Fox Media Bias Thread

"In the United States, Fox News Channel has been rated as the cable news network with the largest number of regular viewers"

("The State of the News Media 2008". Project for Excellence in Journalism. 2008)

Just the facts Ma'am, just the facts!
FNC used to be good for LULZ before the last election.

What's followed since that night can only be classified as the biggest DUMMY-SPIT since ADOLF went all ' VICTIMOLOGY ' on the JEWS !!!!!

I hate to say i wish death upon ANYONE , but there shant be any tears from me the day messers O'RLY , HANNITTY and RUPERT depart this mortal coil.


MARTHA McCALLUM ( she had her eyes done ?? )

I'm still searching for the reason behind the recent "tea parties." It's not protesting higher taxes; those making more than $250,000 a year may pay more next year to return to the level before President George W. Bush's tax cuts, but not now. In fact the majority of tax payers already received a tax break under President Obama.
It's not lack of representation, as when the original Boston Tea Party took place. We had an election in November, and Democrats won. It's not government spending, because the Bush administration doubled the national debt, and no tea parties happened last year.
The only reason, then, seems to be a Fox News promotion to give more air time to its anti-government personalities. They should review the election results, then put a little more loyalty in the phrase loyal opposition.

why don't the tea-baggers care about spending a billion dollars a month in iraq?
I think it's funny the way some people are so pissed that FOX even exists.

It's almost like they're saying...

"Conservatives can't have one single channel!


fox slogan is fair and balanced. their liars. msnbc turned liberal as a reaction to fox. all the other news channels are neutral
fox slogan is fair and balanced. their liars. msnbc turned liberal as a reaction to fox. all the other news channels are neutral

:1orglaugh Hahaha all the other news channels are neutral, that's a good one.

All networks, news or otherwise pander to what they feel is their core viewers. CNN was founded by one of the most liberal men on the planet in Ted Turner. Even with him out of the picture they will continue to go after the viewers that got them where they are. There is no such thing as neutral as Execs all have some kind of agenda. :2 cents:


Listen to all the whining and crying...
Fox news is the most watched cable news net there is...MSNBC is dead last and losing ground.
Glenn Beck is fun to watch, rags on his own self and makes mocking "commercials" about his show.
Then he gives the Republicans and Democrats a raft of shit, but all the liars and exaggerators posting here don't watch Fox, so they just make up stuff.
Greta is nowhere near as obnoxious as Rachel Maddox, with her perpetual sneer and smirky comments...boring.
KO just over-exaggerates and uses out of context quotes to smear any personality that looks like a good target...I used to watch him until he got stupid...seems that most of the anti-Fox posters miss that due to a lack of perspective.
Most people I have talked to (Dems, Repubs, etc) take what they need from the networks and add that info to their own opinions...and experience...and don't seem too influenced by the rhetoric from politicians and O-Zombies. It's not even a disputed fact anymore how left-slanted the majority of the MSM networks are...
It doesn't matter how many "Fox sucks" posts ya'll make...Fox is the best news channel out there, and it's just sliding right by you. No.1...No.1...No.1...say it a few times until it sinks in...No.1 cable news network.
CNN comes through sometimes, that's why they have much higher ratings than MSNBC. I watch everyone at various times except RM and KO...2 ass clowns that won't be remembered in 10 years. Or 5...
But don't let that stop your hate-fest about news channels...:rofl:


I'm still searching for the reason behind the recent "tea parties." It's not protesting higher taxes; those making more than $250,000 a year may pay more next year to return to the level before President George W. Bush's tax cuts, but not now. In fact the majority of tax payers already received a tax break under President Obama.
It's not lack of representation, as when the original Boston Tea Party took place. We had an election in November, and Democrats won. It's not government spending, because the Bush administration doubled the national debt, and no tea parties happened last year.
The only reason, then, seems to be a Fox News promotion to give more air time to its anti-government personalities. They should review the election results, then put a little more loyalty in the phrase loyal opposition.

Reminds me of the story about the guy looking under a street lamp for something...someone asks "What ya lookin' for?"
The guy says "my lucky penny."
'Where'd ya drop it?" someone asks...
"Over there " he says, pointing to the corner half a block away.
"Why ya lookin' over here?" someone asks.
"'Cause the lights better..." the guy says.

