Films that were good not popular


Dead Man's Shoes- the film Shane Meadows wrote and directed before the bigger hit This Is England. A fantastic revenge tragedy, beautifully shot, with a great score and faultless performances

One of my favourite films.


Closed Account
I wanted to add this in a bit earlier but my ten minutes were up.

A couple of movies with Jodie Foster weren't all that big: "Flight Plan", 2005 and 'Panic Room' 2002. A few movies came out around that time shot in a single locale.

I think the crisp, insightful, all out acting just draws the movies to a tight story more so than, say, SFX films. That and sometimes the lighting can be awesome. Talking of lighting, I thought "Stay" with Ewan McGregor was awesome. For action and thrills I thought 'The Island' was stupendous. Nobody had even heard of the film. It was like an undiscovered gem.

^^ Oh, yes, "Idiocracy".

I laughed myself dilly. I thought it was the funniest movie I had seen in a long while. Then, shortly after, I watched "Crank" with Jason Statham. His comic timing is perfecto mundo. Either that or it's my imagination. After all, 'Crank' is s'posed to be a serious action/thriller about some poor hitman who got whacked. But oh it is funny. I had to stop myself from laughing after my tummy started hurting too much.


Usual Suspects. When i first saw it I was blown away.
My pick would have to be a littie relitively unknown movie called The Warriors. It's one of those movies that never really made it big at the box office but has become a huge cult classic.
The Science of Sleep
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Darjeeling Unlimited
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Boondock Saints
Pans Labyrinth


The Science of Sleep
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Darjeeling Unlimited
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Boondock Saints
Pans Labyrinth

Agreed and agreed. Boondock Saints is a cult classic
Here's a great one that no one's ever heard of:

Safe Men

It has a great cast with Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn and Paul Giamatti. Written by the guy who later wrote Zoolander and Meet The Parents.

No one seems to think this movie is "okay" - you either love it or hate it - but it kind of reminds me of a higher-brow version of Dumb & Dumber.
Dead Man's Shoes- the film Shane Meadows wrote and directed before the bigger hit This Is England. A fantastic revenge tragedy, beautifully shot, with a great score and faultless performances
I bought this movie sight unseen.It started off good enough,got a little weak in the middle,from just a technical filmmaking standpoint,but the ending made up for everything.

Fight Club

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the thread,but Fight Club wasn't popular?:wtf:

Don't get me wrong,it's hands down my all time favorite movie,but with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton,I find it hard to fathom that there's anyone who likes movies that hasn't at least heard of it.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the thread,but Fight Club wasn't popular?:wtf:

Don't get me wrong,it's hands down my all time favorite movie,but with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton,I find it hard to fathom that there's anyone who likes movies that hasn't at least heard of it.


Know any films that were good to excellent, yet did not hit it big at the box office?

Fight Club did fucking awful at the box office. Critics hated it. Story goes that during the initial previews, Pitt and Norton were in hysterics during the screening, but everyone else was disgusted.

Only after DVD release did it become hugely popular, and is often in critics top 10 lists. At the time though, no one would have seen that coming.

Fight Club did fucking awful at the box office. Critics hated it. Story goes that during the initial previews, Pitt and Norton were in hysterics during the screening, but everyone else was disgusted.

Only after DVD release did it become hugely popular, and is often in critics top 10 lists. At the time though, no one would have seen that coming.

I don't know,it must have been a slow week at the box office.It finished the weekend at number 1,but didn't even break 12 mil.

Personally,I don't remember critics hating it,as a matter of fact,it was quite the opposite the way I recall.

Nevertheless,I wouldn't ever call this movie unpopular,but that's just me.
Fight Club went from being underappreciated, to being a cult classic, to having appeal to a lot of people, to now where I would consider it overrated.