OK, look, I could go one for a while, but (this time) I won't. I have prayed for people. I remember one lady in particular. I really knuckled down. A couple of days later, while I slept in the afternoon, I 'saw' a person enter the room. he was bald, the dace I couldn't make out. Anyway, he started strangling me. This is not the first time this has happened. I struggled to wake up, willing myself to say "Jesus" out loud. After a minute or so he, it, left. And NO it wasn't a BREAK IN and NO I wasn't imagining it and NO it's not - the favourite of unbelieving folk - 'psychological.'
Many years back I 'saw' a group of demons, maybe 20. They were trying to enter me via my back as I slept. A being in white appeared saying, "Leave my child alone." They left His child alone, quicker than a wink.
Have I seen Jesus? Yes. Have I seen God, no, obviously, just Light. Angels? Wings and light, mostly. I have felt their comfort.
I prayed once for a chap in a store. His friend told me he was a confirmed atheist. Well, the room was swimming with a tangible presence. He looked at me with shock and I dunno what else.
Oops, looks like this is going to be long.
Why does God allow evil. Jee I can't believe people ask that. Let's make it real simple. Someone decides to film, let's say, extreme, girl bashing porn. Hmm. They USED to have a conscience. Now they really don't seem to care. Their conscience has been seared.
Someone may decide to shoot a cop. A small, still voice will urge him not to, but, he will ignore it. Maybe that cop just left church to go on duty. He leaves a beautiful wife and a newborn baby behind. God's fault? No. The shooter had a choice. God cannot counter your will. Otherwise you would be a programmed being.
Is there a devil? Well, people worship him, don't they? Do they follow him? Yes. Do they still have a choice? Yes.
God allows you a choice. Like they said in "Charmed" even, that episode with Krista Allen where she speaks to the Source - "The great flaw in the plan."
It isn't really a flaw. It's just that everyone chooses evil over good, usually.
If God overrode the shooter's, rapist's, etc, will, he would not be God. He would be Dominus Immortalis. Maybe then everyone would follow Him. You would not have a choice. However, then Lucifer would go screeching into Heaven - yes, he does still have access there - querying why God can stop people doing stuff and making Himself so well known, when he can't. No fair!!!
Also, creativity might be severely limited.
I don't know why Man has to choose. Maybe because there was some or other fruit incident in a garden 10 000 years ago. (Not an apple, it doesn't say anywhere it was an apple). Oh and by the way - it isn't money is the root of all evil, it is "the love of money is the root of all evil."
God does not come bludgeoning Himself into our consciousness, otherwise Satan could do the same, which means our choice would be clear. here would be no more need for faith or believing or discovering, or a childlike discovery of truth and the wonder when we find it.
Evidence. Well, the bible does say the evidence is clear but people choose to disregard it, deliberately hardening their hearts against truth. Think of this if you would: we are the 3rd rock from the sun: God is 3 Persons.
We are protected still by some ozone. God protects us.
Our planet is shielded by Jupiter. God is our shield. Do you honestly think it is
sheer blind accidental luck that there is a giant planet deflecting meteors?
Yes, terrible things are done in the name of religion. Not God sitting up there rubbing His hands in cruel glee. Christians were persecuted even for saying the earth is round - when the bible says: "He is seated above the circle of the earth." I posted elsewhere God tells people even though they make their home amongst the stars, yet there He will find them.
I myself have prayed for people to get well. They got well. Do I have a super duper powerful mind? If I did I wouldn't be here right now, I'd be rich and famous already! I like to think. Point is, no, I'm the dude everyone ignores, you know, blonde hair, don't smoke, looks like, well anyway I'm not tall dark and handsome.
People try to ignore or curse God or push Him away 'cos they think He is out to spoil their fun. He isn't, He wants to deliver. I still think it's OK to enjoy a nice sexy babe. Hopefully I will be allowed to do that for a while still. (Lol).
God has helped me time and time again in my personal life. Crutch, I hear you sneer. Well, if it is, so be it. What a wonderful crutch. Kudos to you what can do it all by yourself. Many can, and do. I battle with computer code and the latest term for everything. What is the one I heard recently? Hapsic or some such thing, to do with Samsung's iPod killer. I don't know. It's neverfreakingending. Endless terminology and everyone knows 'cept me.
Still, God loves me. When I have gone to a very dear friend in the past - at the end of all my bewilderment and arguments, I just felt His love shining through......