If the truth doesn't give you what you want, look somewhere else...:rofl:
fox is a joke. these are the same people who trashed ron paul at every turn in 07-08 and even banned him from one of their own debates claiming he didnt have the support while at the time, rudy, thompson and huckabee all were polling lower than paul. in another debate they had, they cut out paul totally on the replay the next night. now they are claiming to be supportive of what paul tried so hard to defend during the elections?????

i cant understand, other than being corrupt, how a channel that says they are fair could marginalize an honest guy like ron paul, whom btw ran on the exact same forign policies and platforms as GW did in 2000. now fox is trying to act like the only fair network out there. well, from what ive seen during the last elections, thanks to ron pauls treatment, ALL of the networks are crooked and will not ever support or get behind the truth or promote or give time to anyone who stands for truth. i must say that glenn beck has been leaning towards that lately, and either hes pulling my leg or he will be fired soon.


fox is a joke. these are the same people who trashed ron paul at every turn in 07-08 and even banned him from one of their own debates claiming he didnt have the support while at the time, rudy, thompson and huckabee all were polling lower than paul. in another debate they had, they cut out paul totally on the replay the next night. now they are claiming to be supportive of what paul tried so hard to defend during the elections?????

i cant understand, other than being corrupt, how a channel that says they are fair could marginalize an honest guy like ron paul, whom btw ran on the exact same forign policies and platforms as GW did in 2000. now fox is trying to act like the only fair network out there. well, from what ive seen during the last elections, thanks to ron pauls treatment, ALL of the networks are crooked and will not ever support or get behind the truth or promote or give time to anyone who stands for truth. i must say that glenn beck has been leaning towards that lately, and either hes pulling my leg or he will be fired soon.

Ya know, I seem to have lost my election results many votes did R. Paul end up getting?
For some reason I cant remember how many million he got...or that Fox News Corp had their own Presidential debate.
When was that?:dunno:
it wouldnt be a big deal except fox news makes a big point about being fair and balanced when they are the least fair and balanced. they are hypocrites of the highest level.


Everyone is getting upset over Fox being fair and balanced. Thats like eating at McDonald's and getting pissed cause it's not FAT FREE. If you don't like it don't watch it. The truth is Fox is slanted to the right and MSNBC is slanted to the left, that's their core viewers and why lose them. That would be like a Porn Store selling furniture, stick to what your good at and keep your core clients that is all that these two networks are doing.
fox slogan is fair and balanced. their liars. msnbc turned liberal as a reaction to fox. all the other news channels are neutral

HA HA HA HA!!!! That's a good one.

Ted Turner has never made a secret that he started CNN specifically to be a liberal voice.

Then you had Tom Brokaw (who was the face of NBC News at the time) attending rallies for John Kerry (not as an anchor covering the event but as a participant) and then breaking down in tears on election night when it became clear Bush was about to be re-elected.

Then over at CBS you had Dan Rather (who was the face of CBS News at the time) taking an active part in trying to smear Bush's re-election bid using forged documents as "evidence."

So yeah...all the other channels are really neutral.

Was Obama interviewed, let's say, the way Katie Couric interviewed Palin?

Sad world we live in when a beauty queen in a beauty contest (Miss California) gets harder questions than a Democrat presidential candidate.
Listen to all the whining and crying...
Fox news is the most watched cable news net there is...MSNBC is dead last and losing ground.

It doesn't matter how many "Fox sucks" posts ya'll make...Fox is the best news channel out there, and it's just sliding right by you. No.1...No.1...No.1...say it a few times until it sinks in...No.1 cable news network.

Fox being "No. 1" or "most watched..." is about as big an anecdotally misleading suggestion as can be.

They get nearly 100 pct. of a niche market. They get all of the people who want to see Democrat bashing and GOPer cheer leading. The rest of the people who don't want to see that babble split their interests between Fox's competitors.

I had high hopes when Fox started because I think it's a good idea to cover news with a different perspective and as a business model they would serve and under-served market.

But they've gone from that to being full-blown GOPer propaganda network with very little credibility among reasonably objective people. Having hosts that express political bias is one thing but when but when an entire network serves as defacto communications department for a political party, that's another.

MSNBC has far more progressive hosts with their own show than "conservative" but at least they have one with his own show and have had several in the past. MSNBC has plenty of equivalent alternatives to Hannity, O'Reilly, Hume, etc. But where's the Fox equivalent to Scarborough? MSNBC has also employed other GOPer hosts (Tucker Carlson, Pat Buchanan, etc.) and CNN gave Glenn Beck his t.v. start via their HLN network.

