Favorite "Cult" Movies

I would have mentioned The Thing and They Live, but you guys already put them on the list. ;)

Sphere is another cult movie for me, pretty underrated.

:hatsoff: Jackson
well to me a cult movie is a film that was either not critically acclaimed or box office successful when it first came out, but that many people really like.

one movie that I never really hear anyone talk about that I think is really great is Life As a House.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Aliens series


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Army of Darkness is the best. Seriously, if Bruce Campbell tried to fight you, you would lose and you know it.

The Big Lebowski is a close #2. Honestly, who DOESN'T wish they could sit at a bowling alley and drink "Caucasians" all day?
Deep Throat

We can see this film this night in The Netherlands.
Never seen it before, so I will watch.


persona non grata
Blood For Dracula
Flesh For Frankenstein
Black Christmas
The Beyond
I don't know if it's been said, but definatly Deathwish.

also off the top of my head would be cronenberg's The Fly, and Dr. Strangelove, the Thing, and of course the Toxic Avenger.

also any kung fu/ martial arts movie. (Ok. so not ANY, but just the overall genre is cult cinema.)

hey Patrick S, do you think that Beyond/7 gates of hell is Fulci's best movie? many people say so, but I haven't seen it. and have you seen Argento's edit of Dawn Of The Dead (the so-called European version)? I haven't seen that one either, but both of those intrest me.
Starship Troopers
Once Were Warriors
Any Godzilla movie
O, Brother! Where Art Thou?


persona non grata
hey Patrick S, do you think that Beyond/7 gates of hell is Fulci's best movie? many people say so, but I haven't seen it. and have you seen Argento's edit of Dawn Of The Dead (the so-called European version)? I haven't seen that one either, but both of those intrest me.
I haven´t seen all of Fulci´s movies but i like it the best of the ones i´ve seen. Most of his movies have the same strong points and weaknesses where the strong points are the relentless violence and gore along with the spooky moods while the weak points are...well, just about everything else (silly/non existant plot, bad acting and dubbing). I know some people really like his early giallo´s but i haven´t seen those so i can´t say if they are better or worse than his zombie movies.

I have actually only seen the european version of Dawn of The Dead so i can´t compare it to the american version but i have understood that the european version is gorier while the american version is longer.
I have actually only seen the european version of Dawn of The Dead so i can´t compare it to the american version but i have understood that the european version is gorier while the american version is longer.

Dario's DotD cut is a really good one, more action and suspence.

Romero's 2 hour cut is the most average version of Dawn, not very good, this is the version that played through the US and Europe.

Romero's 140 minute cut also known as the Directors Cut is the daddy of all versions, everything gets fleshed out and explored even features the great Joe Pilato. Never released is Romero's first cut of the film which ran for 3 hours and features George Romero as a biker dressed as Santa!

I have Anchor Bay's Ultimate Edition DVD with 3 versions in.