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Delete Facebook Now

On Friday, Facebook announced that it had suspended Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) and its political data analytics company, Cambridge Analytica, for violating its Terms of Service, by collecting and sharing the personal information of up to 50 million users without their consent. The incident is demonstrative of ways that Facebook’s core business model — delivering individualized ads to users — can be exploited, while raising uncomfortable questions about how such data might have been used to influence the 2016 presidential campaign.

Cambridge Analytica is owned in part by hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and first aided Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign in 2015, before helping the Trump campaign in 2016. It promised to target voters’ “unconscious psychological biases,” by using massive amounts of data develop personality profiles, which could then be used to create extremely specific ads. According to Vox, the Trump campaign brought Cambridge Analytica on in June 2016 to help with its digital operations, headed up by Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The campaign later named Steve Bannon — a former vice president of Cambridge Analytica — as campaign manager. Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie recently passed information to The Observer and described the company’s work as a “grossly unethical experiment,” and said that they exploited Facebook to harvest the personal information of millions of people and “built models to exploit what we knew about them and target their inner demons.”

The suspension of the two companies came a day before a pair of reports in the The New York Times and The Observer about how Cambridge Analytica obtained and used the personal information of 50 million users to design voter profiles to target political advertising during the 2016 election. Facebook confirmed that the data came from University of Cambridge psychology professor Dr. Aleksandr Kogan, who created an app called “thisisyourdigitallife,” in 2015, which 270,000 people downloaded. The app gave Kogan permission to access information from the users’ accounts, as well as information about their friends.

Facebook says that “Kogan gained access to this information in a legitimate way and through the proper channels that governed all developers on Facebook at that time,” but then passed the information to SCL / Cambridge Analytica. Former Cambridge employees revealed to the Times that the firms collected information on more than 50 million users without their consent, which the company used as the foundation of “its work on President Trump’s campaign in 2016.”

Upon discovering that the information was being misused, Facebook removed the app and asked for the information to be destroyed in 2016 when it discovered that Kogan had handed the information over to SCL / Cambridge Analytica, orders that both companies say that they complied with. But The Observer says that “Facebook did not pursue a response when the letter initially went unanswered for weeks because Wylie was traveling, nor did it follow up with forensic checks on his computers or storage.” Facebook also did not notify users whose data was used by the company, and disputed the description of the incident as a “breach.”

Furthermore, while Cambridge Analytica says that it destroyed the information in question, The New York Times reports that it “still possesses most of all of the trove.” Cambridge Analytica released a statement yesterday saying that it had deleted all of the data, and that it’s working with Facebook to resolve the issue.

The company has been under scrutiny from government officials and regulators over its role in the US presidential election, as well as the UK’s Brexit campaign to leave the European Union in 2015. In December 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that special counsel Robert Mueller asked that the company to turn over documents pertaining to the Trump campaign as part of his investigation into the role that Russia played during the 2016 presidential election, while the House Intelligence Committee interviewed Cambridge Analytica Chief Executive Alexander Nix. Following Facebook’s suspension of the two companies, Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey announced on Twitter (via The Hill) that her office was launching an investigation, while other lawmakers said that they would like to see Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testify before congressional committees.

The revelations come after a rocky year for the social media company, which confirmed that political ads from companies backed by the Russian government ran on the site, which were seen by more than 10 million people. Facebook says that the information obtained by Kogan was accessed “in a legitimate way and through the proper channels that governed all developers on Facebook at that time,” and that it has “made significant improvements in our ability to detect and prevent violations by app developers,” in the last five years, requiring developers to justify the use of the data that they collect. But this incident highlights a key feature of Facebook, to utilize personal information to deliver specific advertising to individuals, and only goes to underscore a critical weakness in the American electorate: that this information can not only be used to manipulate an election, but it can be obtained relatively easily, with few checks.

If you're on Facebook I have one question for you: Why?

Now you might say but David Dennison Amazon and Google harvest your data too. What's the difference? True. But the difference is Amazon and Google are using it for commercial purposes. To give you better suggestions and tailored ads so that you'll buy more Gatorade and sneakers. And I'm generally good with that. This Facebook debacle took it a step further. It was a massive harvesting of data done to help Russia spread it's propaganda. It's almost sinister

I'm not on Facebook and never will be. If you want to delete your account I suggest reading this

How to delete Facebook



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Maybe all the liberals on facebook will delete their accounts, there's some variation of MAGA to be said if that were to happen.


