

Coronavirus explained: Where it came from and how to stop it | DW News

Coronavirus vs flu: Which is more dangerous? | DW News

Coronavirus kills Chinese doctor punished for raising alarm | DW News


Coronavirus whistleblowers disappear in China | DW News


Scale of the coronavirus outbreak





Light one for Me
Coming to everybody's shores sooner or later.

What are the repercussions for humanity and the global economy. A few economist friends have predicted another recession in Europe.
Certainly travel and tourism can be impacted. I haven't compared its effects to that of earlier outbreaks like SARS, etc.

I'm curious if there's a way to look at data in a way to make local economies more resilient. (Silver linings kind of thing.)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Stocks have already fallen, and I'm no economist,

but considering that 2000ish's SARS outbreak sent China into a production tizzy, I think 2020 will be the same.
But with a major caveat ~ in the early 2000s they were just providing cheap bullshit to a few countries.

They've come a long way in 2 decades. A metric fuckton of production facilities are over there that werent there, back when.
2 decades of explosive population growth, global trade has solidified in that time..

I'm not really the betting type, but I'd put a few bucks down on some major crises coming about, because of this.
I'd google the statistics, but why depress myself? :)
Coming to everybody's shores sooner or later.
What are the repercussions for humanity and the global economy. A few economist friends have predicted another recession in Europe.
Eevery economy relying on Chinese factories is gonna be affected. If you're planning to buy a new cell-phone, buy it now 'cause in a few monthes, it might be difficult since many ofthe factories producing them are in China and are currently on low production 'cause they have many workers forced to stay home 'cause they are affected by the virus.

Chinese government statistics can't be trusted but in Italy, the government is reporting that they have 219 people affected (mostly near Milan and Venice) and 5 casualties, so that's 2.3% death rate, which is lower than the "common" flu. And most casualties are eldely people who were weak and already sick from some other disease.

So there's no reason to panick, nobody's gonna die simply because an asian guy coffed near you. But governments have to get ready to take the necessary measure when (and if) the disease starts to hit us.


Light one for Me
Noticed today that the shelves are running low in the supermarkets


Italy v Ireland rugby international match postponed.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Y2K false fear < Coronavirus will suppposedly be swimming inside you sometime in the next 365 days.

The local news tells everybody when flu season is starting, and You Might get it once or twice a year.. but it hasnt gotten as much coverage as COVID19. :)

Its like a celebrity ~ ya know, you see it everywhere, its got the media watching it, it might come to your town and its overhyped. But you would ask for the autograph if its in the room. Sounds famous, to me. *shrug*
Most of us should be fine, but if over 80 years old it's a big risk, and if you have a health problem like Diabetes Type 2 it's also not so simple to overcome.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If you ask VP Pence, you just have to pray harder, and according to Trump it's all going away on its own in April or May, because the virus can't handle the warmer weather


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
2.3% death rate

So there's no reason to panick,

Legit saying that maybe 3 definitely 2 out of 100 people are going to die is, actually kinda panick-inducing.
Just sayin', johan. lol

And then the Pence thing. Pence definitely contributes. Like trusting Beverly Hills Ninja to do a sneaky thing or John Cusack to pay the 2$ back.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Chinese government statistics can't be trusted but in Italy, the government is reporting that they have 219 people affected (mostly near Milan and Venice) and 5 casualties, so that's 2.3% death rate, which is lower than the "common" flu.

Not hardly. You need to recheck your facts. The mortality rate from the "common" flu ranges from .05 to about .1%. Throughout the outbreak, the death rate for 2019-nCoV has been about 2%. Comparing it to the worst pandemic of modern times (the Spanish flu outbreak during and after WWI), it's estimated that 10% to 20% of those who were infected died. So, at this stage, much worse than the regular flu, but not as bad as the Spanish flu.

There was a doctor on CNBC this morning. Unlike a lot of the jabbering talking heads on TV when I got home, this fellow didn't seem to be political. He was just trying to deliver good sound information. He said that the warmer weather of spring and summer likely would dissipate the spread of the disease, but that this fall and winter would see it picking up again. But by fall, we should likely have something of a handle on treatments, though probably not a vaccine. Even for the "common" flu, the vaccines tend to be hit or miss because there are so many strains. I always get a flu shot, but I got the flu this year. If there are (or will be) multiple strains of coronavirus, that could prolong the search for effective vaccines.

The doc said that the most important things we can do are behavior modifications: don't grab and hug people, don't touch foreign objects and then touch your face, etc.