Fox Media Bias Thread

Hannity is either purposely misleading or too stupid to realize the the "required" action of Obama he speaks of doesn't mean Obama was bound by some law to authorize action in the piracy situation. It means action by our military can't go forward without Obama's (or any other POTUS's) authorization or his decision to do so. Never mind the fact that he attributes something to Obama that never happened, which was rushing to take credit which he never did nor does the video he leads in with show. What a loon!

Just more bias, lies and deception from the Faux Snooze crowd....anyway, for your viewing displeasure, Hannity trying desparately to bash Obama for something that worked out good for America....pathetic.
Hannity is either purposely misleading or too stupid to realize the the "required" action of Obama he speaks of doesn't mean Obama was bound by some law to authorize action in the piracy situation. It means action by our military can't go forward without Obama's (or any other POTUS's) authorization or his decision to do so. Never mind the fact that he attributes something to Obama that never happened, which was rushing to take credit which he never did nor does the video he leads in with show. What a loon!

Just more bias, lies and deception from the Faux Snooze crowd....anyway, for your viewing displeasure, Hannity trying desparately to bash Obama for something that worked out good for America....pathetic.

Thaat was a good one.And your on dead on about how eithier delibertly or it just comes natural Hannity was being stupid on the issue of "the law required Obama to authorize the action" against the pirates.Like you say it meant the navy needed Obama(the commander in chief) authorization to take action not as hannity was trying to say that Obama was taking for credit for something he was required to do.Like there is a law that says president is required to let action like that take place Sean.What a Maroon.:1orglaugh
Thaat was a good one.And your on dead on about how eithier delibertly or it just comes natural Hannity was being stupid on the issue of "the law required Obama to authorize the action" against the pirates.Like you say it meant the navy needed Obama(the commander in chief) authorization to take action not as hannity was trying to say that Obama was taking for credit for something he was required to do.Like there is a law that says president is required to let action like that take place Sean.What a Maroon.:1orglaugh

It's pretty clear Fox and their hosts either know their viewing audience is too stupid to think for themselves or they expect to tell them anything (no matter how illogical or stupid) and none of their viewers will think twice. I mean, how blatantly see through was that??


It's pretty clear Fox and their hosts either know their viewing audience is too stupid to think for themselves or they expect to tell them anything (no matter how illogical or stupid) and none of their viewers will think twice. I mean, how blatantly see through was that??

Sounds like you're a devoted Fox viewer...!:thumbsup:
They're not biased, but a little "traditional," and they routinely have liberals on their telecasts. If you take MSNBC, on the other hand, now that is a trashy organization. And CNN at times is "biased" as well, since we're on the subject. :)

Why, might you ask, does FOX shitkick CNN and MSNBC in the ratings? Is there any logic to that if they are this conservative schill? I get a kick when hard-line liberals are so taking it up the ass and there is nothing they can do about but bitch and moan...:rofl:

And all along, EVERY large media was openly in the bag for Obama, not the least of which was CNN, NBC, and the NY Times, our supposed "real news" purveyers. :thefinger
I suppose hosts like Olbermann, Maddow, Shultz, Cooper, Stewart, Colbert, Lou Dobbs, Campbell Brown, etc. don't actually compete for the same viewership.

Progressivism is not a catchword. It's an ideology correctly applied to people misidentified as liberal.

I don't know how many ways it can be said but if you believe in excessive limitations on the right to keep and bear arms for example or laws encroaching on the right of free people to are not a liberal. No matter what Limbaugh and Hannity say.

Progressivism is not new, Teddy Roosevelt founded a Progressive party in 1912 and there were two others subsequently founded. Progressives generally believe laws need to be fashioned to address perceived realities. Whether those laws end up being statist or violate individual rights to freedoms it doesn't matter to them, the laws ought to reflect perceived realities. GOPers are not much different they are just the lite version.

Back to Fox news, they exist primarily out of vacuum ginned up during the Clinton presidency to cater to those who felt credible news sources weren't covering every rumor trotted out by the Arkansas Project and Richard Mellon-Scaife.