Hiliary 2020
That is a lot to read so maybe I misunderstood.

Is it claiming that bookface is bad because it "helped Trump win"?

If so is anybody stupid enough to believe that?

Every click of the mouse targets you for ads. That's just how it is.
It should be illegal but it ain't.
Why? Money and corruption just like everything else.

So FB helped Trump win?
Anybody who believes that is a fucking idiot, sorry.
It was 100% the opposite.

And this:
This Facebook debacle took it a step further. It was a massive harvesting of data done to help Russia spread it's propaganda. It's almost sinister.


Little info.
All your news, every bit of information you get on that box comes from Jews.
They own it all. Including your government and its politicians.
And facebook is no exception.
All Jewish owned and controlled. They decide on ALL the information you receive.
And they use that to manipulate how people, especially soft in the head Americans think.
Everything they believe comes from them.

They buy and own the politicians and if they didn't want Trump to be PREZ he would not be PREZ.

I'm not talking about your next door neighbors the Nussbaums here.
I'm talking unlimited funds, richest of the rich people in the world Jews in name only.
This Homely Rat Faced thing is one of them.


Please wake up. You are part of the problem can't you see?
By believing complete bullshit like this Fake News article you are letting it happen.
Begging for it.
Echoes of Adolf :clap:


Through measures to “Aryanize” businesses, the regime also assumed control of Jewish-owned publishing companies, notably Ullstein and Mosse.

Ullstein, which published the well-known Berlin daily the Vossische Zeitung, was the largest publishing house company in Europe by 1933, employing 10,000 people. In 1933, German officials forced the Ullstein family to resign from the board of the company and, a year later, to sell the company assets.

Owners of a worldwide advertising agency, the Mosse family owned and published a number of major liberal papers much hated by the Nazis, including the Berlin Tageblatt; the Mosse family fled Germany the day after Hitler took power. Fearing imprisonment or death, reputable journalists also began to flee the country in large numbers. German non-Jewish newspaper owners replaced them in part with ill-trained and inexperienced amateurs loyal to the Nazi Party, as well as with skilled and veteran journalists prepared to collaborate with the regime in order to maintain and even enhance their careers.


The Propaganda Ministry, through its Reich Press Chamber, assumed control over the Reich Association of the German Press, the guild which regulated entry into the profession. Under the new Editors Law of October 4, 1933, the association kept registries of “racially pure” editors and journalists, and excluded Jews and those married to Jews from the profession.
i permanently deleted facebook a year ago, but the idea that zucksuck helped trump win (if that's what I'm to take away from this) is completely laughable. Mark-ie Moo may spend most of his days suing innocent hawaiians over land rights, but even he wouldn't allow a glaring oversight like this to pass by his desk unanswered; No way the poster-child of SJWs throughout the galaxy would stand for his private assets Facebok Corp. to even indirectly benefit the Trump campaign. Zuckerberg flushed too much money (20 Million Dolans, through unofficial channels) on Hillary just to buzz Kellyanne in at Menlo Park.
Last edited:
I didn't have a Facebook account but just signed up for one because of this Delete Facebook Now hysterics.

But I'm contrarian like that. Also, don't tell me what to do.
You MUST support Trump and you MUST vote for the Republican candidates to the upcoming mid-term elections

really? that's what we're being bombarded with in popular culture and their news media?

speaking contrarian, wasn't the world supposed to end when net neutrality was repealed? You'd think so from some of the idiots out there. Same with the US pulling out of Paris Accord.


Hiliary 2020
Echoes of Adolf :clap:


Through measures to “Aryanize” businesses, the regime also assumed control of Jewish-owned publishing companies, notably Ullstein and Mosse.

Ullstein, which published the well-known Berlin daily the Vossische Zeitung, was the largest publishing house company in Europe by 1933, employing 10,000 people. In 1933, German officials forced the Ullstein family to resign from the board of the company and, a year later, to sell the company assets.

Owners of a worldwide advertising agency, the Mosse family owned and published a number of major liberal papers much hated by the Nazis, including the Berlin Tageblatt; the Mosse family fled Germany the day after Hitler took power. Fearing imprisonment or death, reputable journalists also began to flee the country in large numbers. German non-Jewish newspaper owners replaced them in part with ill-trained and inexperienced amateurs loyal to the Nazi Party, as well as with skilled and veteran journalists prepared to collaborate with the regime in order to maintain and even enhance their careers.


