Do you believe in hell?

Not really because your assuming that even if he does know the future, that the future can't change because of people's actions they choose themselves. Also with all arguments like this people try to place human logic into something, that is by the vary nature of what God is thought to be, is beyond that concept. It's the same as when people that try to disprove the existence of God by using the thought experiment that if God can do anything can he do something even he wouldn't be able to do, or some other similar thing.

So you disregard all logical arguments FOR God? Even if one arises where it essentially proves God? Would you still reject it?

I personally believe as man created the idea of God, then man can use logic and reason to destroy the idea of God. Obviously most Christians would disagree with everything said there, that is until reasonable arguments come in their favour. :2 cents:
I really don't see how anyone can buy into the concept of a place of neverending physical and mental torture, and beleive in a loving God. The idea of such a place is totally incompatible with such a God who loves humans. If he created us, and we end up there (Free will is irrelevant here, as a loving God would not give us Free will if we use it to do evil acts. If you knew your kid was gonna play in traffic, would you give him the option of choosing to?) how can it not be his fault? Bad design specs? If there is a problem with your watch, you do not blame yourself do ya, hell no it's the watchmakers fault for making a defective product. Bottom line is his creation his responsibility.


Closed Account
I don't believe in Magic
I don't believe in I-Ching
I don't believe in Bible
I don't believe in Tarot
I don't believe in Hitler
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Buddha
I don't believe in Mantra
I don't believe in Gita
I don't believe in Yoga
I don't believe in Kings
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles
I don't believe in John Lennon

I just believe in Hell.

It's from the John Lennon song "God"...however the lyrics are a bit altered that last line should go "I just believe in me." Obviously being sang from Johns POV. I think that is a great song.

I did not know what song the above lyrics were from, until LordVader66 posted - but, I can tell you this - Elvis was believable - I saw him more than once :D

Also, if there is any discussion of hell, at all, I think I'll rely on Bon Scott - seems he may have been there a time or two and was able to provide a full report.

There has always been the belief that there is a "place" called Hell. Throughout the church age this was widely taught as it is today at the end of the church age. But now that we're living in the last days, God has started to reveal more truth from his word and from everything we now know, hell is just the condition of being under the wrath of God.

If we remain unsaved when we physically die, we cease to exist
On the subject of God - Muslims believe that in the last days an entity that is able to kill and resurrect life at will, will live on earth. The majority of people that are desperate for god to save them will claim that this is god and worship Him. This entity will offer salvation in return for worship and an express route to heaven. All that oppose him will be banished to hell. However, this entity is a test from god. The Koran states that no one will see God prior to their death. Those that believe in the entity will therefore go to hell because their belief was weak and those that were originally banished to hell will instead be accepted into heaven. I believe that there is God but you and I are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We will never be privy to this information. We are a pool of consciousness or energy that will be re-transmitted in some way upon our death.

I believe hell is psychological and not physical. If you are restricted by your belief and you think you are going to hell, then that is where you will end up. When the illusion of life is over, the illusion of death will restrict you to a state of hell. Tibetan Buddhists believed that you or your essence (core) is trapped in the body for eternity. When they are buried, they can either fight it and create further illusions in their mind or remain at peace in their rotting prison. Hell doesn’t sound like a bad alternative.
Hey hey Don't say anything About hell Thats my Home After death I will live there for ever... with all the Pornstars...

I must support my view by this explanation as most Hindus believe that we able to get human life after going through 8400000 different species.... and if we are god human and did good job then god bless us with luxury of heaven if we are bad and self centered then god send us to hell and after few punishments the lord of hell send us back to earth and we need to enjoy again all 8400000 species...

I will prefer to go to hell as if we are in hell we there exist a possibility to enjoy 8400000 X 12 = 100800000 sexy females....
And in heaven we need to follow gods rules no sex without permission and must use condoms....

we are god here on Earth means Hell..... :) our Home.... :D
God have rule that no one allowed to have sex with more then 2100000 females..... Only 25% as we able to have in hell.... :)

Are u still wanna go to heaven.....

Join League of Hell.... :D See u fucking hard in hell..... :)
I believe hell is psychological and not physical. If you are restricted by your belief and you think you are going to hell, then that is where you will end up. When the illusion of life is over, the illusion of death will restrict you to a state of hell. Tibetan Buddhists believed that you or your essence (core) is trapped in the body for eternity. When they are buried, they can either fight it and create further illusions in their mind or remain at peace in their rotting prison. Hell doesn’t sound like a bad alternative.

You are right about hell not being physical, because it was never a real place neither will it ever be. Hell is being under the wrath od God (which makes up for most people of the world) Fact is, If we remained unsaved when we physically died, then we cease to exist. The misinterpretations of hell came from poor understanding of the Bible, about hell being this cavern underground and people burning for all eternity. People don't realize that Christ spoke in parables (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning)