We finally found out what happened to ChefChiTown once and for all. It seems Becks got a little forgetful and he wasn’t fed while in the basement for a couple of months. When asked about it Becks said that when somebody has to go out and capture members of her harem all the time sometimes you get a “whoops” moment like that and it’s best just to focus on all the other members you have left. She even said she has an eye out for certain members of Freeones.
Senob recently went out and stole a large baseball scoreboard from a local field to put up as one of the walls in a room in his house. Instead of scores though he has a very large countdown clock on it. Nobody could figure out what it was for until somebody noticed that the clock finally counts down on the exact moment of Hannah Montana’s 18th birthday.
Roald came up with a new idea for a porn movie. With porn running out of ideas and with nowhere else to go he thought of a new direction that hadn’t been done before while going though some of his collection. Out of thousands of movies and tens of thousands of hours of scenes he came up with an idea to edit some things into a full 72-hour compilation. He heard how some people love the money shot and was just going to do a whole collection with nothing but that. Unfortunately his software had a glitch in it and it only put together the part of the scenes a couple of seconds before what he wanted. Before he knew what happened and could changed it, he released to the public a full 72 hours of nothing but various grimaces that the men’s faces had pre ejaculation. It is calculated to go down in history as the worst selling porn movie ever.
Dr.Death hasn’t been on the board as much as he used to. He has stated that he is taking extra time now to create a signature with more effective subliminal messages and hypnotic control built into it. He thinks that Freeones is the gateway to world domination and if he could control Freeones it would make his job easier.
Christmas_Ape decided to leave Freeones. Now legend has it that in the darkest most quiet part of the night, if you listen very carefully, you can still hear the sad uncontrolled lamenting of Mindy Shine in the halls of the Freeones complex.
LadyLove has been a little agitated at work. At first some people though it might just have been the work getting too her, but later it was found out somebody switched her normal coffee with decaffeinated.
As some people might have known BNF has been into fitness and bodybuilding throughout portions of his life. When asked if he did it because it made him healthy he surprisingly said no. We then asked him if he did it for the women and again the answer was no. Then we though for sure it had to be because it made him strong, but again he surprised us by saying that wasn’t it either. Finally he admitted that he did it mainly because it gave him a good excuse to shave his legs.
Dave_Rhino has said not to worry if he ever gets banned from this place. He knows a follower of his named Dan_Hippo that likes to use a bottle of Jagermeister is his avatar that will surely take up where he left off.