Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Hell as a popular concept was primarily a tool of the Catholic Church and was designed to keep potentially wayward peasants (and royalty as well) in line in the period following the fragmentation of the Roman Empire. If you believe in the compassionate, benevolent and forgiving God that is espoused in the New Testament, the idea of Hell makes no sense. And, if you believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful God, the very idea of the "Devil" and this parallel universe to Heaven called Hell is as preposterous as the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.
Let's suppose it did exist. What would be its purpose in that case? As a place to "punish" those of us who displease God? Well, if God made us, why would He punish us for what was obviously HIS mistake??? No. It is an invention of those in power to scare the shit out of the masses. Its continued perpetuation as a place that many actually believe in only serves to prove that if you tell a huge lie long enough and often enough, people will believe it.
Let's suppose it did exist. What would be its purpose in that case? As a place to "punish" those of us who displease God? Well, if God made us, why would He punish us for what was obviously HIS mistake??? No. It is an invention of those in power to scare the shit out of the masses. Its continued perpetuation as a place that many actually believe in only serves to prove that if you tell a huge lie long enough and often enough, people will believe it.