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Do You believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 195 48.9%
  • No

    Votes: 204 51.1%

  • Total voters
To me there is no god, no creator of the universe, no divine being and other definitions on what a god is. Even though I am atheist however there are things in science that I don't believe in like the big bang. The truth is we will never find out where we came from simple as that, we have ideas and all that but that's what they at the end of the day so unless we can build a time machine which is impossible and go back to the times where all the major things in religious holy books supposedly happen. Whether people who thinks there's a god like it or not there are over 1 billion atheists in the world so if you count that with the number of religious and non religious people in the world atheists come 3rd (christianity 1st, islam 2nd), of course bare in mind you get atheist christians, atheist muslims, atheist jews etc.
At times I get sick and tired of this childish thing about whether religion is good or bad, religious people would use things that happened in the 20th century like nazi Germany and the Soviet Union as examples of what they think that atheists and non-religious people are really like while athiests and non-religious people will use the bad things caused by religions like terrorists attacks, hate preachers and so on. In terms of what happened in the 2oth century caused by both sides we have video evidence of that while before the 20th century all we have is buildings, artifacts, supposed eye witness accounts found in old books and diaries, etc.
Also what is the point of relgious and non religious people saying that we should all live in peace and accept/ respect each other's different views and beliefs but some on both sides do the complete opposite? The best example is me and my girlfriend, I'm atheist and non-religious, she is christian/catholic but is non-practising and our relationship is great.
I do believe that there is a God or something that created us but my God isn't the jugging hatefull sexist racist God of religion. It's my own personal God that tells ME what's right and wrong.

Holy Post 777!


Closed Account
I do not believe in organised religion. I believe in spirituality. Two completely separate things.

I live in Australia, and can I just say how personally offended I have been in the way that World Youth Day has been built up and even forced upon us as citizens.

Some people I know from Sydney will be going, but I was startled to learn how many do not know the violent and sinful history behind the Roman Catholic church. I was in a heated debate some time ago with an Indian girl from my university. She swore that the Roman Catholic Church was a bastion of all that is good and pure and all other religious doctrines were false. I just laughed.

After an impromptu history lesson she still refused to acknowledge the fact that the RCC had committed some truly horrible acts in the past citing that it was all for the greater good. After hearing that I got up, went to the Pepsi machine and left her... alone... with her idiotic thoughts. Anyway, Back to WYD '08.

For starters, I totally abhor the title - "World Youth Day" for a Roman Catholic promotional event. The NSW police recently received new powers to arrest and fine up to $5500 anyone found to be "annoying catholics" during the week-long event. What a joke! Our liberties are slowly being eroded. Are state and religion not meant to be completely separate? I take solace in the fact that although it will cost millions to the taxpayer, the event will be a complete flop, falling hopelessly short of the initial estimates. Maybe the state Labour gov. will be ousted after this final blunder.

I cannot believe that a single culture or group of peoples were privy to the true and all encompassing philosophy behind our human and earthly existence. I prefer to think of humans as caretakers of the land and nature - much like the Native Americans or Australian Aboriginals.

Most people follow a philosophy along the lines of Pascal's Wager. I refuse to subscribe to such a ludicrous notion.
I don't believe in god or spirituality, or anything supernatural. I think religion and belief do much more harm than good, and the world would be a better place without religion and "god."
I think alot of people think of God as another word for faith which this world would be better with. religion has it's messed up form of faith and what to have faith in but if we could just take faith and even God out of religion and turn the word religion back into idea, it would be for the better everyone and we'd all be able to be comfortable with our own beliefs.
who made GOD and is there any proof of him existing i'm agnostic so if some one would have really proof i would believe, but until that i won't because bible is just a book that was written to scare people so they would not break the local law.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't believe in God. I have no use for a man sitting on a big puffy cloud.
The "nothing can come from nothing" argument is extremely weak because it begs the question of who created "God." And further - if we are to continue with this line of reasoning a "creator" must necessarily be greater and more intelligent than "his" creation, therefore it is more reasonable to consider that the universe itself is its own "creation" and it is more far fetched to assume an even greater intelligence or power that exceeds it in scope and complexity.

The term "creation" is an unfortunate semantic that adds fodder for those who say "creation requires a creator." As humans we exist in our own sensory reality which goes from birth to death and we have a certain sense of time and general reality that centers around our own human experience. The universe as a whole and life on this planet in particular have evolved in ways beyond the narrow range of human experience. I won't belabor this point, but there was a time that a person having a seizure was thought to be demon possessed. With advances in understanding the human brain this once common notion is all but dead in educated countries. However, humans have always been tempted to insert the notion of "God" when they reach the edge of their own intellectual comprehension. Humans have never liked to say, "I don't know" so they say "God." A belief in God is simply an expression of ignorance. And in that respect a true scientist would not disallow for the existence of "God" but would say, as Richard Dawkins says, that it is also possible that there is a small teapot circling the sun in an orbit just beyond the reach of our telescopes and instruments to detect and until we have explored every bit of that space we cannot say with absolute certainty that there is no teapot. However, we can say that it is exceedingly unlikely.
The world was created by energy, wasn't it? That's what created the Big Bang? (Could of been Ron Jeremy :p)

I don't believe in God. I believe God was a tale told when people knew nothing of how babies were born and where the yellow thing in the sky went when it was dark.
No one will ever know for sure whether there is a god/religion or not. It will be argued till the end of time. Myself, I'm agnostic. So in that case i'm not a believer.
Please define agnostic for me. It seems to be more used as a cop out for athiest. Great documentary for everybody to see including me. Whether you like Bill Maher or not you got to admit he is hilarious. He's got a documentary out right now called religulous. here's the trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB8fPJ6zds8

Here's a big question: If were here in this universe, than what's outside of us? and so on and so on??


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Nobody truly believes in God. If they did, they would never sin because they would be fearful of God's ultimate power...yet, everybody sins. People just enjoy the idea of God, as it gives them some sort of guidance and takes all responsibility out of their own hands.

"Thy will, not mine, be done"
AKA - If I fuck up and so something stupid, I'm going to blame it on God because he wanted me to do it, so I didn't do anything wrong.

People who claim that they truly believe in God are in a complete state of denial and just enjoy feeling better than people who don't believe in God. Name one person who is like that who hasn't sinned...you can't.

Once again, nobody truly believes in God.