Egypt: make your predictions

The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest opposition group in Egypt and

This oft quoted Pew Research poll released in December where the population identifies with Fundamentalists at 59% and Modernizers at 27%.

There is also 20% support for Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, something that is more troubling than support for Hizbullah or Hamas, as both are seen as national liberation movements and even garner support in non-Muslim countries among non-Muslims.
The Mubarak regime served the interests of Israel, the US and some European countries, not the entire Middle East.

For people who care to disconnect their brains from the Fox news retardosphere, clearly there were more options available in Egypt other than just Islamic parties or tyrannical dictatorships.

Wrong it served it's purpose in the Middle East and hopefully will continue to do so.

I'm not getting my news from Fox, rather BBC instead. The Islamists will definitely try to make a move to grab power or at the very least much more than they currently have.
I really, REALLY hope my prediction won't come true, but I see history repeating itself here. We got a head of state who is accused of being corrupt and is unpopular with his people, who happens to be a hardliner against islamists, who is an U.S. ally, who has his people demonstrating against him, and the U.S. seems to be vacilating in its support for him, actually thinking it as a good idea if he stepped down. I think I saw saw this movie already....oh, yes, it was called the "Iranian Revolution" starring the Ayatollah Khomeini.

What was that old saying? Those who do not learn from what? are bound to what? Like I said, I really hope it won't come true.
I'm starting to think that too. And the U.S. wouldn't say shit, I bet.

Israel won't be attacking Egypyt any time soon. If they do get into a fight with someone, I'm not so sure if the U.S. will get involved. The Zionists don't have quite the same death grip on our Fed. government as they once did and the American people are tired of war and tired of the Middle East.
Whatever happens I just hope that it leads to a secular government that recognizes human rights, gives everybody liberty and freedom, has majority rule but with minority rights, and is democratic. Unfortunately, the way humanity usually is I not going to hold my breath on that occurring.
Whatever happens I just hope that it leads to a secular government that recognizes human rights, gives everybody liberty and freedom, has majority rule but with minority rights, and is democratic.

As you say, don't hold your breath. The greedy Islamists are frothing at the mouth for this opportunity.
I believe a bunch of greedy corrupt moral hypocrites will be overthrown by a group of greedy corrupt moral hypocrites

It gets worse when the greedy corrupt moral hypocrite who was willing to deal with the U.S. is replaced by folks who hate the U.S. and provided a lot of the leadership of Al Qaeda.

The Muslim Brotherhood still favors Jihad against non-Muslims. They may use elections to get power, but they are still vicious. Currently the MB is the largest opposition movement in Egypt and is getting involved in the protests in Egypt.

I think the signal we need to send is that we want relations with whomever gets to power, but if they try anything funny, we'll hammer them.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Whatever happens I just hope that it leads to a secular government that recognizes human rights, gives everybody liberty and freedom, has majority rule but with minority rights, and is democratic. Unfortunately, the way humanity usually is I not going to hold my breath on that occurring.

As you say, don't hold your breath. The greedy Islamists are frothing at the mouth for this opportunity.

I believe a bunch of greedy corrupt moral hypocrites will be overthrown by a group of greedy corrupt moral hypocrites

Meet the New Boss, worse than the Old Boss.
^^Yep. Sadly.


Wrong it served it's purpose in the Middle East and hopefully will continue to do so.

Oh of course it served a purpose- to help Israel kill children and steal land with impunity.

It did nothing for the people who actually lived in Egypt (other than make them poorer and get tortured more often) but clearly the will of the people isn't something you regard as worthy of consideration.


The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest opposition group in Egypt and

This oft quoted Pew Research poll released in December where the population identifies with Fundamentalists at 59% and Modernizers at 27%.

There is also 20% support for Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, something that is more troubling than support for Hizbullah or Hamas, as both are seen as national liberation movements and even garner support in non-Muslim countries among non-Muslims.

The Islamists will definitely try to make a move to grab power or at the very least much more than they currently have.

The brown hoards are coming!

How come you conservative heroes out there talk tough all the time yet piss your pants so easily?

Egypt protesters play down Islamist party's role

"There is widespread exaggeration about the role of the Brotherhood in Egyptian society, and I think these demonstrations have exposed that," said Khalil al-Anani, an expert on Egypt's political Islamists at Durham University. "At first the movement showed little interest in the protests and announced they weren't going to participate; later they were overtaken by events and forced to get involved or risk losing all credibility."

