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The American Dream is Now a Nightmare

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Fuckin right it's a nightmare...and we all live on Elm St., and Freddy is giving us a prostate exam. Welcome to America....guess who's to blame. We are, because we elected them, and we let them continue to get away with it.
I want the best education for my son. a classroom with 45 kids in it isnt doing so. plus the basketball team is awesome and the coach was a college scout for 15 years. Every one of their games has no less then 10 colleges present. Big fish in a little pond is the best opportunity for him.

If you have an issue with me not wanting the best at any cost then say so. Don't be snide with a sarcastic comment like that.

Hey cotdammit! You are always advocating state this and state that. You don't trust the state to educate your child, I don't trust them to give us quality healthcare. Don't jump my shit.I don't care if you could tutor him with DeGrasse Tyson and J.K.Rowling taught him writing skills.


Official Checked Star Member
Its a far cry different from the state PAYING for health care and actually being the ones to give it. A little different than public school teachers and doctors. I would certainly bet that the doctors would agree.
These people that grow up to be doctors the majority of them were educated in the state system. "and when you dismiss people you are dismissing possibilities" Well guess what, your opening post did nothing but dismiss a whole class of people because of their socio-economic status and their possibilities. Anyone that possesses the intellect and desire to receive an educucation can get one. It does not matter their starting point or cards they were dealt.


Official Checked Star Member
If I lived in Calabasas my son would go to the public school. If I lived in the suburbs somewhere with a good public school of course. But in a city? no fucking way.

really? have you ever SEEN the school systems in the Bronx? or Watts? or Inglewood? its barbaric. there is VERY little learning going on in those schools. you are being jaded counselor. When I ran away from home at 15 with my stupid boyfriend, we lived in South central. I enrolled at Inglewood High School where they had a day care and metal detectors and the lunch room was run by junior Cryps. you would have to be a MENSA member to get an actual education from that place, and it was considered one of the better schools. The state requires that they round up the truant kids once a year to put them on the books so they get a full year's pay from the Fed government. its atrocious. I am not dismissing an entire class of people, the REPUBLICANS are. you missed the entire point of what I said because that brain of yours is so polluted! lol seriously, the right just says "oh the programs will deal with them" and they dismiss them entirely. the food stamps and welfare program is flawed but you have to understand how many kids rely on them to eat every day. imagine how hard it is to focus in a class of 45 or 50 kids when you are hungry.

THAT counselor, is my point.
Why aren't these poor people getting the nutrition that they need so that they aren't hungry and are able to focus on their school work? The programs are certainly in place which was Romney's point. All you have done in your posts here is espouse how the man is continuing to keep them down. Speaking of rich people, Bill Cosby has made a few bucks in his life. He has caught a lot of shit in the past few years for saying that the reason that blacks aren't achieving is not because they are inferior intellectually but rather a break down in the family unit. He has said things close to what Georges has in respect to the hip hop culture and the language they are being taught through their music and the glamorization of gang bangers . Why should a mom that likes Tupac and whose son listens to the same music see things any differently?


Official Checked Star Member
Well for one the republicans want to cut the funding to those programs. instead of cutting defense which is more bloated more than a 400 pound diabetic woman with a Dr Pepper addiction. Did you know the new C-27Js that come off the production line are going straight to the boneyard aka scrap pile? Thats 1.6 BILLION dollars literally thrown away! Why? Because the defense department is now a military contractors subsidy and a jobs program. There are literally 3000 tanks sitting that we dont need and the military has said "Stop sending these to us! We dont need them" but the government will not stop buying them because there is a contract to do so. Who's agenda is military spending? Who wants to cut social programs? NOT the democrats Zippy. So we are subsidizing farms AND military yet we want to cut food and aid for poor people? How christian of the republicans. our military could be cut in half and still be bigger and better than all the rest. We spend more on our military then the next 5 countries COMBINED.

The republicans have a blank check for military, but bite their nails when it comes to social programs.

