights and A/C and don't use any power! Seriously, that is the only solution. Until then, stop using this "red herring" as if you care. You obviously don't because you're not only not willing to stop using power, but you're proliferating falsehoods that just aren't remotely true, and preventing progress.

Oh, Friday, you should look at the Reno, NV newspaper someday, if you want to. You can read all about the earthquake problems affecting Reno residents. They've had so many earthquakes in Reno people are spooked and they're moving to South Reno...
Obviously someone doens't know the first thing about geography. ;)
Did you know? Biggest street of Tiblisi is named as George W. Bush Boulevard. lol What a sickness! He's like a god there.

I am living in Tbilisi and I am Georgian. there is little street in my town named as george W Bush and it was named after bush visited our country in 2005. it's not biggest street in Tbilisi and it's not Boulevard. and of course he is not our GOD.
I'm on russia's side against chechnya
Hold on a minute, didnt you people forget were having an abortion debate!!!!!

Where are your manners you dont just get up and leave the table in the middle of a conversation.