Not much left of Dany's alliance
Lady Olenna stayed cool until the very end.
Yeah she's awesome. At least she had the last word.
I am still loving the show and books.
One thing in this episode threw me off:
When Bran told Sansa about seeing her on her "wedding day" to Ramsey.
Not cool Bran.
One thing I was thinking that has been proven recently.
The Lannister Army just rolls over the Tyrel army and the Tully army...Trained big armies..but they couldnt take out the Faith of the Seven, a bunch of
guys barely armed and not trained to fight? C'mon, not realistic.
Yeah Cersei was pretty much justified in doing that.
One of the few evil things she's done that was.
Ellaria Sand and her daughters were wrong.
Oberyn volunteered to fight the Mountain Clegane and he lost fair and square.
However, It was the Lannisters who killed Oberyn's sister Elia all those years ago.
So the Lannisters did draw 1st Blood. But Ellaria and the Sand Snakes were no angels.
They had no right to kill Oberyn's brother and they shouldnt have killed Myrcella......then again the Lannisters killed Martell babies so its just
a terrible circle.
Hate to be a fly in the ointment but I have not liked this season so far.
What?! I loved this weeks episode, thought it was awesome.
Sure there were some plotholes and questionable things but who cares, it was fast paced, more Stark reunions Jon still not bending his knee, Bronn saving Jaime once more, Dragons and Fire!
I don't remember if Little Finger was on Arya's list but it would not surprise me if she will use that shiny new dagger on him anytime soon.
I have never seen a more awesome sequence in movies or tv than what I just watched. As battles go, this is a mere skirmish, a raid, but holy sh*t.
And Dany has never looked as beautiful as she did in a hell dive reigning down napalm on her enemies.
Best. Show. Ever.
Love her but even she is not enough to keep watching anymore.
that's too bad. it's gettin realz.