The funny thing about CNN an extreemly liberal (as even stated so by Ted Turner) is that it tries to make itself appear conservative but when the BS settles it is still just as liberal as CBS. They have even started advertising on Fox just like CBS.

Just for giggles I have started making note of the comercial segments when I do watch Fox (which aint much) and I have noticed now that every comercial break on average has at least 1 comercial for a CBS program and 1 comercial for a Turner Network program.
Meaning that the aleged right-wing network is being funded very heavily by the DNC.

Todays Progressives are not the progressives of 1912 (Bull Moose) they are using the name and invoking Roosevelts name to try to continue to fool uneducated people into thinking they belive in capitalism and democracy when they are actually socialists. It has become fashionable for DNC candidates who are known to have socialist agendas to start calling themselfs progressives and then go on to tout socialist propaganda. True Progressives are conservative and belive in minimal goverment intrusion in all aspects particularly the economy. Liberals seek to confuse the unknowing with the Progresive partys social reforms such as womens suffrage, and seeking pensions for the aged as Socialist born ideas when they have nothing to do with Socialism. The Progressive party was also ended because its Republican core with its conservative (not socialist) values followed Charles E. Hughes in 1916.

Today Progressive actually means liberal, socialst, wealth redistribution, welfare state, Tax 1% of the population to support 99% while elected officials pay no taxes (because of the way they are paid) and live like royalty, total control of media, total control of daily life, no right to defend oneself, no 2nd amendment, no right to protest or even object to the government.
The sad thing is that many uneducated people have fallen for the lie that is being told by todays progressives and they vote for them and put them in office -prime examples Obama, Pelosi, Franken, and Hoyer.
They're not biased, but a little "traditional," and they routinely have liberals on their telecasts. If you take MSNBC, on the other hand, now that is a trashy organization. And CNN at times is "biased" as well, since we're on the subject. :)

Why, might you ask, does FOX shitkick CNN and MSNBC in the ratings? Is there any logic to that if they are this conservative schill?

We've gone over this before....Faux likely gets about 100 pct. of the right wing viewership while other viewers likely split their interests among the different networks.

Fox is bias pure and simple. They don't just have biased hosts, their network is a platform for GOPer partisanship. Sad but true...but Fox relies on unquestioned loyalty from it's viewership in order to continue to perpetrate their fraud.

It's quite likely a good percentage of their viewers even know they're shilling are glad they're doing it because in some strange way they believe they're doing a good job for their "team"....:rolleyes:

Say all you want about MSNBC but show an instance where they are clearly misleading and show one instance where Fox gives a GOPer his own show like MSNBC give Scarborough his.
We've gone over this before....Faux likely gets about 100 pct. of the right wing viewership while other viewers likely split their interests among the different networks.

Fox is bias pure and simple. They don't just have biased hosts, their network is a platform for GOPer partisanship. Sad but true...but Fox relies on unquestioned loyalty from it's viewership in order to continue to perpetrate their fraud.

It's quite likely a good percentage of their viewers even know they're shilling are glad they're doing it because in some strange way they believe they're doing a good job for their "team"....:rolleyes:

Say all you want about MSNBC but show an instance where they are clearly misleading and show one instance where Fox gives a GOPer his own show like MSNBC give Scarborough his.

Obama is the perfect example of MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, and NBC all misleading and misrepresenting someone.
Fox is only as bias as thier advertisers pay them to be and most of that money is coming from left-wing liberal sources.
I guess all the money the DNC is shoveling into FOX is thier guilty conscience at work. They must feel guilty about all the lying they are doing on the networks that blindly and unquestionably provide a voice for the DNC.
Obama is the perfect example of MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, and NBC all misleading and misrepresenting someone.
Fox is only as bias as thier advertisers pay them to be and most of that money is coming from left-wing liberal sources.
I guess all the money the DNC is shoveling into FOX is thier guilty conscience at work. They must feel guilty about all the lying they are doing on the networks that blindly and unquestionably provide a voice for the DNC.

