Facebook just needs some "panic buttons" to keep people safe

It has been criticised by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (Ceop) centre for not installing "panic buttons" on every page.

Ceop's director Jim Gamble said the matter was urgent after the murder of a teenager by a man she met on the site.

Facebook has said it takes the issue seriously and welcomed the meeting.

It said it would announce any changes to its plans following the meeting.


It had previously said it would not install a "panic button" on its main pages for users to report suspected paedophiles, but would develop its existing system.

The company said it would install links to organisations including Ceop on its reporting pages but Mr Gamble said he could not understand why Facebook would not agree to adopt the button on every page as it was a free way to "help save some children".

"If you're going to operate a business that encourages people to frequent your public place so that you can advertise to them, then let's look after them while they're there."

Last week Mr Gamble announced the agency had received 252 complaints about Facebook during the first three months of the year - with 40% of them about the potential "grooming" of children.

Mr Gamble said the issue was an urgent one, especially after the murder of 17-year-old student Ashleigh Hall in County Durham last October by Peter Chapman, a man she met via the site.

Last month Chapman, 33, was jailed for at least 35 years for the killing.


Gee. And here I thought PARENTS are supposed to be the ones to make sure their children are safe and kept from harm. Silly me. I never knew facebook took over the role of parenting.

Parents should be investigated if their children end up in this situation.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My parents took good care of my, just look at me I'm norm---err... pretty normal :D


Postal Paranoiac
When you start a social networking site, you pretty much oughtta damn well know this kind of thing could happen.

Gee. And here I thought PARENTS are supposed to be the ones to make sure their children are safe and kept from harm. Silly me. I never knew facebook took over the role of parenting.

Parents should be investigated if their children end up in this situation.

Can you imagine how quickly and often the "panic button" would be abused? Anything to create the illusion of safety I guess.:dunno:
What exactly is this panic button going to do?

If I had a panic button for every sexual predator I met online, or for every person that might try to molest, desire to kill or generally do me harm. I might as well join witness protection.

So, anytime a kid thinks hes being groomed - Because there is obviously going to be a moment where the child realises this - they push a button and what happens? Does the computer on the other end explode are the police alerted, what could possibly happen that would not be a monumental waste of effort and resources, not to mention open the window for people to blacklist others cause they didnt like them.

"I asked her out for dinner, now Im on the sex offenders register!"


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
We need to beat our kids again.

This times two. People do not discipline their children nearly often enough anymore. How do you keep your kids in line? You beat 'em? That's how they learn not to do it again. They will not make the same mistake again, guaranteed.
This times two. People do not discipline their children nearly often enough anymore. How do you keep your kids in line? You beat 'em? That's how they learn not to do it again. They will not make the same mistake again, guaranteed.

A person doesnt need to be raped to know they dont want to experience it twice.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
A person doesnt need to be raped to know they dont want to experience it twice.

But how do they know they don't want to experience it once? :tongue:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What exactly is this panic button going to do?

If I had a panic button for every sexual predator I met online, or for every person that might try to molest, desire to kill or generally do me harm. I might as well join witness protection.

So, anytime a kid thinks hes being groomed - Because there is obviously going to be a moment where the child realises this - they push a button and what happens? Does the computer on the other end explode are the police alerted, what could possibly happen that would not be a monumental waste of effort and resources, not to mention open the window for people to blacklist others cause they didnt like them.

"I asked her out for dinner, now Im on the sex offenders register!"


I wondered the same thing. I mean, what exactly is a panic button going to do? I understand why they might think it's a good idea, but, let's be honest...it's not.

Kids are fucking assholes. Do you know how many people would hit the panic button just to be a dick? TONS. I mean, hell...I know I would. But, that's because I'm an asshole with a slightly disturbed sense of humor.
I wondered the same thing. I mean, what exactly is a panic button going to do? I understand why they might think it's a good idea, but, let's be honest...it's not.

Kids are fucking assholes. Do you know how many people would hit the panic button just to be a dick? TONS. I mean, hell...I know I would. But, that's because I'm an asshole with a slightly disturbed sense of humor.

When you think about it this panic button will probably be no different than any other website's Report Abuse (in damaging forms) and it will be investigated by whoever they choose to moderate it. Kind of like on here where it is the post itself and you are unable to edit any thing in the post and it shows up as is.

So if some creep did send a message depicted like in that show Dateline: Predators, you hit the abuse, it forwards that message so it CANNOT be tampered with by the sender, that sounds like an idea. Beyond that, if it is a universal, the minute I click it whoever I directed it towards is going to go through weeks if not months of hell, I highly doubt that will ever happen.