Favorite "Cult" Movies


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What's Shaun of The Dead about?
Half Baked
All of the Jay And Silent Bob movies
Shaun of the Dead
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
Anything by Kevin Smith, Starship Troopers i love, not into Rocky Horror too much that's my ex-wife's favorite...but my all-time favorite cult movie is a little known Brian DePalma flick from 1974 called Phantom of the Paradise.
I love the soundtrack, in fact i ordered it off of eBay recently, Paul Williams scored, wrote and sang the songs....i love it, looking for a copy on DVD now.:D
They Live...what a great cheesy movie.

One of the best fight scenes of all time (5 minutes and 20 seconds!)
Meg Foster looking very hot...
And who can forget the line:
"I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum!" ')
They Live...what a great cheesy movie.

One of the best fight scenes of all time (5 minutes and 20 seconds!)
Meg Foster looking very hot...
And who can forget the line:
"I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum!" ')

another great john carpenter movie was "The Thing". i don't recall it winning any awards but it is one of my all-time faves. a perfect blend of psychological and monster thriller, with a great down-beat ending.

won acclaim but i will watch every chance i get:
Shawshank Redemption
Glengarry GlenRoss

cult qualified:
the transporter
hitchiker's guide to the galaxy
hudson hawk (!)
jackie brown
kelly's heroes
time bandits
Well growing up with the old saturday matinee movies Godzilla movies, The old spaghetti westerns (My Name is Nobody, Trinity is still my Name), and even some classic war movies>> The Boys In Company C


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
For A Handful Dollar.

And all of Eastwood's spaghetti westerns.
What's Shaun of The Dead about?

Shaun of the Dead is really a very good tribute/entry into the living dead movies. Those guys made a kick ass zombie movie that is hilarious, but has some pretty good serious parts to it as well. The zombies in that movie are pretty good too.

Glad to see the same guys have another hit with "Hot Fuzz" now. Good $hit!

another great john carpenter movie was "The Thing". i don't recall it winning any awards but it is one of my all-time faves. a perfect blend of psychological and monster thriller, with a great down-beat ending.

I have always had John Carpenter's "The Thing" in my top five horror movies. It's completely unrelenting, and it just drips with tension and paranoia through the whole thing Anyone who has not seen it should- right away. And, some of the absolute most disturbing special makeup effects of all time- hands down. And don't get me started on the awards it didn't win. Rob Bottin should have gotten the oscar, but the hacks at the MPAA said Bottin's work in "The Thing" were.... get this- "Not makeup". So they had no makeup oscar that year.

Carpenter has dona many great "cult" movies...that Vampire movie w/ James woods.....the mars movie..w/ that stupid train ending.Carpenter just let's people think about his movies.whether they are stupid or otherwise

dick van cock

Closed Account
some more:

- Repo Man (I don't get it, but it's hilarious)
- El Topo
- Eraserhead
- Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
- Down By Law
- Week-End (Godard rocks)
- Nekromantik (simply weird)
- Warum läuft Herr R. Amok?
- Victor / Victoria
Serenity, Brainscan, Fight Club, Leviathan, RoboCop1 & 2 (#3 was aweful) to name a few.....prolly many more, just too tired right now to think of them