I'm loving the game. It's one of my favorite Final Fantasy games and I think the battle system is one of the best things about it.
^I have heard that the battle system isn't all that great at first but it seems to grow on people.
Where exactly are you?
Playing it right now, about 20 hours in. I'm liking it, and the more I play and the more I get into the characters individual stories the more I do want to see what happens next, but, I have to admit, it's definitely not living up to the hype.
Problems I have...
- yeah, can be a bit monotonous
- as much as I like the characters Snow and Sazh, I'm lukewarm to Hope and Vanille (very quirky character) and, sad to say, completely indifferent to Lightning, the main character.
- no idea who the main enemies/badguys are yet, so a bit worried that the game may fall short with setting up a really good villian (though, any FF game trying to match Sephiroth would have a major challenge at that!)
- very, almost too complicated/busy system for fighting, improving characters, improving weapons
- and (really guilty here) I have the guide/cheat book to go with it that I've had to refer to on too many an occasion because the battle system can be so complex, even this early in the game, that you could easily lose heart with a couple of the early on boss battles...or even the battles with the characters you eventually end up summoning.
All that said, I'm still going to finish it....can't remember a game I haven't...but, overall, dissappointing.
FF XII was way better...
....and they BETTER redo FFVII for the PS3 and really push the PS3 to the limit with it! Quick, start a petition!!!!