Friday the 13th (2009) remake

Will E Worm

Another one? So, this will be the same just with new actors? :rolleyes:

I dont know about that. They are re-making "They Live" and im quite pissed about that cus the original was just fine.

Just like Karate Kid.

Why can't anyone think of something new? :dunno:
they might as well since they are starting to, but there is not enough said. maybe its because they think they already cannot do a thing about it. now that someone expressed there state of mind towards them any ordinary flock of seagulls can make it happen. they have been letting so much garbage get through to the other side of the budget cut its depressing how many people get ripped off. I think they should but they won't. If they do it wouldn't be worth it. okay, you may have a hand full of good movies but at the moment they release the new ones they don't care anymore. oh, what a difference it would make to complete the roll. unfortunately some people take things too seriously and then expect others to do the same or to loosen up. What goes on is a process of elimination.
so I guess John Carpenters other movie "The Thing" sucked more than the original, huh?

Don't forget Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, The Bourne Identity, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Mummy, The Blob, The Fly, The Departed, Scarface, Four Brothers, Gone in Sixty Seconds, The Grudge, The Hills Have Eyes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I Am Legend, The Jackal, King Kong, Little Shop of Horrors, Cape Fear, Bedazzled, The Omen, Ocean's Eleven, The Ring, Sweet November, The Lake House, Fatal Attraction, True Lies.
Another one? So, this will be the same just with new actors? :rolleyes:

Just like Karate Kid.

Why can't anyone think of something new? :dunno:
Hollywood says:

"Why bother with new material when theres other films out there just waiting to be remade/re-imaged!"

And for anyone who didnt particularly care for the other Friday the 13th films, I dont expect this one to suddenly change your mind. That's the beauty of the Friday the 13th films, essentially ... Paramount remade the same film over and over again. Adding just enough to differentiate each sequel from the previous flick, and when the series did make take some bold new directions, it sucked. And those are the ones that fans of the series rank at the bottom (IE Manhattan, Goes to Hell, Jason X).

I personally enjoyed the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Although it doesnt hold a fucking candle to the 1974 original, I appreciated FINALLY getting a decent TCM movie. Being that outside of Tobe Hooper's followup, I didnt particularly care for TCM III, and The Next Generation (but who the fuck would with that inhumane piece of shit?).

As far as the They Live remake ... yeah .. not too excited about that one. Same goes for another The Fly remake, or yet one more The Thing remake/reimaging (damn the Thing is getting as bad as Invasion of the Body Snatchers in that respect). But with Friday the 13th, theres DEFINATELY room for improvement. Especially after some of the last 2-3 sequels.

Will E Worm

Hollywood says:

"Why bother with new material when theres other films out there just waiting to be remade/re-imaged!"

Apparently. :rolleyes: They did a horrible job with the Dukes of Hazzard movie.

I can see why there are a lot of comic book movies now.

No one in Hollywood seems to have a coherent thought.

I have my own characters. But, I refuse to have them bastardized by the hacks in Hollywood.
Apparently. :rolleyes: They did a horrible job with the Dukes of Hazzard movie.

I can see why there are a lot of comic book movies now.

No one in Hollywood seems to have a coherent thought.

I have my own characters. But, I refuse to have them bastardized by the hacks in Hollywood.
I think another reason we see so many remakes these days is due to DVD sales as well. Think about it. What happens alot when a remake is about to hit theaters? The original gets a Special Edition. So not only does the film get name recognition upon it's release, but theres also money being made from the original via a SE, added with the theatrical release of the remake, and then a few months later ... the remake making it's way to DVD.

Not a bad way for a studio to add to it's bottom line.
okay, I'm sure everybody has sometimes saw on t.v how can they take an image and update to what you would look like in present day. What if they took all the character and updated them to look how they would look present day and had them running around in a new movie. It would look real and you could throw graphics into it. Or keep it the same which is what I prefer. It would just come off as being more surreal if the background was not effected but only the Characters were.
The work doesn't match up. The backbone to movie is not strong enough as the neck. The original movie is priceless. There is always someone out there trying to take advantage of someone and mess things up. It's a crooked re-make
The work doesn't match up. The backbone to movie is not strong enough as the neck. The original movie is priceless. There is always someone out there trying to take advantage of someone and mess things up. It's a crooked re-make

i agree. Hollywood can't come up with anything original. They're even remaking A Nightmare on Elm St. Fucking bastards.

The new Ft13th series will bomb. This is not the 80s anymore, you cannot recreate what happened in that awesome decade. Hollywood is shit and should just give up.

It's just too bad that there are little shits out there who wish they were us (the 80s generation) and want to experience 80s entertainment. Some1 needs to tell these little runts that they are not us and never will be no matter how hard they try. Stupid little pricks. They have their American Idol and Hannah Montana 2000s entertainment. They should stick to that and stay away from our shit.