I suppose hosts like Olbermann, Maddow, Shultz, Cooper, Stewart, Colbert, Lou Dobbs, Campbell Brown, etc. don't actually compete for the same viewership.
Progressivism is not a catchword. It's an ideology correctly applied to people misidentified as liberal.
I don't know how many ways it can be said but if you believe in excessive limitations on the right to keep and bear arms for example or laws encroaching on the right of free people to smoke....you are not a liberal. No matter what Limbaugh and Hannity say.
Progressivism is not new, Teddy Roosevelt founded a Progressive party in 1912 and there were two others subsequently founded. Progressives generally believe laws need to be fashioned to address perceived realities. Whether those laws end up being statist or violate individual rights to freedoms it doesn't matter to them, the laws ought to reflect perceived realities. GOPers are not much different they are just the lite version.
Back to Fox news, they exist primarily out of vacuum ginned up during the Clinton presidency to cater to those who felt credible news sources weren't covering every rumor trotted out by the Arkansas Project and Richard Mellon-Scaife.
The funny thing about CNN an extreemly liberal (as even stated so by Ted Turner) is that it tries to make itself appear conservative but when the BS settles it is still just as liberal as CBS. They have even started advertising on Fox just like CBS.
Just for giggles I have started making note of the comercial segments when I do watch Fox (which aint much) and I have noticed now that every comercial break on average has at least 1 comercial for a CBS program and 1 comercial for a Turner Network program.
Meaning that the aleged right-wing network is being funded very heavily by the DNC.
Todays Progressives are not the progressives of 1912 (Bull Moose) they are using the name and invoking Roosevelts name to try to continue to fool uneducated people into thinking they belive in capitalism and democracy when they are actually socialists. It has become fashionable for DNC candidates who are known to have socialist agendas to start calling themselfs progressives and then go on to tout socialist propaganda. True Progressives are conservative and belive in minimal goverment intrusion in all aspects particularly the economy. Liberals seek to confuse the unknowing with the Progresive partys social reforms such as womens suffrage, and seeking pensions for the aged as Socialist born ideas when they have nothing to do with Socialism. The Progressive party was also ended because its Republican core with its conservative (not socialist) values followed Charles E. Hughes in 1916.
Today Progressive actually means liberal, socialst, wealth redistribution, welfare state, Tax 1% of the population to support 99% while elected officials pay no taxes (because of the way they are paid) and live like royalty, total control of media, total control of daily life, no right to defend oneself, no 2nd amendment, no right to protest or even object to the government.
The sad thing is that many uneducated people have fallen for the lie that is being told by todays progressives and they vote for them and put them in office -prime examples Obama, Pelosi, Franken, and Hoyer.