Most rich people are guilty of bribing to get what they want.
The "lobbying" system in Washington is basically legalized bribery.
Most of the corrupt rich assholes who caused the 2008 crash, or those who saw it coming and did nothing, bet against the stock market and walked away richer and with impunity.
What kind of fucked up system allows people/assholes to invest/bet to profit from the economy failing???
Stock markets are basically casinos where people place their bets and about 70% lose money.
The stock markets main purpose is to steal money from the gullible naive majority of investors/gamblers and give it to the corrupt insider minority.
Anyways, I'm still convinced that this college scam was made public at the same time to take the focus off the Mueller report.
If they wanted to punish the rich, the government would seize at least half their assets as fines, and waive any jail time.
That would really scare every corrupt rich asshole into being more honest.
Plus it would save taxpayers millions of dollars in court costs for this college scam dog and pony show done only to distract the public...
How will Felicity Huffman's 14-day prison sentence affect Lori Loughlin's case?