Again, you may find (a) host or (a) story on the other networks with a left wing bias but you'd be hard pressed to demonstrate any of the other networks staking out a coordinated effort to promote Democrats and bash republicans daily like Fox does in reverse.

MSNBC has the only hosts opposite of what Hannity, Oreilly, Hume, Baer, Beck, etc. do who clearly display their biased for nearly the entire amount of time their shows are on. Like I said, at least MSNBC gives Scarborough his own platform to give the GOPer side for 3 or 4 hours. Cite a similar situation at Fox. You can't.

Fox is terrified of giving the other side a platform for 30 mins let alone 3 hours because would break-up their coordinated efforts to spin and some of the truth might spill onto the zombies that watch their network.


Again, you may find (a) host or (a) story on the other networks with a left wing bias but you'd be hard pressed to demonstrate any of the other networks staking out a coordinated effort to promote Democrats and bash republicans daily like Fox does in reverse.

MSNBC has the only hosts opposite of what Hannity, Oreilly, Hume, Baer, Beck, etc. do who clearly display their biased for nearly the entire amount of time their shows are on. Like I said, at least MSNBC gives Scarborough his own platform to give the GOPer side for 3 or 4 hours. Cite a similar situation at Fox. You can't.

Fox is terrified of giving the other side a platform for 30 mins let alone 3 hours because would break-up their coordinated efforts to spin and some of the truth might spill onto the zombies that watch their network.

It sounds like you don't watch which is form your opinions from rumor and YouTube vids, or you watch Fox news regularly and are just dissing everyone else but yourself?
You are beginning to sound hysterical, like a hormonal female ...why are you so fanatically anti-Fox? Your descriptions are so slanted and agenda based, not very close to accurate...weird.
Again, you may find (a) host or (a) story on the other networks with a left wing bias but you'd be hard pressed to demonstrate any of the other networks staking out a coordinated effort to promote Democrats and bash republicans daily like Fox does in reverse.

MSNBC has the only hosts opposite of what Hannity, Oreilly, Hume, Baer, Beck, etc. do who clearly display their biased for nearly the entire amount of time their shows are on. Like I said, at least MSNBC gives Scarborough his own platform to give the GOPer side for 3 or 4 hours. Cite a similar situation at Fox. You can't.

Fox is terrified of giving the other side a platform for 30 mins let alone 3 hours because would break-up their coordinated efforts to spin and some of the truth might spill onto the zombies that watch their network.

Fox is PAID by CBS, CNN and left-wingDNC suporters that is where damn near 60% of thier total revenue comes from.
You are making absolutly no sense at all man why would FOX who are paid by CBS, CNN and other DNC supporters do something they they would not want them to do?

Just for another example of how 'news' organizations are driven by thier advertisers.
In Texas a while back there was a Hurricane called Rita. Anyone who gets thier weather from NOAA knew that Rita was going to roughly run right up the state line between Texas and Lousiana. We knew this because Hurricanes being low pressure systems are going to move tward other low pressure systems to try and maintain themselfs. Anyone who watched the local 'news' stations or the weather channel whos largest advertisers are Walmart, Kmart, and Target were all convinced by these 'news' stations that Rita was going to come right up I-45 straight through Galveston, Houston, Conroe, and right on up to Dallas. Evacuations were even ordered that were not needed based on these BS course projections. These 'news' stations were not putting up weather maps that actually would have shown people the relevant pressure systems all they were doing when the issue of the regions 'weather' would come up is put up a course projection that was complete BS. Over 30 people died who did not need to because they were stuck in a trafic jam because of evacuations that did not need to be ordered. Shelves in Walmart, Kmart, and Target were all empty and stayed empty of pretty much any grocery items at all the stores in the false projected path. All because these 'news' organisations were looking to please the hand that feeds them.

