Georgian tanks have entered Chechnya


Closed Account
You know whats funny? I just now realized that Georgia is a whole other country. Since the news broke, I was thinking Atlanta, Georgia here in the U.S.A.

LOL, I really need to look at the world map more often.
Don't beat up on yourself - irony is hard to master. Why, even Swift's genius wasn't truly recognized in his time! :)


I'm having a brain fart... Was he the one who wrote 'A Modest Proposal'?
This is about Russia being pissed that Georgia might be part of NATO, about Russia considering these 2 breakaway territories as more Russian then Georgian and about Russia tired of being pushed around. And Georgia foolishly gave Russia the excuse they wanted to show the world that they are back and ready to assert their renewed power over their former territories.
Russia won't conquer Georgia; they aren't stupid. They know the West wouldn't stand for it. But Georgia can kiss those two territories goodbye.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, CNN is reporting the EU has managed to create a cease-fire for now, so they can talk it all out. The only way this is going to end is for Georgia to leave South Ossetia alone. Georgians better hop to that one.
Russia doesn't want a ceasefire. They want to takeover Georgia. This conflict is nothing more than a very Saddam-esque oil grab with Georgia playing the role of Kuwait. The only difference was that Russia orchestrated the Georgians to attack these "separatists" first, thereby giving them the invasion cover they need....

Georgia has control of 3 major oil pipelines? That's a lot of Capital for the Russian Bear to leverage in the future...

We, as a country, better start moving to sugarcane-based ethanol IMMEDIATELY, in the mode of Brazil, and we better do it fast, unless we want $6-$8/gal at the pump in 6 months...
Russia doesn't want a ceasefire. They want to takeover Georgia. This conflict is nothing more than a very Saddam-esque oil grab with Georgia playing the role of Kuwait. The only difference was that Russia orchestrated the Georgians to attack these "separatists" first, thereby giving them the invasion cover they need....

Georgia has control of 3 major oil pipelines? That's a lot of Capital for the Russian Bear to leverage in the future...

We, as a country, better start moving to sugarcane-based ethanol IMMEDIATELY, in the mode of Brazil, and we better do it fast, unless we want $6-$8/gal at the pump in 6 months...

A few points to add and a few places I disagree.Whats happening now is very similar to what happened after the russian revolution in 1917.All the former territories of Czarist Russia which gained independence were eventually absorbed back by the USSR.Not saying its right just that it is not that new of thing for them to think these places are really part of them.
But on the idea of sugar kane based fuel I have to really disagree.First is that its really just not viable for the US,we don't have a very good climate for growing sugar kane,places like Brazil and Cuba do but we don't.2nd is we really need to not think of new things to burn for energy given the damage it does.Much better plan is crash program in nuclear power and hydrogen cars IMO.And unfortunately right now McCain is only one talking nuclear,time for Obama and dems in general to get off the dime and see we nuclear big time and we need it soon.

Edit:Hey look at that,you can click on my sugar kane reference and see some girly pics,COOL!:nanner:
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It's an oil grab powerplay Friday. The Ruskies know we aren't about to do shit about it anyway. We're "hanging out" in Iraq...

Nuclear Power IS NOT AN OPTION until some SAFE process for dealing with the Nuke Waste is solved. France ships its waste to Russia. Our "bright" idea a couple years ago was to bury our nuke shit in a Mountain in Nevada. Hmm. Earthquakes in NV? Probably not a good idea to bury shit in Nevada.

Cane sugar is the correct "bridge" fuel while we can figure out how to do hydrogen or electric transportion....Brazil can export cane ethanol and we can start growing our own in Hawaii, Florida and parts of deep South. We also can stop fucking up our food supply by trying to grow corn for ethanol.

We need a transition fuel....cane sugar is it.
So much for the Russians adhering to that "cease fire." Was there ever a cease fire? The Russian Bear is rolling through Georgia and they know there's nothing anyone can do to stop them.

There's a reason they are putting the stomp on Georgia now...Putin's little puppet, Dubya, is a freaking lame duck. What's Dubya gonna do---pull our troops out of Iraq to move them to Georgia?

Why are we sending aid to Georgia anyway? Dubya sat on his ass while 100000 Americans got displaced during Katrina..and yet we're now able to swoop in with aid for some foreign country we know nothing about?? Does that even make sense?
holy shit! its the Sum of All Fears

staring Ben Affleck and
Morgan Freeman


It's an oil grab powerplay Friday. The Ruskies know we aren't about to do shit about it anyway. We're "hanging out" in Iraq...

Nuclear Power IS NOT AN OPTION until some SAFE process for dealing with the Nuke Waste is solved. France ships its waste to Russia. Our "bright" idea a couple years ago was to bury our nuke shit in a Mountain in Nevada. Hmm. Earthquakes in NV? Probably not a good idea to bury shit in Nevada.

Cane sugar is the correct "bridge" fuel while we can figure out how to do hydrogen or electric transportion....Brazil can export cane ethanol and we can start growing our own in Hawaii, Florida and parts of deep South. We also can stop fucking up our food supply by trying to grow corn for ethanol.

We need a transition fuel....cane sugar is it.

