Thanks for the recommendation that I educate myself,since I am so ignorant.Evidently I am not the only one on this board that is.I shall look into that book You spoke of,however.By the way,I did take biology at USC and I honestly found that my professors in college (in most of My education)..have a strong anti God agenda.That is what they do.Attempt to train young minds to accept their way of thinking and reject all others.No different from the religious freak show preachers on TV.I distrust arrogant professors that think they know everything and discourage free thinking.If You believe that I am some uneducated hick from Florida or Alabama;You are wrong,Sir.I do not believe every word of the Bible any more than I believe every word from some self proclaimed expert college professor.Don't try to insult My intelligence.Most others have been polite in this discussion,and You were not!--I am no "idiot" as (someone else) called Me.I just did not take My education as "Gospel" from Men with an agenda.--I suggest We all question authority,question the Bible,question the old Men that teach us in college and then,form our own opinions.That is what I have done.I do NOT believe that Jonah was swallowed by a great fish as the Bible states,and I do NOT believe that Elephants,Sharks,and sparrows evolved from the same micro-organism.---Don't forget that professors and teachers are there to "mold young minds" to their way of thinking.Many times they are succesful,but not wih Me.No hard feelings tubuler,but please,no more attempts to be My guidance counselor.The books,I am cool with,but teachers telling Me what to think,I am not.I went through that for four years at USC and I am done.Thank You.