Favorite "Cult" Movies

First time I saw Argento's Bird with the Crystal Plumage I was fucked-up for two days.


persona non grata
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974
Godzilla movies
Attack of the killer Tomatoes
Plan 9 from Outer Space
American Psycho
The Living Dead films
Friday the 13th films
The Stepford Wives
The Warriors
Grosse Point Blank
Boogie Nights
The Big Lebowski
They Live


Closed Account
the saw series
the matrix trilogy
the frist three star was flims
the godfather flim's
texas chanisaw massercare
the breakfast club
terminator 2 judgment day
almost famous
nightmare on elm street
willy wonka
the wizard of oz
alice in wonderland
plup fiction
howard stern private part's
8 mile


what the fuck you lookin at?
Define "cult" in reference to movies...


Postal Paranoiac
Define "cult" in reference to movies...

Movies with a limited but devoted following, which usually contain strange or untraditional themes. That's my Webster's def. :D

Will E Worm

Define "cult" in reference to movies...

The Short Definition:
A cult film is characterized by its active and lively communal following.

Highly committed and rebellious in their appreciation, cult audiences are frequently at odds with cultural conventions – they prefer strange topics and allegorical themes that rub against cultural sensitivities and resist dominant politics.

Cult films transgress common notions of good and bad taste, and they challenge genre conventions and coherent storytelling.

Among the techniques cult films use are intertextual references, gore, loose ends in storylines, or the creation of a sense of nostalgia.

Often, cult films have troublesome production histories, coloured by accidents, failures, legends and mysteries that involve their stars and directors.

In spite of often-limited accessibility, they have a continuous market value and a long-lasting public presence.

Definition of Cult Cinema

Yeah there is no way that Stars wars is a "cult" film. although there are people that think it's a real cult and worship it, it was a hugely successful in the box office and in mainstream as well as critical popularity. I'd say that it's the minority of people that haven't seen or don't like those movies, comapred to those that do.
We are onto something here. Jodorowsky is great. Arrabal is good too. Jose Mojica Marins deserves a mention especially if you are into the whole Bava/ Argento/Fulci thing. I prefer his 'Finnis Hominis' (no Coffin Joe in this)

Craig Baldwin's films
anything by Svankmajer (Conspirators of Pleasure is my fav)
'Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors'
'Singapore Sling'
Zulawski's 'On the Silver Globe'
Films of Chytilova, Makajavev and Parajanov
'Mindgame' (anime)

yeah, heaps more...
Blade Runner
Nightmare on Elm Street
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Breakfast Club
Last House on the Left
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Planet of the Apes
A Clockwork Orange
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Escape from New York
First Blood
Friday the 13th
The Dirty Dozen

dick van cock

Closed Account
I still don't know what qualifies a film to be a "cult movie" :confused:

To Be Or Not to Be (still ignored in Germany, but a cult following amongst my leftist friends)

Jud Süß (abominable message; great movie)

Solaris (URS, 1972)

A Short Film About Killing :confused:

Johnny Got His Gun :thefinger:
Santa Clause Conquers the Martians

It has to be one of the dumbest movies and worst showcases of special effects ever, but it is hilarious.