Well we just fundamentally disagree.Nuclear is right now the only option to transistion to a major amount of non Co2 producing energy.Again Kane is not economically viable to be grown here.The land produces corn at much higher yields than it ever would Kane,thats why sugar kane is not already a major crop we grow in the US.And I would add that that Brazil has recently seen a big surge in oil imports even with all the ethanol they produce.Plus the US and Brazil again are very different situations in that they have a climate that can grow Kane well in ,plus their consumption of energy is much lower than the US.
And France has very little nuclear waste now more and more all the time they are getting towards almost totally recycling spent fuel rods.
And Neveda(Yucca Mtn) was great site for the waste,it was nevada politics and presidential politics over nevada that have stopped it.When was last time nevada had an earthquake anyway?
But burning something new is no answer at all IMO.

So much for the Russians adhering to that "cease fire." Was there ever a cease fire? The Russian Bear is rolling through Georgia and they know there's nothing anyone can do to stop them.

There's a reason they are putting the stomp on Georgia now...Putin's little puppet, Dubya, is a freaking lame duck. What's Dubya gonna do---pull our troops out of Iraq to move them to Georgia?

Why are we sending aid to Georgia anyway? Dubya sat on his ass while 100000 Americans got displaced during Katrina..and yet we're now able to swoop in with aid for some foreign country we know nothing about?? Does that even make sense?

Getting involved in Georgia directly would be hi risk and might lead to WW3.It would be like if Texas had broken away from the US a few years ago and now we for whatever reason were looking to regain it or at least make it act in a way we find acceptable and the Russians interfered by sending troops to Texas.We would find that unacceptable.As I mentioned before this is just history repeating as the Russians did this same kind of thing in the 1920s.Whether we like it or not or think it is fair or not we have to decide how far and what risks we are willing to take to discourage it.I personally think any all types of sanctions should be looked at to discourage further aggression on their part,but definately not use of our military.
Last point I would make is the US really has not a lot of moral high ground to be talking about invasions.Unfortunately might does make right in the real world.If a smaller country had done something similar to invading Iraq, the world, the UN would have condemned them and slapped sanctions all over them.But snce it was the 800 lb gorilla doing it (the US) none of that happens.Same goes for Russia to some extent,maybe not as powerfull as they once were but still a big country with Nukes who is trying to reclaim what they feel is their rightfull position in the world.
Corn or other major crop ethanol is not a good solution. The world can barely feed itself. There simply isn't enough arable land now (and there will be less if global warming takes hold).

As for the Russians. I have almost zero problem with them for stopping Georgia from trying to invade South what's it's name. Georgia invaded first, underestimated Russia's resolve and is now paying for it.
Now if they try to take Georgia (which they won't), that would be terrible.
But all they are doing now is rumbling around Georgia at will to try and (imo) discredit the idiot Georgian prez that ordered the ridiculous invasion in the first place. The Russians want him gone. But once the peace talks are over, the Russians will leave Georgia proper. Though not the two breakaway territories, they will probably end up part of Russia; or something similar.
I'll go on record here and predict China over Taiwan after the olympics.

Dammit ! :mad:

I predict china will handle Taiwan the way Hong Kong has been handled.Some autonomy,China has no desire to hurt the good economy of Taiwan just as they did not wish to hurt Hong Kong's.But no doubt that Taiwan is a part of China and of course Taiwan will be expected to pay some taxes into the Chinease treasury.


I predict china will handle Taiwan the way Hong Kong has been handled.Some autonomy,China has no desire to hurt the good economy of Taiwan just as they did not wish to hurt Hong Kong's.But no doubt that Taiwan is a part of China and of course Taiwan will be expected to pay some taxes into the Chinease treasury.

Emphasis "some" ;)


Nuclear Power IS NOT AN OPTION until some SAFE process for dealing with the Nuke Waste is solved. France ships its waste to Russia. Our "bright" idea a couple years ago was to bury our nuke shit in a Mountain in Nevada. Hmm. Earthquakes in NV? Probably not a good idea to bury shit in Nevada.


Today, it's reprocessed more efficiently than you're familiar with !!
Read up on some current material .

LBP said:
Russia won't conquer Georgia; they aren't stupid. They know the West wouldn't stand for it. But Georgia can kiss those two territories goodbye.

Watch !

WTF is the weakling oil dependent west going to do about it ? NOTHING !
There's nothing to calculate here ! It's as easy as 1 2 3.

Georgia is history, IMO. The question really is . . .
Who's next ?

ENTER COLD WAR all over again !
Sure beats being a "useless idiot !"

I hope that we ban the ruskie hockey players . . Stoly wodka and Wolf ammunition !
I predict china will handle Taiwan the way Hong Kong has been handled.Some autonomy,China has no desire to hurt the good economy of Taiwan just as they did not wish to hurt Hong Kong's.But no doubt that Taiwan is a part of China and of course Taiwan will be expected to pay some taxes into the Chinease treasury.

Except Taiwan and it's people vehemently don't want to be part of China. It's military is also more advanced than Georgia is, although it's not as powerful as China's is if for nothing else than sheer numbers. I think some of Taiwan's beaches are the most fortified in the world. I would be surprised if any takeover of Taiwan doesn't get bloody.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Why is there this sudden feeling that ..while yes, the world was a dangerous place.. now it feels as if everyone has the hunch that those countries are going to act on their dangerous desires?

A disturbance in the force, I feel. Bode well this does not.