So when I hear the fucking republicans bitching about "we would love to pay for health care but we can't write the check!" I want to slap them in the fucking face.
The military has a budget. They have to follow the budget. If they spend a portion of their budget on faulty equipment it is not their fault. It is the manufacturers fault. The Constitution actually dictates that the government provide for the defense of this country and it does not call for a one of these even the playing field programs that you want. You think it was easy growing up in a military enlisted man's salary? There were 3 of us kids in that family. My dad was gone all the time. My mom worked at a time when most moms didn't. When she served us meals she used to say " you need to eat some bread with that" to make sure we had enough to be full. Know how I ended up with the Italian sportscar? My dad received an early life insurance policy disbursement while he was still alive because he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Probably the first time my mom and dad had more than 200 bucks in their savings at one time and he had to die to get it. He was dying and loved those cars but knew he could never afford one and made me promise to sell it if we needed money. I have done everything to keep from selling it because it represents my dad enjoying the last weeks of his life. The look on his face when he drove it and how happy he was when state troopers pulled him over not to give him a ticket but to admire it. I didn't grow up rich yet I worked my way through college. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. No matter what your background or home situation is.


Official Checked Star Member
you grew up with parents. you speak of a father that you had. you do realize 70% of black kids never know their father? I grew up without a father pretty much and it fucked me up. When you grow up without hope and without family you turn to alternatives. Gangs become family. those kids dont expect to live to see 20, much less go to college.

so you are defending the governments wasteful spending on the military? you dont think we spend enough? Paul Ryan wanted to fucking increase the military budget by 500 BILLION dollars!!! what could he buy more of? more tanks we dont need? more planes we scrap without ever flying them even once? they werent bad parts. they were deemed unnecessary AFTER they were built. the tanks aren't faulty, they just aren't needed. the government keeps ordering more, and the military keeps telling them not to.

how you can defend that? it honestly baffles the FUCK out of me.

You are an exception, not the rule. military kids grow up with both parents which is a big benefit over inner-city kids. Military kids know discipline and rules, another thing the others dont have. you are required to go to school and learn to read and write. when I spent my 3 weeks in jail so many of the girls I was in with couldn't read or write. I would say more than a quarter for sure, probably more.


Official Checked Star Member
another thing is when you were young you had aspirations obviously. you had a dream. you had goals. you had a future you looked forward to. there are literally MILLIONS of kids who have no clue what any of that is. How can they dream to be a success when they have absolutely no idea what a success is? how can they aspire when they have nothing to aspire to? They literally are ignorant of hope. you can't know it because you haven't lived it. I have. I was 15 living with a loser 27 year old idiot who made $7 an hour and we lived in a shit hole apartment in a very bad gang neighborhood. you couldn't wear anything red or you'd get shot. I was alone and hungry and my entire future was this moron I was with and having a baby. I didn't know how I'd feed it or take care of it but I wanted one. I thought it would make life better and make me a grown up. I would never take it back because my son is the best thing that ever happened to me. But I can certainly see how that is a vicious cycle. That movie Precious is not fiction. that is very much a sad reality.
On the flip side in the UK we have free health care and a larger than life benefits system. So much so every scrounging, thieving, Gypo across Eastern Europe can now reside here and reap the rewards. I'm fine with that, the problem is they can't give up their scrounging, thieving ways when they are here.
LBJ's Great Society is really working out. The government are building apartments for low income families in my city that rival the ones people are paying 1200 a month for. Guess what happens to these places after 10 years? They become run down windows knocked out boarded up hell holes because for one, they don't have to pay hardly anything for them and they didn't have to do anything but live in them. There is no sense of pride in something that is given to you. This social experiment has created a class of people that expect the government to give them things because they are impoverished. Know why most black kids don't know their father? Because the government pays unwed mothers and gives them a ton of benefits. These women are looking at more children as more government assistance and men are more than willing to knock them up because to them it was all about getting a piece of ass they didn't have any intention in starting a family so of course they don't stick around to raise the kids. This liberal social engineering has been a miserable failure for the past 50 years and all you want is more of the same. The American Dream is dead in the water for those that won't pursue it. Or who think government should provide it for them. I'll be damned if I am to work hard only to allow the government to keep providing these things and it doesn't work and never will. Republicans aren't the problem. Liberal policies are the problem.


