So...I guess we are a bit ignorant, unlike yourself...what are the "estimated" numbers of viewers of Fox versus MSNBC? I know you must have them at your fingertips to make a statement like that...
Progressive...the new lib catchword for "Left Wing"...
You really want to go with that claim that the media is Obama-biased because they didn't cover every Clinton rumor? Really?
Boy, that must really hurt the eyes keeping your head so deep in the sand like that...especially since Clinton rumors are so old and Obama-love is the current reason the media is so disrespected. So blatant is the bias towards Obama, even the media is doing stories on themselves being so biased...except for Fox, and a precious few others.
That's sad...
I suppose hosts like Olbermann, Maddow, Shultz, Cooper, Stewart, Colbert, Lou Dobbs, Campbell Brown, etc. don't actually compete for the same viewership.
Progressivism is not a catchword. It's an ideology correctly applied to people misidentified as liberal.
I don't know how many ways it can be said but if you believe in excessive limitations on the right to keep and bear arms for example or laws encroaching on the right of free people to
are not a liberal. No matter what Limbaugh and Hannity say.
Progressivism is not new, Teddy Roosevelt founded a Progressive party in 1912 and there were two others subsequently founded. Progressives generally believe laws need to be fashioned to address perceived realities. Whether those laws end up being statist or violate individual rights to freedoms it doesn't matter to them, the laws ought to reflect perceived realities. GOPers are not much different they are just the lite version.
Back to Fox news, they exist primarily out of vacuum ginned up during the Clinton presidency to cater to those who felt credible news sources weren't covering every rumor trotted out by the Arkansas Project and Richard Mellon-Scaife.