Cop punches girl in face


Hiliary 2020
shes 17 you sick fuck, read the article dont just skim through it like some illiterate fiend. lol asking if she did porn, you can really get this forum in trouble. perhaps you should really leave since you dont know anything, i mean come on man ur the one that wants 9 inches as if your cool. *golf clap for you


another fiend? he has a point?? so its ok to ask if a 17 yr old does porn, OMFG :confused:

man i see 17 year olds everyday here in the city of beautiful women.
and many, most of them are beautiful girls.
nothing wrong with thinking that about a girl that age, its not sick.
pretty is pretty.

i guess youve been raised in the states where nowadays you must watch everything you say and think......or else.

btw, march and april i was going with an 18 year old,
at this moment i am very close to a 19 year i sick too?
There is no reason to use that kind of language or tone. You are only making yourself look bad. And don't be paranoid. Its silly to think that this whole forum will get in trouble by my asking if she has done porn. When i posed that question i thought she was atleast 18. And about me wanting a 9incher, what is wrong with that. You are highlighting it but it's not like i am trying to hide that. have you forgotten that this is a porn forum?

I think you should stop with this. Why are you looking to fight people?

i can use any language i please when you want to know if a 17 yr old does porn. 'nuff said about that.

EDIT: No, you can not use any language and get away with that. I have gone through the entire gamut of your post on this thread and found most of them insulting. Only a person having no self respect can go on insulting others. The girl in question was resisting arrest and the cop felt threatened by her. So there is no point arguing about the age factor. Each one is to take the responsibility of his/her actions. You too.
I could have pm'ed you but didn't. That should tell you something.

^Yes, you have a point. But instead of discussing the topic, these posts are off on a tangent talking about who complained to the mods and what-not. He joked about getting back on topic and admitted to an oversight yet, we're being labeled as sick fuckers...and on a porn site!
(...and yes, I am offended by this label.)

If you are going to chime in about forum etiquette, please re-read your previous posts in this thread.

i could careless if i offended you. u agreed that it was ok to make a mistake without consequences, why? cause its a porn site?? what the fuck is wrong with you? and im calling you two sick fuckers not because of pussy and ass with all the trimmings but because apparently to you its ok to ask if underage girls do porn. dont get the words twisted fool. lol rico suave lol good day to you and sanjay, both of y'all get thee highest regards


man i see 17 year olds everyday here in the city of beautiful women.
and many, most of them are beautiful girls.
nothing wrong with thinking that about a girl that age, its not sick.
pretty is pretty.

i guess youve been raised in the states where nowadays you must watch everything you say and think......or else.

btw, march and april i was going with an 18 year old,
at this moment i am very close to a 19 year i sick too?

as long as your their age. not some 26 yr old loser, but according to the law 18 is an adult so ur fine, so is 19, so your good. but that moron asked if the 17 yr old did porn. what the fuck is wrong with sanjay i dont know but where hes from is major underdeveloped. good day to u sir :hatsoff:
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Hiliary 2020
Ok, I agree, talking about a 17 year old doing porn ain't cool.
its also against board rules.
Thinking a 17 year old is pretty though, c'mon.
Oh, I'm 38.
I'm in perfect shape , most people think I'm about 30.
And I date any women I think is cool and feels the same about me.
18 is my minimum though. but i prefer at least 24
where I'm at they just fall into youre lap all the time, no searching necessary.
So if some sexy 20 year old wants to know me, what should I do say no?
Age don't matter, Its just hanging out and having fun.
i could careless if i offended you. u agreed that it was ok to make a mistake without consequences, why? cause its a porn site?? what the fuck is wrong with you? and im calling you two sick fuckers not because of pussy and ass with all the trimmings but because apparently to you its ok to ask if underage girls do porn. dont get the words twisted fool. lol rico suave lol good day to you and sanjay, both of y'all get thee highest regards.
No, there is nothing wrong with me. You brought me in to this discussion.
I cannot allow someone to accuse me of asking for underage internet porn, when I did NO such thing, twisting my words as well.