Official Checked Star Member
well you totally avoided my original question. You defend wasteful spending on BILLIONS of dollars on military contracts for things we never plan to use? You REALLY are ok with that??

and do you personally KNOW very many teen mothers? I bet you don't other than a few you come across in your work. I KNOW them and I was one. I never considered for a second welfare and stamps and hand outs. I just wanted to be a grown up and I didn't know any better. You can bitch about the hand outs but when companies and policies are designed to keep these people down by YOUR party, what the fuck do you expect to result from it? when you fight to keep wages as low as possible and keep them below a livable level, what is the result other than poverty?

your party wants to eliminate the minimum wage altogether. of course they do! give business the benefits and fuck the people who work for them. more profits mean what? not more money for the people. this experiment that rich people and profitable business creates jobs and wealth is a failure. Look at the trends in the last 30 years. people are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Where is the benefit that Ronny promised when he gave the corporations and the wealthy a free pass to rip and burn? it resulted in the decimation of the middle class and an entirely new breed of poverty in America.


Official Checked Star Member
I think that able bodied people should be required to do community service work to get their benefits. I also think that mothers should get free day care for their kids. day care breaks parents. I also think that all kids should get free health care. if you have money, great, go pay a doctor. but kids should never be sick or die because of money to buy medicine. you would fucking think that the fucks calling themselves christians would feel the same way but they dont. they are ok with buying thousands of tanks we will never use, but not medical care for a child.
conservative economist Walter Williams wrote a large article on how trickle down economics was a failure and a big result in the economy's issues today
well you totally avoided my original question. You defend wasteful spending on BILLIONS of dollars on military contracts for things we never plan to use? You REALLY are ok with that??

and do you personally KNOW very many teen mothers? I bet you don't other than a few you come across in your work. I KNOW them and I was one. I never considered for a second welfare and stamps and hand outs. I just wanted to be a grown up and I didn't know any better. You can bitch about the hand outs but when companies and policies are designed to keep these people down by YOUR party, what the fuck do you expect to result from it? when you fight to keep wages as low as possible and keep them below a livable level, what is the result other than poverty?

your party wants to eliminate the minimum wage altogether. of course they do! give business the benefits and fuck the people who work for them. more profits mean what? not more money for the people. this experiment that rich people and profitable business creates jobs and wealth is a failure. Look at the trends in the last 30 years. people are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Where is the benefit that Ronny promised when he gave the corporations and the wealthy a free pass to rip and burn? it resulted in the decimation of the middle class and an entirely new breed of poverty in America.

No where in your rant have you addressed the billions of dollars that have been wasted on failed alternative energy initiatives. These are corporations sanctioned by this administration that have lined the pockets of these CEO's and haue left nothing in the wake but taxpayers holding the bag and people unemployed. Those dollars could have gone toward some of those programs that you desperately want to keep going too. But all you want to do is point toward military spending as the culprit. And for those evil corporations that you hate. Verizon avoid some taxation because they are constantly reinvesting their profits to expand their network as well as AT&T who have basically had to reinvent their company after the breakup. When a corporation breaks up the size and worth of that company is reduced. I guess it would have been easier for AT&T to just lay off your step father but fortunately for him he was able to remain employed even with a reduced pension. The company still has to compete in the marketplace especially in the face of more competition and advertising is a huge portion of a corporation's budget. Paying to name a stadium after a company is part of that budget. These very greedy corporations are enabling you to run 75 website porn empire from the comfort of yovr estate when you are ovt cruising the waterway in yovr party barge. And they make it possible for you to process credit card transactions while you are out looking at Bonnetheads. As for my experience with low income mothers, it is quite extensive as my first job out out of jaw school was 3 years with the public defender's office. All you do is go on about how your life experiences changed you well mine changed me. I was once a liberal. You made the decision to drop out and become a young mother and it is not my place or government to kiss it and make it all better.
and it's not my place to pay higher taxes so corporations don't have to, the welfare scheme goes both ways and only burn those of us were busting our asses everyday to get by