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Game of Thrones


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[...] Bran holds the power. If he can influence the past he can save his dad or save Ros from being target practice.

Yep after eight years the show will be wrapped up with a cheap reset button resolution!

Probably nothing like that. It would be anticlimactic and creates a couple of paradoxes as well. But apart from revealing some things from the past to help the storyline the question remains why he gets so much power and what he will do with it. I dunno but I'm curious to say the least
Bran holds the power. If he can influence the past he can save his dad or save Ros from being target practice.

Bran can't change the past. The raven told him "the ink is dry." All we witnessed in the last episode was Bran's presence in it influencing that which has already happened, not changing what has happened.

The Bran payoff is that he will be strong enough to warg into Drogon to burn all the wights, once Jon Boy has killed the White Walkers cos he a bad ass mofo. Then Jonny marries his Auntie Daenerys.
Bran can't change the past. The raven told him "the ink is dry." All we witnessed in the last episode was Bran's presence in it influencing that which has already happened, not changing what has happened.

The Bran payoff is that he will be strong enough to warg into Drogon to burn all the wights, once Jon Boy has killed the White Walkers cos he a bad ass mofo. Then Jonny marries his Auntie Daenerys.

I figured Bran would at least warg back to season 1 and yell at his stupid self to climb a different tower, thus regaining use of his legs. They can gloss over whatever ramifcations that would have in the story. All I know is Meera sure as hell isn't going to be dragging him around for hundreds of miles.

What's been sorely missing is the scene between Jon Snow and Melisandre where he thanks her for bringing him back to life, she starts to disrobe as he's talking, and they, as Marvin Gaye or was it Conan O'Brien once put it - GET. IT. ON.

Jon Snow, you're her "Chosen One" now. It's kinda like friends with benefits. Enjoy. Oh and one thing, nvm, it's better you don't know.
On topic, can't wait to see what will happen next week with Bran and Meera, what can the 2 of them do against a whole horde of creepy wights. Unless Bran suddenly also has teleporting powers.

And will the Greyjoys team up with Deanarys.

And Little Finger is an asshole, I don't trust him for one bit.

1. Bran and Meera - You may be forgetting that Bran has an Uncle who has been missing (and presumed dead since S1) in the area who might make a (How convenient!) rescue.

2. Greyjoy fleet(s) - Almost certainly will team up with one of them, most likely the one that exists now and is at sea looking for a new home port.

3. Little Finger - Agree, I think he means well but can't stop himself making deals with the devil.
3. Little Finger - Agree, I think he means well but can't stop himself making deals with the devil.

He really doesn't mean well. He's a selfish, cunning, manipulative cunt that wants to rule over all of Westeros and doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
and then there was two? I figure when there's only one direwolf left it gains great power like Highlander.

There's also the theory that Shaggydog might be alive.
He really doesn't mean well. He's a selfish, cunning, manipulative cunt that wants to rule over all of Westeros and doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

Pretty much, although I can't shake the feeling he cares for Sansa. In what way and to what extent I won't venture to guess, but he seems to care. I wonder where he'll march the Vale forces following Sansa's refusal of aid. I'm sure they will end up at Winterfell, but are they just going to loiter around until then?

There's also the theory that Shaggydog might be alive.

I don't think much of this theory. If I understand, it's based on the apparent size of the decapitated head and a lot of conspiracy-type speculation. Could it be true? Yes, but sometimes the obvious conclusion is the right one.

and then there was two? I figure when there's only one direwolf left it gains great power like Highlander.

According to something I read, that's basically what Nymeria is right now. I mean, she doesn't gather strength from the death of her siblings, but she's an alpha among common wolves. We haven't seen her since S1, but supposedly she is leading a super pack (forgive the political sounding homophone) of wolves in the Riverlands. Supposedly. At least, in the books. Who knows what will happen in the show.

On a side note, I guess Sam will be meeting up with some walkers soon. He'll need that sword to kill them later on. Kind of an obvious plot device.

And not for nothing, but Elena Powell has unbelievably awesome tits.


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Pretty much, although I can't shake the feeling he cares for Sansa. In what way and to what extent I won't venture to guess, but he seems to care. I wonder where he'll march the Vale forces following Sansa's refusal of aid. I'm sure they will end up at Winterfell, but are they just going to loiter around until then?

I think Sansa and Jon will need him and the Vale army after all.
Since Jamie will be going to the Riverlands, that means the Blackfish can't go north and help retake Winterfell.
But we'll see. Lots of battles to look forward to though.

I'm disliking the High Sparrow more and more although he's clever and knows who to manipulate.

And where will Sam go, I thought the Citadel where they train measters, does not allow women, I don't see him going back to the Wall.

I think Arya will kill the Waif soon with her little needle and then what, back to Westeros perhaps.

So far I really like this season!
Sam's dad has to be the biggest asshole in Westeros. What could have Sam possibly done to deserve that kind of disdain? His mom and sister seem like nice and reasonable folks.

And bless Gilly's wildling heart for sticking up for Sam like that. I like her.

Your character is what makes you noble.
Jaime's heading to Riverrun. Brienne's heading to Riverrun. I'm scared. If they fight, it doesn't end well for Jaime.

I've lost track of 'magic' swords. Jon's got one, Brienne's got one, Sam's got one now. Does Jaime have one? Anyone else? Are there only three White Walkers left?
Jaime doesn't - the one that Tywin gave to him from the melting of Ice, he gave to Brienne and she named it Oathkeeper. I forget what's happened to "Hearteater" since Joff had his spot of dry pie.

