remakes are born to suck. the exception proves the rule.
so I guess John Carpenters other movie "The Thing" sucked more than the original, huh?
remakes are born to suck. the exception proves the rule.
I dont know about that. They are re-making "They Live" and im quite pissed about that cus the original was just fine.
so I guess John Carpenters other movie "The Thing" sucked more than the original, huh?
Hollywood says:Another one? So, this will be the same just with new actors?
Just like Karate Kid.
Why can't anyone think of something new? :dunno:
Hollywood says:
"Why bother with new material when theres other films out there just waiting to be remade/re-imaged!"
I think another reason we see so many remakes these days is due to DVD sales as well. Think about it. What happens alot when a remake is about to hit theaters? The original gets a Special Edition. So not only does the film get name recognition upon it's release, but theres also money being made from the original via a SE, added with the theatrical release of the remake, and then a few months later ... the remake making it's way to DVD.Apparently.They did a horrible job with the Dukes of Hazzard movie.
I can see why there are a lot of comic book movies now.
No one in Hollywood seems to have a coherent thought.
I have my own characters. But, I refuse to have them bastardized by the hacks in Hollywood.
so I guess John Carpenters other movie "The Thing" sucked more than the original, huh?
The work doesn't match up. The backbone to movie is not strong enough as the neck. The original movie is priceless. There is always someone out there trying to take advantage of someone and mess things up. It's a crooked re-make