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Game of Thrones


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Yeah, I'd hit it.
It goes without saying.... I've had worse. I've nearly always had worse.

I wonder who I'd take if I could have ANY lady from Thrones? I saw a recent pic of [nobabe]Sophie Turner[/nobabe] (Sansa) and it must be said, I think she will become a very beautiful woman given a couple more years.

Apropos of nothing, I'm watching Blackwater right now, and am reminded of a brilliant Cersei line.

If it were anyone else outside those gates, I might have hoped for a private audience, but this is Stannis Baratheon. I'd have a better chance seducing his horse.


Official Checked Star Member
I'm getting more and more disappointed with the show adaption. I feel like the writers have fucked up every female character but Arya, Shae and Dani. Everyone else is put into the show as all the tropes they where written to subvert which was totally unnecessary, esp Cat Stark who has some amazing stuff coming up which they will probably fuck up and do the opposite of what it was about too :/ Oh well. At least it's pretty!

Spoilers for last ep: Damn that scene with Brienne and the bear. I was sooooo terrified for her, even though I knew what was going to happen. She's the best.

Jesus Christ, is that an understatement.

Martin's got two books left to write - or more than likely the producers will create the episodes of the show which would have been the end of the novels' story since I expect him to die before he finishes - and I'm terrified that at least one of my three favourite characters from Dance will not be alive at the end. AT LEAST one.

I'm terrified for all my favs, esp considering how long they've lived in the books. One of them appears to be happy which isn't a good sign :p

If my memory serves me correctly, Martin said once that he has sketched the ending just in case something happens to him.

I heard he gave the whole plotline to the show runners. He already admitted he lost the passion for writing, which I think you can tell from the last books. I don't think he will ever finish them.
Crap, now I'm starting to like Jaime. A Lannister always pays his debts and Jaime came thru in spades.

I've tried to find the most sympathetic character in the series who I could truly root for and I'd have to say it's Brienne. Her starting center in the WNBA looks aside, I think she's the most honorable and noblist character thus far and she has a nice ass.

Speaking of ass, this last episode had to have broken some kind of record. I just wish we would've gotten a beaver shot of Jeyne Stark as she lay naked on her stomach for a good 5 minutes. Instead, we get a bear being poked in a pit.
I just wish we would've gotten a beaver shot of Jeyne Stark as she lay naked on her stomach for a good 5 minutes.

Queen Talisa, for the non-book people, although I'm sure they all guessed who you were referring to. Personally "Talisa" is a little too close to "Tulisa" and reminds me too much of a talentless gutterslut from an appalling ITV talent show, her ludicrous ex and her obnoxious cousin with his ridiculous hat, so I only refer to her as Nurse Bint, or I suppose now Queen Bint would be more applicable. Who'd have thought Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter would turn out so lush.

Just in case anybody was interested, here are the differences between the televised version of Robb's romance storyline and the book version. Well, not all the televised version, you already know that, but the bits that are relevant to illustrate the differences. It's actually the arc I'm most pissed off about them changing as I think it really dents Robb's character in terms of intelligence and likeability.

In the series the flames ignite between Robb and the nurse Talisa when Robb goes to The Crag - keep of House Westerling, loyal to the Lannisters - to accept their surrender, and Talisa goes with him for medical supplies, and one thing leads to another. Important differences :

(1) The obvious sexual tension and development of their relationship from icy beginnings to the fire of passion (see what I did there?) plays out in front of the viewers.
(2) Cat has not left Robb's camp once, has actually seen the obvious attraction between the two and warned Robb of the oath he took, and after he fucks Nurse Bint she reminds him a second time in advance of the wedding.
(3) Robb is much older than he is in the book.
(4) At this point in the show, they don't really know if Bran & Rickon are dead or just unaccounted for. Yes, this is relevant.

In the book Robb goes with his men to storm The Crag and though victorious, Robb is injured when he takes an arrow. In the aftermath, the eldest daughter of Lord Gawen Westerling, Jeyne, takes care of Robb's wounds. Later on Robb receives word that Theon has killed his younger brothers and is obviously devastated. Jeyne comforts the Young Wolf, and one thing leads to another. Soon after Robb does the honourable thing and marries her - he's his father's son, isn't he? - and then takes her back to Riverrun to meet the Tullys.

(1) In the books, we only ever read Catelyn's viewpoint. It was Riverrun that Cat set Jaime free from, and was awaiting the King's return to see what punishment she would receive for what the Karstarks called treason. Robb literally arrives to the news of what's happened and confines his mother to her quarters. At this point he drops the bomb and introduces the Westerlings, including his wife. Cat realizes Robb has not given her a harsher punishment because he too has been guilty of an error of judgment and doesn't want her to chastise him.
(2) Robb had received no timely reminder of his vow to the Freys when he shagged Jeyne, as he received in the show.
(3) Robb in the book is only 16 when he screws and summarily marries Jeyne, trying to be honourable like his father.
(4) Robb's grief over losing his brothers was a massive part of Jeyne consoling him and the two ending up in bed.
(5) Jeyne doesn't go to The Twins for his uncle Edmure's wedding as Talisa is doing in the show, nor did Jeyne tell Robb she was pregnant. They're taking all manner of liberties there.