The Propaganda Ministry, through its Reich Press Chamber, assumed control over the Reich Association of the German Press, the guild which regulated entry into the profession. Under the new Editors Law of October 4, 1933, the association kept registries of “racially pure” editors and journalists, and excluded Jews and those married to Jews from the profession.

I have repeatedly said I have no problem with Jewish people in general.
No more, no less than most other groups of people..
I mean the woman are often self absorbed and mean and many are neurotic but we've all got our quirks I suppose.

But these people who are at the top of everything the banking and media I feel are jews in name only anyway.
They arent real Jewish neither religiosly or genetically.
They control the money and have unlimited funds.
Unlimited funds. That is power over everything. Especially Governments and politicians.
And they control 100% of the information we get.
All of it. And most of that information is lies and propaganda.
And our beliefs feelings and opinions are form from these lies we are exposed to.
that is simple fact and to deny it is being less then honest.

I would say this no matter who they were. They could be French, Romanian, or Bratslavian and I still would say it.
I haven't been conditioned to being allowed to criticize anybody with the exception of one group.

As far as your criticising Germans.
How did all those Jews get into Germany and thrive so well in the first place?
They never had it so good then they did there.
Its because the German people took them in and treated them well in a time when no other people would.
It wasn't until a few years into WWI when the media , owned by guess who, turned them into racist brutes who murder innocent people.

Anyway the original article is so full of crap. Fake News.
There are many reasons to delete face book, but those arent it because those are just more lies.
that is simple fact and to deny it is being less then honest.

No it is NOT a simple fact.

As far as your criticising Germans.
How did all those Jews get into Germany and thrive so well in the first place?
They never had it so good then they did there.
Its because the German people took them in and treated them well in a time when no other people would.
It wasn't until few years into WWI when the media , owned by guess who, turned them into racist brutes who murder innocent people.

More non simple facts.
Ever heard of Martin Luther? He was a virulent anti semite 450 years before Hitler came to power.
that hopelessly liberal coven on the view are probably sorry they brought megan mccain on.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Oh damn, this is a game changer. Take that fucking republicans!


The Liberal Democrats harvested data from millions of MySpace accounts, it has emerged. The party was found to have employed controversial tech company Humberside Analytica to comb through the data which they hope will give them an unfair advantage in the 2022 general election. Investigative journalist Francesca Johnson said: “It’s not just MySpace. They’ve cross-referenced with Bebo and Friends Reunited. “With that weight of data they’ve already run simulations which prove they could enter into a coalition with the Conservatives in the 2020 election, and after that apparently go from strength to strength. “Apparently voters that could be swung to the Lib Dems like custom fonts and listening to Travis, are friends with [NOBABE]Lily Allen[/NOBABE] and do shots of Aftershock, both red and blue.” Lib Dem leader Vince Cable said: “There is nothing unethical about our use of this data. Until we start blackmailing voters with pictures of them as teenage goths.”


Hiliary 2020
Facebbok, Google, Yootoob and the other social media giants have gone on a massive censorship program these past few months.
It started over a year ago and really went into high gear after the last big Phoney Fake Show.
They delete and terminate anything and anybody who does not go along with what the GOV and its Media says.

I'm sure most people here have no idea this is happening because it wasn't on CNN.
But it is.
They took these platforms which were supposed to be open forums and have gone full blown Commie with them.

Facebook has just implimented a giant monitoring and censorship program to their site.
And the GOV and the Media want you to believe they are doing this because of Russia.
C'mon people wake the fuck up.
Just don't post anything personal, or don't use your real name.

Heck, all my posts over the past year have just been "Happy Birthday" messages to my friends, and that's it.


Hiliary 2020
Just don't post anything personal, or don't use your real name.

Heck, all my posts over the past year have just been "Happy Birthday" messages to my friends, and that's it.

Thats right TV, me too.
I never post on FB. Only reason I have it is because I have relatives back in the Old Country (by Old Country I mean Florida) and if anything happens to anybody that's how I'll know.
As far as using your real name you might as well. They can find it out easy enough by tracking your ip, they dont even need a warrant.
My real name is actually Guy Smiley (My parents were big Sesame Street fans).