The guy (my friend) next to me at my D&D 4ed game last night had a character who he felt inclined to "rp" by shouting, yelling, wailing, and exclaiming his name EVERY F*&^%kING 5 SECONDS!! Pissed me off, cus it was distruptive, nobody really got a chance to roleplay much, and the joke didnt last very long, as for roleplay it was shit, I have a cracked wisdom tooth, and major headaches at the moment and the last thing I need is someone shouting Barry into my ear. Seriously considered leaving half way through.
Oh well, c'est la vie, the rest of it was good, played a new character as another player was running as DM for the first time, it was a encounter based (for something I was told was going to be pure RP) But I guess thank god it wasnt pure rp, after the twat sat next to me.
rant over and out.
Anyone play any muds. I've started playing one called Awakened worlds. But perhaps we could all finda game to join together?