In terms of what Jeyne is like, she is described as shy, slender, pretty, with chestnut curls, a heart-shaped face and brown eyes. "Pretty enough for a child, but not a girl to lose a kingdom for" in the thoughts of one of the characters. Bit different from Nurse Bint obviously, who is exotic, brassy and fit as a butcher's dog.


Robb, Jeyne and Grey Wind.

OK, the age difference needed to be in, all the younger characters needed aging for certain roles, Dany especially. And I understand that they wanted something more visible in terms of Robb's romance, and probably didn't want to have to create a set for The Crag or film any of the battles. Maybe they didn't want to have to stick an arrow in Richard Madden, LOL. But by taking away Robb's injury and grief and adding in his mother's repeated warnings, they've made him look a moron that thinks with his cock.

There is also a continuity error in that in s1 when they cross the Trident Cat says "Lord Walder has granted you crossing. His men are yours as well, less the four hundred he will keep here to hold the Crossing against any who would pursue you." There has been no mention of the Frey men going home, yet Robb has been talking about having to make amends in order to gain Lord Walder's army. For anyone paying attention, they'd think he had them already. Not everybody would make the assumption that they fucked off after Robb's wedding (though this is made explicit in the book). To be honest, they haven't really made anything of the Freys. Anyone would think it was only Stark, Karstark and Bolton men in the field with Tullys guarding the Riverlands. Freys fought with Robb in every battle, the eldest son and heir to The Twins died for Robb, Black Walder was one of the ones that scaled the walls in taking The Crag to begin with. Losing them was massive.

So yeah, they've messed around with Robb's arc far too much for my liking. Little differences that make no sense, like it being The Mountain's men that Edmure turned back rather than merely delaying. In the book it was Tywin Lannister himself that Edmure was meant to stall to allow Robb to fuck in the rear, and by driving the main Lannister force back, Edmure actually allowed Tywin to learn of Stannis' attack on King's Landing, so not only did he ruin Robb's plan to defeat the Lannisters in the field, he also unwittingly allowed them to head to King's Landing (meeting up with the Tyrells on the way) and preserve it for Joffrey. You dumb fuck. Edmure.
Queen Talisa, for the non-book people, although I'm sure they all guessed who you were referring to.

Yeah I caught that but it was too late for me to edit. Non-book reader here so when I look up characters' names it's "Robb Stark's wife" via google.

This show continues to impress and I'm seriously tempted to just jump in and read the books already.

For instance, Jaime Lannister. You hate him for what he did in season 1 and he's basically a contemptible character from that point on. But then in recent episodes he's become a bit of a sympathetic figure to this last episode where he does something completely heroic and selfless in saving Brienne (who deserves better than death by bear mauling). He jumps into a bear pit with no weapon, one good hand and no plan other than to stand between her and the bear. Fuckin' awesome.
Yeah I caught that but it was too late for me to edit. Non-book reader here so when I look up characters' names it's "Robb Stark's wife" via google.

I'd knock Google on the head for Thrones to be honest. If you do a Google Images search for one of the characters names (and only their name) for instance you'll see pictures depicting their death. Yes, a character that is still alive in the show. You really dont want to stumble upon a death, wedding or someone being from a different family than you think just from an innocent Google search.

For instance, Jaime Lannister. You hate him for what he did in season 1 and he's basically a contemptible character from that point on. But then in recent episodes he's become a bit of a sympathetic figure to this last episode where he does something completely heroic and selfless in saving Brienne (who deserves better than death by bear mauling). He jumps into a bear pit with no weapon, one good hand and no plan other than to stand between her and the bear. Fuckin' awesome.

I hope this isn't too near to being a spoiler, but this is not the last "good on you, Jaime lad" moment by far.


Yes, Oona is a bit on the gorge side.


Her mother is Geraldine Chaplin who is a terrific and accomplished actress (and daughter of Charlie Chaplin), and one of the stars of my all-time favorite movies - The Three Musketeers and The Four Musketeers (1974). I've seen interviews she gave and found her to be a fascinating and intoxicating woman.
It looks like the House of Martell of Dorne will be in season 4.

Given what happens at the end of Blood And Gold, never mind A Feast For Crows, it would have been bloody hard to do it without them.

