For a Million Dollars would you...

done that already by accident. called getting it caught in the zipper.

throw your nieghbor's cat in front of a moving bus
Are we talking like that movie Alive? In that case, I'd actually cut off a slice and eat some... Yeah, 1 million bucks can buy you a new mum!

... get a tattoo of a dick on your forehead?
I probably would, because with that million in my hands, I could easily pay myself to freedom!

For a Million Dollars would you ......

Have sex with a man? So take it up your ass, frensh kissing, Fucking his ass, ...
(you are a man yourself, just to clear that up)

if a man paid another man a million $ for sex...the jokes on him:glugglug:


Closed Account
Yes. I'll just cook my beverages into my meals.

... be on the receiving end of the world's largest male gang-gang?
Yes. def.

Would you fuck a 69 year old porn star named Blue Iris?
Seems simple for a short to mid-term stint

Would you go THE VIEW or THE TALK and discuss your porn and masturbation habits?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Absolutely! Sending Barbara an email today!

Would you get 'I love K-Fed' tattood on your face?