Erin Andrews nude videos filmed through a peephole

Hat Man

Closed Account
I never knew there was this type of high tech devices that can video tape through a peep hole. I worked in the hotel business for eight years and always thought this was impossible to do.

This should alarm the hell out of everyone. Who are the pervs going to be taping next?

Hat Man :hatsoff:
There is no way that is from a peephole. The picture is way too big. Also who walks around naked like that? This was completely planned.,erin-andrews-23.article

I like that the New York Post is shooting back and saying it is ESPN's fault that they confirmed it was Erin in the video by going after the website hosting it is her and ESPN that are to blame for it becoming a tidal wave.

So NY Post thinks if ESPN/Erin would have just let the illegally begotten video go down as some "unknown woman" being peep'ed on it is better? WTF???
hummmmm...lets look at all four corners of this....i watched the vid.....maybe im wrong..but i watched her moves...makes me wonder if she knew what was going sorry..i just got the feel ..she was a bad actress...hummmmm..maybe hunting a biggg playboy offer?? who knows its 2009...i dont doubt NOTHING!! I think if its anyones fault....its the motels/////wonder if they rent private rooms??
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Some say that it was an inside job, an ESPN employee who did it. But if it was planned out and Ms. Andrews being in on it, well makes you think does she want a change of profession and a massive loss of respect and credibility. She is the only female sideline reporter who was actually any good. A fairly attractive lady who knew what she was talking about. A lot of the women they have running around on the field might look good but she has no idea what she is doing. And that broad Rachel Nichols, I swear is flirting with the viewer whenever she is doing a report. But thats another story.
I'm not going to ask for video on Erin Andrews, since it was illegally taped, but I wished that I had gotten ahold of the news earlier and get a glimpse on how she'd look like nude. Might be the only time she'll ever be nude. :(
I can't believe that she'd purposefully do it, but i also don't get why she'd admit it's her. You can't tell looking at the picture. It's too blurry. I also never knew women walked around naked doing their hair that long.
Can't bring myself to look at the clip. She did not consent to be filmed nude. Kind of gross really, and I am normally thought of as a pervert. It is also kind of stupid to have even shared in the first place. If the person who filmed this is found out, they will at the very least lose their job and get shamed in the court of public opinion. Worse case scenario is to be put in jail as I am sure this is not the first instance of this person being a peeping tom.

While I do agree with you that this is just an unacceptable behavior that deserves proper punishment, I really do think that there's just a fine line between this and leaking old gf photos or videos.

The technical difference is that the people in that video or those photos would have consented at the time, but hardly for the present use. Apart from that, there really isn't much of a diffrence, imho.

Or when someone hacks a celebrity's phone and leaks the pictures.

It all comes down to whether a person has a right to privacy or not, morally speaking. Legally speaking, it's a somewhat different matter, of couse.
I'm not going to ask for video on Erin Andrews, since it was illegally taped, but I wished that I had gotten ahold of the news earlier and get a glimpse on how she'd look like nude. Might be the only time she'll ever be nude. :(

Perhaps, but I still thinks she's nude several times every day. :nanner:
The technical difference is that the people in that video or those photos would have consented at the time, but hardly for the present use. Apart from that, there really isn't much of a diffrence, imho.

Or when someone hacks a celebrity's phone and leaks the pictures.

It all comes down to whether a person has a right to privacy or not, morally speaking. Legally speaking, it's a somewhat different matter, of couse.
Actually, one might posit that if this was certain other celebs, people may not be so morally outraged at the invasion of privacy here. :dunno:
Actually, one might posit that if this was certain other celebs, people may not be so morally outraged at the invasion of privacy here. :dunno:

Very probably true. Or that if you're skank enough to make the video in the first place, you sort of kind of want to or deserve to have it viewed by half the male population of the planet anyway.


milf n' cookies
Has she been back on ESPN since this video came out a week ago?

I haven't seen her lately.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Awesome! Looks like they caught the little fucker. I believe castration is the proper punishment for this crime...


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Put him in Times Square in stocks, broadcast live across the country what he did, and then put a bullet in his head. Then say, "Let this be a warning to anyone who decides to do something like this in the future."

I also think they should do this to creators of computer viruses and all computer hackers.
There are 8 videos?
Yes and no.

It's the same scene of her nekkid in her hotel room, just split into 8 painfully small pieces.
I imagine it was taken on a cellfone?

I guess all the questions about this being a stunt are now over, with this guy being done. ;)
I hope ESPN treats this arrest with the same vigilance they do when any athlete gets arrested.

I didn't think ESPN did enough to help her out. She did not make a poor choice. She was an innocent victim.

Why would she feel like her career would be ruined by this tape? Hasn't our society become conditioned/desensitized to porn creeping into our daily lives? I know she wants to be treated seriously, but her beauty is so extremely intense....why not work it to her advantage?
It's creepy seeing all the spy cams and ways to video tape people without their knowledge. The video was rather poor quality and can make out but a body figure as if you had your eyes squinting the whole time. Still it is wrong.

I have two different ways of thinking about privacy issues. This is one when I am against this kind of action. When someone, behind closed doors, cannot be in private that crosses so many boundaries it isn't even funny.

On a side note, how many times are our picture taken or being video taped without us knowing it by someone, government, or a random tourist going by and taking a photo of something and you happen to get into it?

Don't get me started on google earth and street view and whatever else crap they ahve that you can zoom in on and watch someone's every move if so desire.

It's scary at how little privacy we have nowadays and unknown of what's happening day in and day out. This is a case that definite legal action should be taken and to come down hard on the hotel and the people behind it! Then the hiring at whatever establishment will make sure it will not be tolerated if they feel some of the whiplash. It takes one to ruin it for all.