What I mean are biblical judeo-christian principles that there is an objective, absolute truth, an absolute standard of morality and a higher law of Nature and of Nature's God that everyone is accountable to, from Emperors and Kings to the lowliest of slaves.
Just lie any other religion
And of the intrinsic worth of each individual that is inalienable.
And, in the name of God and the Bible that was , according to you, the foundation of the civilisation, the Church invented the Inquisition and approved the massacre of hundreds of thousands of the pre-colombians population of latin-america.
Whether you believe it's a book of fairy tales or not, there is no denying that no other text has had the impact the bible has in shaping western civilization. From governance, to literature, arts and music to philosophy. It's everywhere.
Agree. Just like Zeus, Athena, etc. are on every ancient-greek buildings, archelogicals sites and items. Just like references to Islam, Allah or Mohammed are everywhere in North Africa and Middle East. Just like Osiris, Anubis, Ra, etc. are everywhere on ancien egyptian archeological sites and items, just like Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva are everywhere in India, etc... Every culture is filled with references to its dominating religion.
The christian influence on western civilisations has never been as strong as it was during the medieval times. Yep, that period is considered as "dark times", this civilisations are considered as obscurantists. At the same time, the Middle East was under muslim influence and it was way more advanced than Europe.
Japan has never been under christian influence, small or bif. Still, the country and its people developped a perfectly fine civilisation.
Pretending without christianity, the western civilisation wouldn't be is stupid. other part of the world successfully created civilisations comparable ot ours without christianity.And, before christianity became so influent in Europe, there had been other religions who were very influential on perfectly fine civilisations and nobody can tell for sure how Europe (and America) would be if christianity hadn't been so influent on their civilisations.