Not that that would be some great revelation but does it all boil down to charisma and who you'd rather have a beer with? With human beings being shallow for the most part, it wouldn't surprise me.
I'm going to go back as far as my memory but it seems the case.
Bill Clinton vs. Bush Sr. - Clinton
Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole - Not even close, Clinton
The Robot Al Gore vs. Dubya - W for the win
Herman Munster reporting for duty vs. Bush - the affable texan
Obama vs. the old, crotchety McCain - young, hip, historic wins the day
Obama vs. Romney - Romney was likeable IMO but not enough
The presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, et. al - the more the public sees of Hillary, the less likeable she becomes. Apparently, her poll numbers are dropping in several swing states. I just don't see millennials being enthusiastic over a 67-year-old ill-tempered grandma (because we're shallow like that). Not that they'll break for the GOP candidate but they'll sit this one out. I don't see the independents going for Hillary either.
I'm going to go back as far as my memory but it seems the case.
Bill Clinton vs. Bush Sr. - Clinton
Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole - Not even close, Clinton
The Robot Al Gore vs. Dubya - W for the win
Herman Munster reporting for duty vs. Bush - the affable texan
Obama vs. the old, crotchety McCain - young, hip, historic wins the day
Obama vs. Romney - Romney was likeable IMO but not enough
The presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, et. al - the more the public sees of Hillary, the less likeable she becomes. Apparently, her poll numbers are dropping in several swing states. I just don't see millennials being enthusiastic over a 67-year-old ill-tempered grandma (because we're shallow like that). Not that they'll break for the GOP candidate but they'll sit this one out. I don't see the independents going for Hillary either.