Those who justify Fox's coverage claim some conspiracy by the other networks to deliver "liberal" news primarily I guess because CNN didn't cover every internet rumor about Clinton. That's sad.


Fox being "No. 1" or "most watched..." is about as big an anecdotally misleading suggestion as can be.

They get nearly 100 pct. of a niche market. They get all of the people who want to see Democrat bashing and GOPer cheer leading. The rest of the people who don't want to see that babble split their interests between Fox's competitors.

I had high hopes when Fox started because I think it's a good idea to cover news with a different perspective and as a business model they would serve and under-served market.

But they've gone from that to being full-blown GOPer propaganda network with very little credibility among reasonably objective people. Having hosts that express political bias is one thing but when but when an entire network serves as defacto communications department for a political party, that's another.

MSNBC has far more progressive hosts with their own show than "conservative" but at least they have one with his own show and have had several in the past. MSNBC has plenty of equivalent alternatives to Hannity, O'Reilly, Hume, etc. But where's the Fox equivalent to Scarborough? MSNBC has also employed other GOPer hosts (Tucker Carlson, Pat Buchanan, etc.) and CNN gave Glenn Beck his t.v. start via their HLN network.

Those who justify Fox's coverage claim some conspiracy by the other networks to deliver "liberal" news primarily I guess because CNN didn't cover every internet rumor about Clinton. That's sad.

So...I guess we are a bit ignorant, unlike yourself...what are the "estimated" numbers of viewers of Fox versus MSNBC? I know you must have them at your fingertips to make a statement like that...
Progressive...the new lib catchword for "Left Wing"...
You really want to go with that claim that the media is Obama-biased because they didn't cover every Clinton rumor? Really?
Boy, that must really hurt the eyes keeping your head so deep in the sand like that...especially since Clinton rumors are so old and Obama-love is the current reason the media is so disrespected. So blatant is the bias towards Obama, even the media is doing stories on themselves being so biased...except for Fox, and a precious few others.
That's sad...
I'll take FOX News any fuckin' day over PMSNBC or CNN.
Yeah me too, but c'mon admit'd still like to try and see if you could convert Rachel Maddow to the cock. :D

Or at least shove it down her throat to shut her up :blowjob:

Hey Rach hon...Bush ain't in office anymore. It's done. Get over it. You're starting to sound like Nancy Grace and her infatuation with Kaylee Anthony.

And I wish Olbermann and O'Reilly would just get it on already. Both of those guys are blowhards with Olbermann taking the lead as a whiney, sniveling guy who probably is still bent out of shape that got picked last for kickball in elementary school.
So...I guess we are a bit ignorant, unlike yourself...what are the "estimated" numbers of viewers of Fox versus MSNBC? I know you must have them at your fingertips to make a statement like that...
Progressive...the new lib catchword for "Left Wing"...
You really want to go with that claim that the media is Obama-biased because they didn't cover every Clinton rumor? Really?
Boy, that must really hurt the eyes keeping your head so deep in the sand like that...especially since Clinton rumors are so old and Obama-love is the current reason the media is so disrespected. So blatant is the bias towards Obama, even the media is doing stories on themselves being so biased...except for Fox, and a precious few others.
That's sad...

I suppose hosts like Olbermann, Maddow, Shultz, Cooper, Stewart, Colbert, Lou Dobbs, Campbell Brown, etc. don't actually compete for the same viewership.

Progressivism is not a catchword. It's an ideology correctly applied to people misidentified as liberal.

I don't know how many ways it can be said but if you believe in excessive limitations on the right to keep and bear arms for example or laws encroaching on the right of free people to are not a liberal. No matter what Limbaugh and Hannity say.

Progressivism is not new, Teddy Roosevelt founded a Progressive party in 1912 and there were two others subsequently founded. Progressives generally believe laws need to be fashioned to address perceived realities. Whether those laws end up being statist or violate individual rights to freedoms it doesn't matter to them, the laws ought to reflect perceived realities. GOPers are not much different they are just the lite version.

Back to Fox news, they exist primarily out of vacuum ginned up during the Clinton presidency to cater to those who felt credible news sources weren't covering every rumor trotted out by the Arkansas Project and Richard Mellon-Scaife.