

One of my friend has been tested positive yesterday.
I have spread a lot of time with him these days... So there a great chances that I will be positive on this shit too.
I will call the number and ask what I have to do, I hope they will let me home because I have to feed my cat.
If you don't see me anymore on this board, it will means that I will be in hospital.
I'm so fucking worried! :(


I live close to Stasbourg "bas-rhin"


Not many case as you see in this graphic.

As for health I'm ok for now.


I have call the number, they said as long you doesn't have syndrome you don't need to do the test and you can go to work.
Live normally that's what they said.
And after you thinking why the epidemic grows...

Vive la France!...




Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I suspect it is due to the issues with corruption and the Mafia being involved in so many infrastructure, there was a massive bridge collapsing some years ago, and the main reason was the buiding companies got away with a very unhealthy amount of sand in the concrete mixture, making it prone to tumble down way too easy.

Similarily, I suspect the health care and the hospitals have supplies that are not up to par as they are needed. Watered down, I suspect. And I also suspect that soe politicians were as professional about the situation as the US administration right now.
Is it evil that I was looking forward to going out and about with a really bad flu and watching people's reactions when I coughed and spluttered around them?

Couldn't go out though, Man Flu Maximus is on my case and stopping me. :(

I do genuinely hope that any one out there in the Freeones world that does get it, catches a mild infection and are back posting inane, disgusting nonsense quickly.
It hasn't hit where I'm at yet,...that I know of, but I work at a place where when somebody gets the flu or some other pathogen transmitted in a similar way the majority of the hundreds of other people that work there get it in short order. Due to the nature of my work, how close people are to each other, how the air is forcefully circulated around, and how the product we make is handled by hundreds of hands that touch it, short of practically going into the place with a full on biohazard containment suit the chances of avoiding something like this are slim if even one or two people come into the place infected.

It makes me wonder what will happen when it rolls around where I'm at. Short of closing the place I work at for maybe literally months (which won't happen) while the virus cycles through the population I don't see how this is avoided, and in some ways I have resigned myself to the good possibility of getting it. Even if somehow my employer does close for lengthy period of time almost nobody that works there could afford to be off work that long, including me. Luckily I'm still relatively young and good shape, although I do have minor breathing problems occasionally. I work with a large amount of older people though that are either around retirement age or above that work there because they don't have much choice, and I wonder how bad a bad case scenario might be.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Achey this past few days. No appetite. Cold at comfort level 72ish.
Hope its just normal flu, get it out of the way before the other one.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Hoping and praying you feel better my friend.

I aint dead yet, just another guy coughing and downing too much coffee to be productive. :p
(Not terribly productive, I'm just trying to watch battlestar galactica for the first time ever, and man is this show just dickkicker city, these guys dont catch ANY breaks. I gotta put some time inbetween episodes to reorient my mind for another bout of bad luck, cylon infiltration and dead humans)


Coronavirus: Italy extends strict measures to whole country – BBC News



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Achey this past few days. No appetite. Cold at comfort level 72ish.
Hope its just normal flu, get it out of the way before the other one.

That is just your demon half burning out your angelic tendencies.

My advice:

Listen to a lot of AC/DC, drink a lot of beer, and have a good spliff for after work, or, if you can, for in between jobs



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
At this point just a bunch of over reacting and sniveling.

Time will tell but I am not running scared.

Bet our ancestors in 1919 showed more stones.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
That is just your demon half burning out your angelic tendencies.

My advice:

Listen to a lot of AC/DC, drink a lot of beer, and have a good spliff for after work, or, if you can, for in between jobs

*pounds down a baby with whiskey*
Eric has it totally *BURP* wrong, lemme tell ya..
Its all about the evil.
Actually right now its all about the ibuprofen.


Bronze Member
At this point just a bunch of over reacting and sniveling.

Time will tell but I am not running scared.

Bet our ancestors in 1919 showed more stones.

Maybe, but they didn't have a full-blow racist liar/criminal/traitor invoking fear and confusion leading the country back then.