The same holds true of any so called 'news' organization they are not going to do anything that displeases thier advertisers and in the case of FOX thier advertisers are the very people you tout as delivering balanced news.
Fox is PAID by CBS, CNN and left-wingDNC suporters that is where damn near 60% of thier total revenue comes from.
You are making absolutly no sense at all man why would FOX who are paid by CBS, CNN and other DNC supporters do something they they would not want them to do?

I have no idea what you mean by those statements.:dunno:
Say all you want about MSNBC but show an instance where they are clearly misleading and show one instance where Fox gives a GOPer his own show like MSNBC give Scarborough his.

They were in the tank for Obama and grilled McCain nonstop. At least FOX had comentators that grilled McCain as well. Can't say that about your "fair" network of crooks, MSNBC. And what about the heat Palin took in interviews and in other sleazoid one said anything about that. I personally didn't like any of the candidates (R/vice/pres; D/vice/pres), I am just calling you on your shit here, 'cause it stinks. :hatsoff:
I have no idea what you mean by those statements.:dunno:

I don't know how you cant understand who advertisers are.
The advertisers on FOX, the people who Pay for the comercials are CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and other DNC supporters. Very nearly 60% of the total revenue FOX news gets is from the very people you claim to deliver unbias 'news'.
FOX is a comercial news program that means they are showing the news for MONEY just like CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and anyone else who broadcasts the news. Anything they 'report' is going to be whatever thier advertisers (the people who pay them) tell them to.
I don't know how you cant understand who advertisers are.
The advertisers on FOX, the people who Pay for the comercials are CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and other DNC supporters. Very nearly 60% of the total revenue FOX news gets is from the very people you claim to deliver unbias 'news'.
FOX is a comercial news program that means they are showing the news for MONEY just like CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and anyone else who broadcasts the news. Anything they 'report' is going to be whatever thier advertisers (the people who pay them) tell them to.

Really? What products or shows do the competing networks pay Fox News (FNC) revenue to advertise on the FNC? Or cite a source for this claim.
Really? What products or shows do the competing networks pay Fox News (FNC) revenue to advertise on the FNC? Or cite a source for this claim.

The source is watching them and seeing the ads for those networks mainly CBS and CNN. Then looking up the products that are advertised and seeing who they support.
As you don't watch them you obviously were not aware.
Only watching clips of FOX on youtube that have been edited by theyoungturks and the like are not going to give you the whole picture, which is exactly what they want.
I would give you 10 to 1 odds that the reason you see ads for cnn other competitors while watching fox is that your cable system is running the ads and getting the revenue NOT FOX.If you really think it's otherwise we need links that somehow prove that.
The source is watching them and seeing the ads for those networks mainly CBS and CNN. Then looking up the products that are advertised and seeing who they support.
As you don't watch them you obviously were not aware.
Only watching clips of FOX on youtube that have been edited by theyoungturks and the like are not going to give you the whole picture, which is exactly what they want.

I still trying to figure out what you mean. CBS (and others) are in the business of running shows. The products that they would be advertising is their shows. Now if you're going to contend that a station who's parent company is GE (for example) and you see an ad for a GE fridge on Fox, it's your contention that money is coming out of CBS's ad budget to run that ad??
I still trying to figure out what you mean. CBS (and others) are in the business of running shows. The products that they would be advertising is their shows. Now if you're going to contend that a station who's parent company is GE (for example) and you see an ad for a GE fridge on Fox, it's your contention that money is coming out of CBS's ad budget to run that ad??

I still can't believe you do not understand this, did you go to school? Did you graduate?
Do you understand English? If I need to use another language to explain this please let me know.
CBS runs adds for thier news and news shows like 60 minutes on Fox news network as does CNN and more recently MSNBC.
There are also ads for TNT, TMC, and TBS on Fox news. Fox news does not advertise it news even on its other Fox stations let alone other networks.
No, the ads are not run by the cable provider they are run by Fox news just like any other advertisement.
Again as you have never actually watched Fox news only youtube clips you have never seen or noticed the ads running.