Did you know that the largest virus ever recorded is called the Bradford coccus.
It is around 30 times larger than the rhinovirus that gives us the common cold.
You can read about it in, "13 Things That Don't Make Sense" (Chapter 8) by Michael Brooks.
So what you are alluding to under all of those fancy language games is that somehow I am involved in this little scam of yours, that I - by bringing up such a name on this here forum - am connected somehow to this virus? That Maybe, just maybe its creation is down to me and my team. Or maybe just me all by my lonesome?
You have yourself quite a theory there Jolly,
if that is your real name! But you would be wrong in this assumption, and here's why. During the time of our little friends “invention” I was stationed somewhere deep within the jungle on a mission to bring back a certain ivory dealer known as Mr Kurtz to our fair and balanced civilisation. Only to find out that he had secluded himself deep within the jungle and that he had fooled the local natives into thinking that he was some sort of living god. As you can imagine I was shocked to see this, I have to admit. He died soon after, poor chap:
"The horror! The horror!"
I still have no idea what he meant by that but it does make for a good set of last words, don't you think? I'll have to remember them when my time comes.
No, wait! That's not right, that's
Heart of Darkness. Damn and blast!
Conrad you've fooled me for the last time! Dammit!
Fine I'll admit it, I created the virus. My name for Dirk's penis is just a homage to my earlier work. I see now that it was a mistake to make such a pet name public when there is such a fine investigator on the board. I take my hat off to you sir, but that is all!
But now that I have been foiled, I shall not go quietly, you hear?
My time is not over yet.
Release the SpaceAIDS!!!
I just did! :nanner:
::runs away::