You need to get off your high horse and stop getting all "internet tough guy" with me!
Not everything on this board is about porn. There are several forums here and while the majority of the things discussed here is about porn or models as you can see from some of the subjects any subject may be discussed on this particular forum.:2 cents:

Sounds like your assumption is since this story is being discussed here, it must be related to porn. No so.

I know that not everything is about porn. I never made that claim. If anything your assumption or rather your reading is wrong.
I wrote this:"You are highlighting it but it's not like i am trying to hide that. have you forgotten that this is a porn forum?"
In response to this, HE1FiNEARTiST:"i mean come on man ur the one that wants 9 inches as if your cool. *golf clap for you"
And what I wrote was very clear and easy to understand because I wrote this:"And about me wanting a 9incher, what is wrong with that," before writing that.

Please read more carefully next time. I feel like HE1FiNEARTiST's and maybe even your anger and frustration is a little misdirected. I am nor RicoSuave25 is responsible for what happened between those two girls and that cop.
I know that not everything is about porn. I never made that claim. If anything your assumption or rather your reading is wrong.
I wrote this:"You are highlighting it but it's not like i am trying to hide that. have you forgotten that this is a porn forum?"
In response to this, HE1FiNEARTiST:"i mean come on man ur the one that wants 9 inches as if your cool. *golf clap for you"
And what I wrote was very clear and easy to understand because I wrote this:"And about me wanting a 9incher, what is wrong with that," before writing that.

Please read more carefully next time. I feel like HE1FiNEARTiST's and maybe even your anger and frustration is a little misdirected. I am nor RicoSuave25 is responsible for what happened between those two girls and that cop.

Not accusing you of anything nor am I frustrated. I don't care honestly..I just thought there was a simple misunderstanding....

The only thing that makes sense to me as to why you would ask if a girl in that video made porn (unless you were joking) is if you thought topics like that here were necessarily related to porn.

No biggie.
Not accusing you of anything nor am I frustrated. I don't care honestly..I just thought there was a simple misunderstanding....

The only thing that makes sense to me as to why you would ask if a girl in that video made porn (unless you were joking) is if you thought topics like that here were necessarily related to porn.

No biggie.

Its alright man, i didnt' mean to go off on you like that. I am just a little annoyed. And it was kind of a joke, i was trying to ease the tension but it seems to have backfired...

as long as your their age. not some 26 yr old loser, but according to the law 18 is an adult so ur fine, so is 19, so your good. but that moron asked if the 17 yr old did porn. what the fuck is wrong with sanjay i dont know but where hes from is major underdeveloped. good day to u sir :hatsoff:

Like i said before, your anger is misplaced. And you are bending and manipulating what I wrote to make your case. Which is really no different then lying. I never asked if a 17 year old did porn. I simply asked if a girl whom I thought was attractive and of age, did porn. And I even made that clear in my second post when I said she looked atleast 18. But now that you have realized that you are clearly in the wrong and because you have nothing left to argue, you are keeping up with this act.

You are using bad language against me but I feel sorry for you so i am not saying anything back.

Also, my personal opinion on this aside, I think you should know that in some states the legal age for sex is 16 and in some places even 15. There are places (like denmark) where people get married at that age so are they "sick fuck's" as you put it?
What is right and what is wrong is relative to where you reside. What if someone from lets say Denmark thinks it is okay? Is he also a "sick fuck" even though though the laws permit him and that is what he was taught? So when you say "sick fucks" you really don't know what you are talking about.
I think you should know that in some states the legal age for sex is 16 and in some places even 15. There are places (like denmark) where people get married at that age so are they "sick fuck's" as you put it?

The legal age in Denmark is 15 but we can't get married untill 18.
if I was him I would have not hesitated to break their jaws if necessary. The ghetto trash needs to be dealt accordingly and with force. What if they had a linelock or an automatic knife or a 38 s&w auto pistol?? Neutralizing the threat is important to get yourself safe. I am not a cop but I know that is a job where your life is constantly on the line, better be safe than sorry.