The responsible thing would have been to call for backup or restrain her.
"essentially she was attacking an officer"...thats BS. If the same girl went and did that to her bf, and her bf acted the same way that the cop did, everyone would be like "baddddddd bf". Its because this guys a cop, that everyone thinks its ok, when in reality, the officer has years of training, all kinds of gear that he can use to restrain a yippity bitch (pepper spray, taser, handcuffs)....he does NOT need to lay a hand on her in that manner to get the job done. Punching girls is not ok. Punching not ok. No matter how fucking crazy they be actin, they should not get a fist in the face. They should get peppered, tased or handcuffed. You know, something thats actually EXPECTED when you're lashing out at an officer.
If that were my kid, I'd be pressing charges. I'd EXPECT my idiot child to get pepper sprayed or something to that extent if they were acting in that manor. But having my daughter punched in the face by a man with probably twice her strength...and all of that training on being "professional"...yeah I'd be royally pissed off.