

Postal Paranoiac
As of this typing, the virus has hit my family. Acquaintances have had scheduled operations cancelled due to lack of hospital beds. Available COVID testing is restricted to high-risk, or those with symptoms (???), unless you can come up with upwards of $150 out of pocket to pay for it. I guess we can dispel any right-wing rhetoric discounting the validity of this pandemic.


Sorry to hear that maildude.
My friend and his girlfriend got covid-19 twice in a 4 month period, both times he got it from his girlfriend. He rarely went out, he works from home, but his girlfriend had to go out to an office to work and to go shopping, she probably got covid at a store.
The first time back in March he had burning lungs for about 6 weeks, he didn't go to a hospital or get tested. He had burning lungs and a sore throat and a bit of fatigue. His girlfriend had about a week of fatigue and then she got better. It took him over a week of googling to figure out his own therapy. He didn't lay down, he sat or stood most of the day and did deep breathing to get more oxygen and clear his lungs. He lifted his arms above his head, breathe in thru nose or mouth, hold for 5~10 seconds then breathe out slowly thru the mouth. He did this about 5~10 times every hour or more often. He also took a teaspoon of cold medicine with menthol & an expectorant every 4 hours to keep his lungs clear, and drank hot tea between meals. He kept up this therapy all day every day for 5 weeks until he had no more severe symptoms, but he had minor pains once or twice a day for about a month.
The second time he got sick in August, his girlfriend only had a sore throat and a bit of a headache for a few days then she got better. As soon as his lungs started burning he started his therapy of deep breathing and cold medicine with menthol & an expectorant. This time he got better in about two weeks. But he's not sure if the second time his quicker recovery was due to starting the therapy right away or if his body had a partial immunity to covid-19, or a combination of both. The second time he also had minor pains in his kidneys for a few weeks.
If you can't breathe in deeply and hold your breath for at least 10 seconds, then you should go to the hospital.
My friend had no problem breathing, it just hurt. He tested his lungs every day, he was able to breathe in deeply and hold his breath for at least 30 seconds, that's why he didn't go to a hospital or get tested, he just self isolated at home for 2 months. His girlfriend stayed home for about a month. They both stayed home an extra 2 weeks after getting better.
They got infected the second time because they believed they were immune and were careless. They didn't social distance, wash hands, or wear masks every time they should have.

The problem with covid is that any one therapy does not work for everyone. If you have any difficulty breathing, or other symptoms, it's better to go to a hospital before your symptoms get worse.

Stay safe, wash or disinfect your hands often and WEAR MASKS !!!!
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Mostly working from home since march with some very lenghty hours every day with some very rare visits at the customers. I always wear a mask when going out,wash and rewash my hands.Ordered most of the Christmas presents online.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
As of this typing, the virus has hit my family. Acquaintances have had scheduled operations cancelled due to lack of hospital beds. Available COVID testing is restricted to high-risk, or those with symptoms (???), unless you can come up with upwards of $150 out of pocket to pay for it. I guess we can dispel any right-wing rhetoric discounting the validity of this pandemic.
At least the right-wing got the mb_mg_bigten_01.jpg playing by discounting the pandemic's validity.

More seriously, I'm sorry to hear it has hit your family. Stay safe.

@georges Good to hear you're safe and glad to see back.


Postal Paranoiac
Checked on various health companies' websites. Looked at various protocol and rules for existent COVID testing. And one thing is clear: it's about money. They'll claim high-at-risk urgency and availability...but if you're STILL offering the test for a price...well,'s NOT an availability issue. It's a money issue. Stop your fucking lying.


Light one for Me
Where I am restrictions are easing slowly at the tail end of a 2nd lockdown - working from home is the norm. I haven't been to my place of work for 9 months.

People have been offered some hope for Christmas with permission to 'bubble up'(as they call it) and mix with max 3 other households - for a 5 days period only.

It's going to be a lot like Christmas- NOT.

Although the vaccine is here, experts here advice is to maintain current advice, hold the restrictions over Christmas for 8 weeks and Easter will the time to try and return to norm.

