It's creepy seeing all the spy cams and ways to video tape people without their knowledge. The video was rather poor quality and can make out but a body figure as if you had your eyes squinting the whole time. Still it is wrong.
I have two different ways of thinking about privacy issues. This is one when I am against this kind of action. When someone, behind closed doors, cannot be in private that crosses so many boundaries it isn't even funny.
On a side note, how many times are our picture taken or being video taped without us knowing it by someone, government, or a random tourist going by and taking a photo of something and you happen to get into it?
Don't get me started on google earth and street view and whatever else crap they ahve that you can zoom in on and watch someone's every move if so desire.
It's scary at how little privacy we have nowadays and unknown of what's happening day in and day out. This is a case that definite legal action should be taken and to come down hard on the hotel and the people behind it! Then the hiring at whatever establishment will make sure it will not be tolerated if they feel some of the whiplash. It takes one to ruin it for all.