Dominic Asquith, Britain's ambassador to Egypt, said of the demonstrations: "I'm struck by the variety of age, of class, of gender. It's across the board, you can see it – you can see the variety of people there. It's not, from my perception, religiously driven. This is not the Muslim Brotherhood. The important thing that we have to focus on is to try to maintain a state of order where what President Mubarak talks of, a national dialogue, can take place."

Maybe if you actually garnered a bit of knowledge about subjects you insist on speaking about then you wouldn't sound like a bunch of hysterical women. Or maybe you just need to increase the meds? But I'm sure you will argue the toss anyway and insist you're in a better position to know what is happening in Egypt from the comfort of your homes in Buttfuck, Alabama rather than Egyptian academics and diplomats who actually live there.

The reactionary right never miss an oppertunity to vomit up cliches about freedom and democracy and defending civilization and about how the left is supposedly in bed with extremists yet when they are presented with the oppertunity to support democracy over a torturer/dictator they choose they choose these guys:

The Egyptian officials were pressing Libi, who knew Bin Laden personally, to confirm the Bush Administration’s contention that there were links between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. In particular, the Egyptians wanted Libi to confirm that the Iraqis were in the process of giving Al Qaeda biological and chemical weapons. In pushing this line of inquiry, the Egyptians appear to have been acting in accordance with the wishes of the U.S., which wanted to document its case for going to war against Iraq. Under duress, Libi eventually gave in. Details from his confession went into the pivotal speech that then-Secretary of State Colin Powell gave to the United Nations in Feburary of 2003, making the case for war.

Several years later, however, after the U.S. invasion of Iraq turned up no such weapons of mass destruction, or ties between Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, Libi recanted. When the F.B.I. later asked him why he had lied, he blamed the brutality of the Egyptian intelligence service. As Michael Isikoff and David Corn first reported in their book, “Hubris,” Libi explained, “They were killing me,” and that, “I had to tell them something.”

I guess contempt for democracy and love of torture is just in the DNA of the right wing these days :dunno:
The brown hoards are coming!

How come you conservative heroes out there talk tough all the time yet piss your pants so easily?

Why haven't you made your full transition to ladyboy? Why haven't you smashed your face in with a hammer? Why haven't you choked on a ham and pork sausage sandwich?:cthulhu:

--Why did you bring up race, anyway? You're just projecting your hatred of White people. Isn't racism considered wrong in Islam? Oddly enough, Muslims let it slip every once in awhile. All those evil White Christians and vile Jews. Heck they call black people Abd and Abeed, which is quite flattering.

Maybe if you actually garnered a bit of knowledge about subjects you insist on speaking about then you wouldn't sound like a bunch of hysterical women. Or maybe you just need to increase the meds? But I'm sure you will argue the toss anyway and insist you're in a better position to know what is happening in Egypt from the comfort of your homes in Buttfuck, Alabama rather than Egyptian academics and diplomats who actually live there.

You have no problem "speaking"/typing like a hysterical woman on things you don't understand. Why deny anyone else that right?

More racist, classist remarks from you. Why do you folks always like to pick out Alabama anyway? Wouldn't Mississippi be a better fit seeing that it's poorer, less developed and has just as many racist incidents?

The reactionary right never miss an oppertunity to vomit up cliches about freedom and democracy and defending civilization and about how the left is supposedly in bed with extremists yet when they are presented with the oppertunity to support democracy over a torturer/dictator they choose they choose these guys:

Actually it's OBAMA who lagged in telling Mubarak he has to go. He was beaten to the punch by Mitt Romney. The long list of Zionists who have supported Mubarak is mostly DEMOCRAT. A lot of DEMOCRATS like Chuck Schumer and liberals in the media have defended Obama and the policy keeping him in place.

I guess contempt for democracy and love of torture is just in the DNA of the right wing these days :dunno:

You could say the same thing about Muslims seeing that they have a longer history of torture and contempt for democracy than the American right.

On top of that, Muslims are slaughtering non-Muslims all over the Middle East, Africa and Asia. You're just one of many hypocrites.
I believe a bunch of greedy corrupt moral hypocrites will be overthrown by a group of greedy corrupt moral hypocrites

*ding ding*

We have a winner!

I get annoyed when people think Democracy is the solution to every problem... remember the Nazis? They came to power through free and democratic elections. :2 cents:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
*ding ding*

We have a winner!

I get annoyed when people think Democracy is the solution to every problem... remember the Nazis? They came to power through free and democratic elections. :2 cents:
A bizzarre and apparently flawed form of democracy if I remember correctly. Partial representation wasn't it? I forget the precise details at current.