Nearly a year into this shitstorm😖 now requires private,tests for the uninsured.

COVID-19 alert
Common question

Are COVID-19 tests free?

COVID-19 tests are available at no cost nationwide at health centers and select pharmacies. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act ensures that COVID-19 testing is free to anyone in the U.S., including the uninsured. Additional testing sites may be available in your area.

Check into this stuff Maildude. My wife and I both have had tests without Dr orders and no fee was charged. Both state sites and CVS Pharmacys


Postal Paranoiac law now requires private,tests for the uninsured.

COVID-19 alert
Common question

Are COVID-19 tests free?

COVID-19 tests are available at no cost nationwide at health centers and select pharmacies. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act ensures that COVID-19 testing is free to anyone in the U.S., including the uninsured. Additional testing sites may be available in your area.

Check into this stuff Maildude. My wife and I both have had tests without Dr orders and no fee was charged. Both state sites and CVS Pharmacys

Yeah. There are a couple near me, around Lansing and one other one. The problem is that they are relegated to one or two locations and limited by times and dates. If we are unlucky enough to get there on a busy day or time, or they run out, or whatever...we're fucked. It would be nice to have options. The point is that big money health organizations give half a shit about the individual in this regard...something that, unfortunately, the government has to step in and account for. Here is the folly of Capitalism.


For the EMPEROR!!
As of this typing, the virus has hit my family. Acquaintances have had scheduled operations cancelled due to lack of hospital beds. Available COVID testing is restricted to high-risk, or those with symptoms (???), unless you can come up with upwards of $150 out of pocket to pay for it. I guess we can dispel any right-wing rhetoric discounting the validity of this pandemic.
Sorry to hear that MailDude.I hope everyone is going to be alright mate.


Covid-19 Is Looking More and More Like an Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmunity may explain how the virus inflicts such widespread and unpredictable damage

"Throughout the pandemic, doctors have noticed a confounding phenomenon: A lot of people infected by the coronavirus develop myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart that can cause lasting damage and death.
Even among people who have mild Covid-19 or who are asymptomatic, experts have found evidence of heart inflammation. A July study published in JAMA Cardiology found that 60% of coronavirus patients had active myocarditis two months after their initial infection. Remarkably, the study found that this inflammation was as common among people who recovered at home as it was among those who required hospitalization. (Myocarditis can often go undetected; its symptoms can be subtle and include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a fluttering heart.)"


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Light one for Me
Covid-19 Is Looking More and More Like an Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmunity may explain how the virus inflicts such widespread and unpredictable damage

"Throughout the pandemic, doctors have noticed a confounding phenomenon: A lot of people infected by the coronavirus develop myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart that can cause lasting damage and death.
Even among people who have mild Covid-19 or who are asymptomatic, experts have found evidence of heart inflammation. A July study published in JAMA Cardiology found that 60% of coronavirus patients had active myocarditis two months after their initial infection. Remarkably, the study found that this inflammation was as common among people who recovered at home as it was among those who required hospitalization. (Myocarditis can often go undetected; its symptoms can be subtle and include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a fluttering heart.)"
Yeah, those symptoms you describe are being reported frequently. Even those who have been asymptomatic have developed similar difficulties.
Damn.. More deaths than the worst terrorist attack against the country - in one day. And - from the picture on the bottom; now, also more cumulative deaths than during WW II.

There is that saying that goes something like, "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." People glossing over the number of deaths now seems like it fits that. It's a sad indictment of human nature. Hell, people seem to care less about the deaths now than even the lesser amounts of deaths per day that were happening in the first half of the year.


Light one for Me
New 6 week full Lockdown planned for us starting Dec 28th.

The recent restrictions have made no difference.



Light one for Me
Lockdown starts midnight, St Stephens Day - for 6 weeks (to be reviewed after 4 weeks).


Light one for Me
Now the powers that be are talking of a new variant of covid which spreads quicker and can be more lethal.

I think they're holding something back from the public. There restrictions are stringent to say the least, yet we have a vaccine rolling out. Its hard to fathom what's going on.