Do you belive in ghost?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Yes, I believe in one ghost.
Not at all. I have not seen even the slightest bit of convincing evidence that Ghosts exists.

My best friend on the other hand. Is convinced that my house is haunted though. She thinks my place is just creepy.

Admittedly, someone did kill themselves in my house before I got it (How I got a damned good deal on the place). But I have not seen a single thing that makes me think there is a ghost here.
I told about 2 experiences that I had here, but I can share another story. We had a cat for almost 19 years. In 2006 she developed several malignant tumors and we had to put her to sleep. After she died, she would come and visit us every few days. Once I was sitting on my mom's bed watching tv (the cats in our family have always lived in my mom's room) and suddenly the door was pushed open. The temperature of the room suddenly dropped about 10 degrees, the other cat followed something invisible to me across the room with her gaze, the smell of flowers suddenly filled the room (the cat that we had put to sleep loved flowers, and would go smell flowers any time she could), and I suddenly felt the weight of something that set itself on my lap (the cat used to like to sit on my lap whenever I would sit on the bed and watch tv). After a few minutes the weight on my lap went away, the smell vanished, and the temperature in the room rose back to normal.

Her visits have become less and less frequent, but she still comes by every once in a while. The last time she visited was about 2 months ago. I really miss that cat.
I've had 3 doors slammed on me when no one was there, one car door, 2 room doors (1 friends art studio).
2 radio dials (old style crank dials not digital) scan across the channels by them selves, once on Halloween, the radio scanned up the dial and then down the dial, and the second was in my friend's art studio where the radio turned on scanned down the dial then turned off.
a window blind role up by its self (friends art studio)
a transparent figure walk by - good look (friends art studio).
just to mention a few things - a buddy of mine records EVPs.
so yeah I would have to say that I do .

Elektra Knight

Official Checked Star Member
I've had 3 doors slammed on me when no one was there, one car door, 2 room doors (1 friends art studio).
2 radio dials (old style crank dials not digital) scan across the channels by them selves, once on Halloween, the radio scanned up the dial and then down the dial, and the second was in my friend's art studio where the radio turned on scanned down the dial then turned off.
a window blind role up by its self (friends art studio)
a transparent figure walk by - good look (friends art studio).
just to mention a few things - a buddy of mine records EVPs.
so yeah I would have to say that I do .

that's scary.
Why is it when something unexplained happens, people have to say it was a ghost? Do you need an explanation for everything? Just because you can't explain something, doesn't mean it was a ghost, or phantom, or spirit etc. Accept the fact that you can't explain some things.

My mom says she saw a ghost, and my mom wouldn't lie to me, but I don't believe her. Her brain was playing tricks on her, and seeing her grandma is some sort of coping mechanism for her grandmas death. Whether or not she wants to accept that, that's what happened.

They don't exist. The idea that someones spirit hangs around for the sole purpose or slamming doors and shaking things is fucking ridiculous.
the magician and professional skeptic James Randi once debunked dowsing by mixing test results.
Arthur C Clark author and inverter, called Randi on the mat for it (as he often did for many things) and showed there was an actual scientific basis for it, involving static electricity and the Earth's electromagnetism.
Issac Newton's theory of gravitational pull was rejected as superstitious nonsense.
I myself can not believe that such a thing as consciousness and intelligence that took Millions of years to evolve and springs from something no bigger than the point of a pin into the size of a melon, has no other aspect of existence other than the four dimensions in which we see its results and actions.
I can not believe for a moment than some other dimensional aspect does not play a part in it.
What I listed was just the most common experiences I've had that make me believe in ghosts.
do I know for a fact that they are? no.
But I have no proof of gravity or black holes either other than what a few so called experts tell me.
I believe what those experts tell me based upon my own personal experiences, and that goes the same for the paranormal.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
See I would like to believe in them, but I consider myself a skeptic. Personally I enjoy the concept, but I where is the real proof that most people in the scientific community have debunked and claimed false. Until I see that proved real, then I have to remain a skeptic.


Closed Account
Why is it when something unexplained happens, people have to say it was a ghost? Do you need an explanation for everything? Just because you can't explain something, doesn't mean it was a ghost, or phantom, or spirit etc. Accept the fact that you can't explain some things.

My mom says she saw a ghost, and my mom wouldn't lie to me, but I don't believe her. Her brain was playing tricks on her, and seeing her grandma is some sort of coping mechanism for her grandmas death. Whether or not she wants to accept that, that's what happened.

They don't exist. The idea that someones spirit hangs around for the sole purpose or slamming doors and shaking things is fucking ridiculous.

I agree with virtually 100% of what you said. I also had a cousin named Jeremy who was sadly killed during one of my middle school years in the late '90s while on the road. And my one of my older brothers once said--and only once, now--that he was supposedly startled by (something to the effect of) a pillow in a bedroom throwing itself across the room, he told me in a car alone one afternoon on a way home from him picking me up. And he said "Well maybe Jeremy has trouble seeing the light or something". And I just wanted to politely and respectfully tell him that he didn't see anything; it was just his mind, as many humans, playing tricks on him. Many people simply don't know how power the human brain is.

But again everyone is welcomed to entertain whatever thoughts wonder into they're heads, and to have any personal beliefs they want.
I believe people see and hear what they believe to be ghosts. But supernatural events such as these and UFO sightings are probably chicanery by Satan.

Some people do not realize how powerful he is .Just not as powerful as God.