Post-Pandemic Economy




If every asshole and idiot had been wearing a mask for the past few months, the economy could have been mostly open again.

Covid-19: what will happen to the global economy? | The Economist


Top economist Paul Krugman thinks economy is going to lockdown again

What's Next For The U.S. Economy: Paul Krugman

Chuck Schumer Calls GOP Coronavirus Rescue Plan A ‘Corporate Lawyer Wish List’ | All In | MSNBC
Top economist Paul Krugman thinks economy is going to lockdown again

What's Next For The U.S. Economy: Paul Krugman

Chuck Schumer Calls GOP Coronavirus Rescue Plan A ‘Corporate Lawyer Wish List’ | All In | MSNBC

He must have given up on anybody actually watching his videos some time ago.

More like one of those speaker's corner geezers, standing on a soapbox, preaching to the birds.


Looming eviction crisis in America

Wealthy Homeowners Are ‘Bargain-Hunting’ As Millions Face Eviction | MSNBC

Finance columnist explains the tug-of-war between landlords and tenants during Covid-19
KFI 640 AM's Tim Conway Jr says sell RVs and tents. Ding-DONG!



Trump's latest executive order does very little for the jobless who desperately need help.

"a third of renters don’t think they will be able to make August rent payment"

Just another way POS Trump, his mafia cronies, and the republicans are disrupting the American economy, so they can declare a national emergency, cancel or delay elections, and create a mafia controlled republican dictatorship.
I hope "The Economy" can be reassessed and its focus widened. I think there's a lot of other tangibles that can be included than GDP, Wall Street, and balance sheets. An inflationary dollar is a very poor metric.
I don't believe there will be any more heavy lock downs. Too many folks will not comply. Anti Science, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy believers , whatever. As we know, some won't take even basic precautions. Add to the fact that a consumer based society has to have consumers or collapse. I think this will just have to run it's course. Until the retirement system runs out of money I won't starve or be homeless so I can only wish for the best for the rest. I do wonder with today's less centralized family structure to rely on will folks just sit in the dark and starve as some did in the past or ? I used to argue with my sister-in-law the staunch Republican about assistance in bad times. She was dead set against it, people were lazy and if helped would not work. (And that said, she and her husband did earn everything they had) I said maybe but I suggested she could either share some of her success with those temporarily in need or hire guards to protect her stuff and as I said earlier, I don't expect anyone would just sit down and watch their families go hungry in the dark.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
We've had an Republican economy since Reagan, and it's an abject failure. We funnel more and more to the top, strangle those on the bottom, and continue to shrink the middle class. No one has earned what they've got, even if you work hard and do everything right in this economy, there are still built in advantages for some, prejudices and discrimination for others. Until we come to a reckoning for the past, there will be no future and that's really where Republicans as exemplified by Trump have a real problem with Democrats. We as a nation have ignored the fundamental problems with our republic, embraced those problems for most of our history, excused them, and shifted blame, but there's only so much running and denying that can be done, at some point it's time to settle those debts or be consumed by them, no grace will prevent it.
Perhaps we are returning to what I call "The Standard Human Condition" A few wealthy and powerful at the top. Kings, Princes, Merchants, whatever. The a smattering of folks in what would be a middle class existing mainly to serve the needs of the rich and powerful. then everyone else dirt poor. Since WWII this has changed from throughout history to what we have had since. Wealthy, yes but fairly reasonable about it. A healthy Middle class and of course the poor with a chance to work it's way out. America has always offered the best opportunity to escape poverty but in recent years the tide seems to be turning. Unless things return to a more moral and reasonable approach to wealth(reasonable greed instead of unlimited greed) I fear trouble is ahead.
I fear trouble is ahead.

I've been telling my kids for years that their generation is quite likely going to have to fight a war against the ruling class. May or may not be a conventional war, and they may or may not win, and it may or may not even end in their lifetimes.
Then again, seems like my kids generation might not care so much as long as they have a decent internet connection. Not necessarily because they're inherently apathetic, but because they seem to have accepted that they're not getting the white picket fence, or the steady job, or the clean air and habitable planet, so they've collectively said fuck it, let's just share memes instead.
I really want to support the younger generations for exactly the legacy you describe. All these previous generations have been collectively failures. It's frustrating that we have 19th/20th century problems two decades into the 21st.
Who knows what will happen in the health club industry? Will it be popular to have new homes constructed with built-in gyms? Own any land in a prime location?

Also, how long will we wear these darn masks? Possibly long enough to start a wacky mask business trying to make mask wearing fun.
Who knows what will happen in the health club industry? Will it be popular to have new homes constructed with built-in gyms? Own any land in a prime location?

Also, how long will we wear these darn masks? Possibly long enough to start a wacky mask business trying to make mask wearing fun.
I can't say about the Health Club industry but I will say that I expect that Masks will be around a very long time. Not necessarily mandated all the time but more like Asia where wearing masks when ill becomes normal. Cause you can be damn sure this is not the last strange new disease we are going to have.