Once Upon a Time in America.
It had a Who's Who cast and a brilliant script, direction, camera work and musical score. But it bombed in the U.S.
you're spot on with this one Rey! I love this movie but you have to be certain and watch it in the director's intended order.
There's some very good write ups on the way the Studio totally fucked up this movie and thats why it bombed. The first thing they did was try to put it in synchronic order which ruined the artistic value. Then they edited a shit load of time from it so the theatres could run three showings of it per night as opposed to two. by the time the studio was finished with it, the movie was a shambles. The critics panned it etc.... so it bombed. Also the studio fucked up on the release date posted and so Morricone's score didnt even get Oscar consideration because of a technicality. All in all its a nightmare story of how a studio can fuck up a movie.
now, throw in
Channel Z into the mix to broadcast it with a director's vision of the movie and suddenly people go hey this is a god damn good movie so it finally started to get respect but much too late. I'm trying to remember who it was, but one of the well known critics was saying how it was the second worst handling of movie by a studio. Brazil was the first worst handling of a movie by a studio. Another incredibly brilliant movie that was sabatoged from the get go, but watch it in director's cut if you ever watch it. Oddly enough Deniro was in that movie too.
You'd think a studio would see critically accalimed directors like Sergio Leone or Terry Gilliam and think maybe they should give them a bit of artistic license.
Anyway, as for the original topic, I agree with Rey
Once upon a time in America (long movie, so make lots of popcorn)
Brazil (directors cut only!) wierd, bizarro, 1984'esque
Lake Placid - campy movie about a really big Crocodile in New England but the dialogue is awesome. Dark humor galore and it was funny to see Betty White call someone fuckmeat.