All the "great houses" of Westeros once had a Valerian steel sword but I'm not 100% what constituted a great house or who still has theirs. I'll be shocked if there wasn't one at Riverrun at least prior to Frey occupation (Tullys lords of the Riverlands) or at Dragonstone and/or Storm's End (whoever the fuck currently holds them) prior to the Baratheon boys turning each other, and I've got to assume there's still one at The Vale and one at Highgarden. Given that Dorne was the kingdom that famously never bowed to the Iron Throne and was left to rule itself, I'm equally convinced the Martells didn't have one.
Jaime doesn't - the one that Tywin gave to him from the melting of Ice, he gave to Brienne and she named it Oathkeeper. I forget what's happened to "Hearteater" since Joff had his spot of dry pie.

All the "great houses" of Westeros once had a Valerian steel sword but I'm not 100% what constituted a great house or who still has theirs. I'll be shocked if there wasn't one at Riverrun at least prior to Frey occupation (Tullys lords of the Riverlands) or at Dragonstone and/or Storm's End (whoever the fuck currently holds them) prior to the Baratheon boys turning each other, and I've got to assume there's still one at The Vale and one at Highgarden. Given that Dorne was the kingdom that famously never bowed to the Iron Throne and was left to rule itself, I'm equally convinced the Martells didn't have one.

Thanks for the reply. Are the swords known to be good against any other supernatural creatures other than the White Walkers?
There's at least one more blade that's definitely in existence in show-Westeros (as opposed to book-Westeros) that we already saw - Littlefinger's dagger used in the attempt on Bran Stark's life in the first series.

Are the swords known to be good against any other supernatural creatures other than the White Walkers?

Possibly. It's magic, Martin has been quoted as saying the metal has magical properties. Valyrian steel is basically "dragonsteel" the same way Obsidian is "dragonglass." Steel forged in Valyria with dragon fire prior to the Targaryens fleeing for Dragonstone and The Doom. Dragons being magical creatures.

Of course you all know by Hearteater earlier I meant Widows Wail, Hearteater was Joff's previous sword.

And also by "Valerian" I meant "Valyrian." Must have been momentarily confused and thinking about Susan Richards' daughter. This "Doom" talk will do that. (Secret Wars joke, well done me)


Hiliary 2020
The Hound!!!!!!!!
Lot of cliffhangers last night.
Don't know how Arya gonna survive that crap.
I think Sansa is writing to The Vale for help.
I didn't know House Mormont was lead by a little girl.
I have no Idea how the Lannisters at River Run against Black Fish and the Tullys is gonna play out but Jaimie is on the wrong side. He's really in a tough spot. They had to get rid of Rob Stark way back when as a matter of survival but they are really on the bad side. If only Ned told King Robert thanks but no thanks.
Brienne is not gonna like that when she finds out.
Marjaery as I suspected is playing Tommen and The High Preist, good for her.
I loved how Ollena told Sersi off, so stone cold too. Threw it in her face that this is all her fault.
Don't know how Arya gonna survive that crap.

Reckon she'll stumble upon those actors again and they'll save her since she saved the lead actress from the poison (that she put there, oops).

I think Sansa is writing to The Vale for help.

She is. Silly cow. Better pray that raven doesn't get shot down by someone loyal to Ramsey.

If only Ned told King Robert thanks but no thanks.

This whole war and the thousands that have died can all be traced back to Jon Arryn snooping around into Jaime and Cersei's spot of twincest. So Baelish persuaded Lysa to poison him. What a snowball.

I have no Idea how the Lannisters at River Run against Black Fish and the Tullys is gonna play out but Jaimie is on the wrong side.

Jaime's on the right side for him. He's doing what he thinks is right for his family. He's one of the most noble characters in terms of "doing right" from his perspective. If you pretend that blonde he loves fucking so much isn't his sister. Oops.

Marjaery as I suspected is playing Tommen and The High Preist, good for her.

I'm glad Cersei has so much faith in reanimated Mountain, because whatever army is left in Kings Landing is soon going to look out the window and see the entire Reach is coming knocking.

I'm joking of course. The Mountain is going to be killed again in #CLEGANEBOWL.

Between (I estimate) The Reach marching, the Iron fleet mobilized, the civil war about to kick off in The North (with The Vale involved), Dany planning to cross the sea with her Khalessar (when she smashes the Ironborn and steals their ships)..... there's going to be a kicking-off that makes The Battle Of Five Armies look like the Pink and Yellow Rangers running into a few putty patrollers on their way back from the juice bar.
I liked the scene between Theon and his sister in the brothel. And how cruel is that, bringing Theon to a brothel? Other than maybe cutting off his dick in the first place.

But I like the line where she says "If you're not going to come back, take this knife, slit your wrists and end it." Or when she says "We will get justice for you" and Theon replies "If I got justice, my charred body would be hanging from the gate at Winterfell." then she says "then fuck justice. We'll get revenge." I'm paraphrasing all this of course, but it was a powerful scene between the two.

And Fray's army seems totally inept. That scene where they threatened to slit Edmure's throat then don't go through with it came off like a Monty Python bit.

And I liked the Hound scenes. And I liked that pastor guy who talked about it never being too late to do good in the world and to help people. I was like, wow, a refreshing ray of sunshine and hope in the world. Sure enough, 5 minutes later, his flock was butchered and he was hanging from a post. Thanks for once again crushing our souls, Martin :thumbsup: