David Feherty apologises for joking about Pelosi

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I have never heard of David Feherty or Pelosi so cannot comment on this event.

Damn, yo. You sure do know how to stop a good thread dead in its tracks. David Feherty was a great golfer who became a commentator for CBS and Nancy Pelosi is a giant bitch of a Speaker of the House.
Damn, yo. You sure do know how to stop a good thread dead in its tracks. David Feherty was a great golfer who became a commentator for CBS and Nancy Pelosi is a giant bitch of a Speaker of the House.

You forgot useless.
Pelosi was insulted??? So fucking what....She deserves 3 bullets: a double tap to the sternum and a single shot to the forehead afterward. End of discussion.

As for Reid...I'll leave that to the imagination.

Does this put me on Napolitano's "extremist list"?

what an asshole you are
Why apologize for joking about Pelosi?

Because you don't get it. The biggest problem I had with the whole "joke" (using that term in it's worst possible light) was the branding of all honorable servicemembers with such a stupid ass assertion.

I don't know why more people don't take issue with the continued politicization and exploitation of American service men and women who are routinely trotted out by many on the "right" for political points.

I think it's a fairly outrageous thing to say about any servicemember....and yes, it is as stupid as what Wanda Sykes' dumbass said.
eh he was making a joke which was tasteless and not all that funny. personally, i love jokes about tasteless things....the key being that they're funny. :D


milf n' cookies
Pom pom Pelosi absolutely fumbled and bumbled her way thru that press conference. She was so shaken up cause she now knows she's been caught lying!
I don't really agree with the man, but I don't think he needed to apologize.

Too PC for me. Nobody is above a good crack.