Favorite Dictator

Hurry up and choose dammit!

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So who is the dictatorest?



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Gotta go with Idi Amin! Actually eating, not only feeding on your people, that is awesome!

He's my man!


i went with hitler. yes, he was austrian (ew!), but he was more dictatorish than the buffoon amin or the delusional pygmy kim.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Hitler is on my fantasy team. In terms of production and genocidal numbers he was hard to beat...


Hitler is on my fantasy team. In terms of production and genocidal numbers he was hard to beat...

i always think he made a mistake, though. instead of killing the jews and gypsies and homosexuals, he should have simply killed the idiots. and then he should have really applied himself. the world might be a better place now.
Mussolini made up for all his flaws by being a serious conqueror of pussy, He sure dictated to them women. THAT HE DID!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well he really wasn't a dictator but I always have to side with Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Wait he wasn't evil either, come to think of it what the hell is he even doing in my post.