Friday the 13th (2009) remake

so I guess John Carpenters other movie "The Thing" sucked more than the original, huh?

nope. this is one of those few exceptions proving the rule. a really great one cause it was more than just a remake and it tooks the story into a slightly different genre so you still can enjoy both films.

vice versa, all remakes of carpenter i've seen (the fog, assault on precinct 13) sucked. especially "the fog" remake was a big disappointment.
Don't forget Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, The Bourne Identity, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Mummy, The Blob, The Fly, The Departed, Scarface, Four Brothers, Gone in Sixty Seconds, The Grudge, The Hills Have Eyes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I Am Legend, The Jackal, King Kong, Little Shop of Horrors, Cape Fear, Bedazzled, The Omen, Ocean's Eleven, The Ring, Sweet November, The Lake House, Fatal Attraction, True Lies.

don't tempt me to list all those bad remakes.

and KING KONG by jackson.. as nice as the effects were.. was crap (in my eyes). (to me) "the omen" was crap as original so was the remake. a very cheap ripoff from the idea of "the exorcist"
don't tempt me to list all those bad remakes.

and KING KONG by jackson.. as nice as the effects were.. was crap (in my eyes). (to me) "the omen" was crap as original so was the remake. a very cheap ripoff from the idea of "the exorcist"

One man's trash is another man's treasure.:cool:
all remakes of carpenter i've seen (the fog, assault on precinct 13) sucked. especially "the fog" remake was a big disappointment.

I cant believe people actually still mention Tom Welling for Superman after the remake of the Fog was released. :rolleyes:
I cant believe people actually still mention Tom Welling for Superman after the remake of the Fog was released. :rolleyes:
I don't think it was so much Tom Welling but rather the whole movie. He's fine on Smallville and he wasn't that bad in Cheaper by the Dozen. I don't think you would ever see him playing Superman in a movie anyway, he doesn't show up to promote Smallville anymore and I don't think he wants to sign a new contract when his runs out this season.
What was wrong with the remake of Bedazzled???It had Elizabeth Hurley in sexy outfits.Not nude admittedly but still sexy.
I loved that movie. If the Devil looks like that then I want to go to Hell.:cool:
Hollywood says:

"Why bother with new material when theres other films out there just waiting to be remade/re-imaged!"

And for anyone who didnt particularly care for the other Friday the 13th films, I dont expect this one to suddenly change your mind. That's the beauty of the Friday the 13th films, essentially ... Paramount remade the same film over and over again. Adding just enough to differentiate each sequel from the previous flick, and when the series did make take some bold new directions, it sucked. And those are the ones that fans of the series rank at the bottom (IE Manhattan, Goes to Hell, Jason X).

I personally enjoyed the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Although it doesnt hold a fucking candle to the 1974 original, I appreciated FINALLY getting a decent TCM movie. Being that outside of Tobe Hooper's followup, I didnt particularly care for TCM III, and The Next Generation (but who the fuck would with that inhumane piece of shit?).

As far as the They Live remake ... yeah .. not too excited about that one. Same goes for another The Fly remake, or yet one more The Thing remake/reimaging (damn the Thing is getting as bad as Invasion of the Body Snatchers in that respect). But with Friday the 13th, theres DEFINATELY room for improvement. Especially after some of the last 2-3 sequels.

Truth be told I enjoyed TCM: The Begining more than the remake. In fact, I liek it more than any of the TCM sequels. Of course, it cannot touch the original.

As for the Friday films, I enjoyed Jason X a lot. JGTH was decent, but Jason Takes Manhattan is one of the stupidest sequels in slasher history.

I love horror movies I don't think it will be as good as the Halloween remake but I will still go see it in hopes they do it justice! I am surprised they kept to all the cheesy teenagers having sex in the woods! LOL

Can't have an F13 film w/out them horny teens! :1orglaugh


Closed Account
I take remakes for what they are just hope that this moive does not have the texas re make feel too it if so i probley walk out of the theater.
I don't think it was so much Tom Welling but rather the whole movie. He's fine on Smallville and he wasn't that bad in Cheaper by the Dozen. I don't think you would ever see him playing Superman in a movie anyway, he doesn't show up to promote Smallville anymore and I don't think he wants to sign a new contract when his runs out this season.

I dont know, I've just never considered him to be that good of an actor. He's atleast competent on Smallville. Though thats the one Superman related show I only watch on occasion (IE extremely bored), and am generally not a fan of. However, I do remember him being nomited for a razzie award due to the remake of "The Fog". Which really isnt un-deserved. :D

Master_Gio said:
As for the Friday films, I enjoyed Jason X a lot. JGTH was decent, but Jason Takes Manhattan is one of the stupidest sequels in slasher history.

I will agree that Jason X, and Jason goes to hell had their moments. But yeah, JTM is just a big pile of vomit. And I say this despite it being one of, if not the first film Kelly Hu was in.
Bumping this baby back up, and heres some TV spots.

Also, I HIGHLY recommend the recently released, "His name was Jason" DVD for any fan of the series. Extremely informative on the history of Jason and the Friday the 13th franchise. :thumbsup:

Agreed. That docu was good, and the extras are even better! :thumbsup:


Closed Account
i herd he runs in this moive just fair warning now. also as long as it does not feel too much like the texas chainsaw remake it sould be okay and some good fun.