For non-book people who want an idea of where Dorne is and who the Martells are, so you don't just think "who are these then?" when they show up :

Dorne is the southern-most of the Seven Kingdoms. It's pretty much entirely hot and sandy with some mountains. It's the only Kingdom that Aegon (Targaryen) the Conquerer did not take because his army was bled dry by guerrilla warfare in the desert, a situation in which his dragons were of little use. Deciding that conquering Dorne would be too costly, the Conqueror opted to leave the Martells as sovereign princes. House Martell kept Dorne independent from the Targaryens for two centuries. Dorne is still ruled by a "Prince" rather than a lord and they pretty much keep themselves to themselves, even though the Martells do rule in the King's name. They eventually joined the Seven Kingdoms after a further two failed attempts at conquest, via a marriage pact that saw Prince (later King) Daeron Targaryen marry Myriah Martell and his sister Daenerys marry Maron Martell, as well as the Martells helping King Daeron crush the rebellion by his bastard half-brother, Daemon Blackfyre. (bastard of Aegon and his cousin Daena, oooh those Targaryens and their incest) The food is exotic by comparison to the rest of Westeros and very spicy, cooked with chilli / "fire peppers" a lot of the time. The capital of Dorne is Sunspear. Bastards in the kingdom of Dorne are given the surname of Sand. The people of Dorne are always described as olive skinned with dark hair and eyes, hot-blooded and like a good shag, and for some reason I always imagine them to resemble Anglo-Indian or Indian-American in skin tone and features. (This is probably though because I used to have a big crush on a half-Indian girl, and the book clearly wants the male reader to crush on Arianne Martell.)

Dorne has been mentioned a few times in the show :

Osha says "There ain't no White Walkers down in Dorne" just before being taken by Robb & Theon in the woods.
Tyrion says "The whores would do begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock" at the notion that he take the black.
Yoren asks Tyrion what the strangest thing he's ever eaten is and he replies "Do Dornish girls count?" * :rofl:
..... and of course in s2 Tyrion brokers a marriage pact to attempt to strengthen the Lannisters position which involves Princess Myrcella going away to Dorne to be a ward of House Martell.

* This may also be the link in my mind to the Indian thing. Indian girls taste slightly metallic, a friend and I agree. TMI, I'm sure.

House Martell are the rules of Dorne. Their sigil is a golden spear piercing a red sun, on an orange background. Their words are "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken." The patriarch is Prince Doran Martell. He's thoughtful and wise although knocking on in years and suffering from gout. He has three children - sons Quentyn and Trystane (who Myrcella is bethrothed to) and daughter Arianne. His wife is Mellario of Norvos, although they appear to live pretty separate lives. He also has one surviving younger brother, Oberyn, called the Red Viper for his tendancy to poison the blades of his weapons before combat. He's also an absolute pervert. He has eight bastard daughters referred to as "The Sand Snakes" four of which are born of his paramour, Ellaria Sand. They are ridiculously randy and have threesomes, and it's also said that Oberyn beds boys as well.

The most important thing to know about the Martells is why they hate the Lannisters. (They and the Tyrells also hate each other due to lengthy wars past between Dorne and The Reach)

Princess Mellario and Joanna Lannister were once friends, and wanted their children to marry one day. When Oberyn Martell and his sister Elia were 16 and 15 they travelled to Casterly Rock to fulfill this wish. Unfortunately Lady Joanna had died giving birth to Tyrion and so Lord Tywin in his grief ignored the Martells for the first few weeks, which the proud house viewed as a slight. When he did address them, he offered to marry Tyrion to Elia, rather than Cersei to Oberyn as the Martells had hoped for. As I may have mentioned, Tywin and Cersei both were hoping that she would be wed to Rhaegar Targaryen. Ultimately, it was Elia that ended up wed to Rhaegar (worth remembering at this time Rhaegar had no sisters he could marry). It is unknown whether the Martells did this to spite Lord Tywin on purpose, or just because they wanted to join their house to the royal family, but it's just about the worst thing they could have done, given that Lord Tywin and the Mad King Aerys had fallen out over many things, most notably appointing Jaime to the Kingsguard and robbing Tywin of his son and heir.

At the sack of King's Landing during Robert's Rebellion, the Mountain and his men stormed Elia's bedchamber. Amory Lorch grabbed the screaming infant Princess Rhaenys from under the bed and stabbed her "more than half a hundred times." The Mountain himself killed the baby Aegon by smashing his skull against the wall, then he raped Elia with the baby's blood and brains still on his hands. Then he killed her. Tywin Lannister presented the bodies of Elia and her children to Robert in the Red Keep, wrapped in cloaks of Lannister red.

.... and that's why the Martells loathe the Lannisters, as mentioned by Tyrion to Pycelle in the last series.

Just because I like ending a wall of text with a pretty picture, I have decided to include a picture of Princess Arianne Martell. There is one featured on Martin's official site (which suggest his endorsement as to what she might look like) but I think I prefer this one.


Anyway, re : the store. This is what you want.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
i prefer.......

There's just soooo much ass to choose from on this show. I just need a half hour with one of them in an isolated cave and I'll be good. :thumbsup: However I would like to leave that cave with my dick intact. :D
Is that emboldening an attempt to summon zdenka to the thread??

I still haven't decided which Thrones girl I like most, although given that I'm sworn to House Targaryen, that would make Dany a relative of mine. Which as a Targaryen, practically guarantees I should fuck her.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
You know a show is badass when you are still disturbed and shell shocked a week later. Man Theons' torture scene has still gotten to me. Very well acted. Maybe its because I could never live without my "Most precious part." :D Being flayed would just fucking suck though. :(