The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Yes, I believe in one ghost.
And if so why.
And if so why.
I've had 3 doors slammed on me when no one was there, one car door, 2 room doors (1 friends art studio).
2 radio dials (old style crank dials not digital) scan across the channels by them selves, once on Halloween, the radio scanned up the dial and then down the dial, and the second was in my friend's art studio where the radio turned on scanned down the dial then turned off.
a window blind role up by its self (friends art studio)
a transparent figure walk by - good look (friends art studio).
just to mention a few things - a buddy of mine records EVPs.
so yeah I would have to say that I do .
do you work at a cemetary or a morgue or a funeral home or a nursing home or a hospital?
Why is it when something unexplained happens, people have to say it was a ghost? Do you need an explanation for everything? Just because you can't explain something, doesn't mean it was a ghost, or phantom, or spirit etc. Accept the fact that you can't explain some things.
My mom says she saw a ghost, and my mom wouldn't lie to me, but I don't believe her. Her brain was playing tricks on her, and seeing her grandma is some sort of coping mechanism for her grandmas death. Whether or not she wants to accept that, that's what happened.
They don't exist. The idea that someones spirit hangs around for the sole purpose or slamming doors and shaking things is fucking ridiculous.