Cop punches girl in face

haha check this!!!



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Thank you, David Spates, for putting it straight.

And thank you, Roald.

Great clip


Closed Account
why do people bitch so much when police get rough with assholes? our cops need to be like Russian cops. they'll kick your ass and if your friends complain they'll kick their asses too.
why do people bitch so much when police get rough with assholes? our cops need to be like Russian cops. they'll kick your ass and if your friends complain they'll kick their asses too.

exactly, and if you don't agree on the fine you slip 'm a 100 and you are free to go :D


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He should have called for backup. By the looks of things he was overwhelmed.
You all telling me any time you're in a movie theatre and you have one of these loud mouths yapping to their gurlfriends, blabbing on their cell phones, or yelling at the movie screen, you ask them to be quiet and they get mouthy at you and continue on with their conversation, you don't want to lay a epic smack down on them?

I don't condone the violence, but in a situation like that, it's easy to lose control and he did first thing that came to his mind to keep it under control. Might not be the best move on his part and he might pay dearly for it. I guarantee you those girls realized their loud mouths aren't gonna get them out of this jam and probably shat their pants!
Next time, she will think twice before resist law enforcement. There wasn't a problem until she started pushing and shoving the officer and then took a swing. The officer was outnumbered and took an approach, that he probably shouldn't have, but was justified. He didn't do anything wrong.
You all telling me any time you're in a movie theatre and you have one of these loud mouths yapping to their gurlfriends, blabbing on their cell phones, or yelling at the movie screen, you ask them to be quiet and they get mouthy at you and continue on with their conversation, you don't want to lay a epic smack down on them?

Haha one of buddies was at the theatre and some punks were talking through the movie so my friend told them to shut the fuck up. Then they start talking some stupid gang bang lingo to my friend who is an Iowa corn fed Matt Hughes lookin dude. He gets up goes in their aisle and pushes all three all way down the the aisle and out the exit door. Everyone in the theatre applauded.
Haha one of buddies was at the theatre and some punks were talking through the movie so my friend told them to shut the fuck up. Then they start talking some stupid gang bang lingo to my friend who is an Iowa corn fed Matt Hughes lookin dude. He gets up goes in their aisle and pushes all three all way down the the aisle and out the exit door. Everyone in the theatre applauded.

Nice account! :hatsoff:


Official Checked Star Member
If its illegal for a man to hit a woman when there's a confrontation, then it should be illegal for cops to hit women too. Especially teenage girls. He's the one with experience, and I'm sure he's taken down people far more agitated, drunk, running away etc than this girl. Even if he had to push her down on the car and cuff just don't punch a girl in the face. Thats what pussies do. What he should have done was do his job ie. call for backup and try to calm the bitch down. He was just citing them for jaywalking in the first place, so all he would have done was write her a ticket and not needed to arrest her at all. Bottom line is he should have had control of the situation, and done his job. There are countless other ways to restrain a panicking person...punching a 17 yr old girl in the face isn't one of them.
17 y.o. belligerent girl swinging on a male cop, he's already in a no win situation from a p.r. standpoint. I would have loved to see him simply take a step back and taze the shit out of her ass.


surprised he didnt
I see most of the post here are pro for the cop. For the ones that are not and give all these opinions on what he should have done. YOU TRY DOING THAT JOB!!!!!

Ha ha you wouldn't last five seconds.

Hey in my book that was a pre-emptive strike. He's outnumbered being grabbed and pushed. Some of You Might say "Well it's only a girl" but with that attitude he would lay himself open to getting hurt. Don't trust anyone when dealing with assholes.
I see most of the post here are pro for the cop. For the ones that are not and give all these opinions on what he should have done. YOU TRY DOING THAT JOB!!!!!

Ha ha you wouldn't last five seconds.

Hey in my book that was a pre-emptive strike. He's outnumbered being grabbed and pushed. Some of you might say "Well it's only a girl" but with that attitude he would lay himself open to getting hurt. Don't trust anyone when dealing with assholes.

A lot of folks probably haven't had the pleasure to personally experience a ghetto girl mentality at work. They feel they have authority of anything because they have a loud, obnoxious voice that would make a nail on a chalkboard sound symphonic.

I've seen a fifteen-old-girl push a cop and cuss him out back in high school before. She ended up in mighty fine trouble. Then again the cops around us don't mess around and will slam you right on the hood of their patrol car and not give you one opportunity to throw in more than one swing.

It starts out civil but it is the civilian that allows it to go farther than it needs to. What's wrong with just stopping, shutting the yap, and see what the officer was going to do in the first place? Now look where she is at? A laughing stock of the country once this video gets at full viral stage. I bet her family will be real proud.
There may also be a background story we don't know about as they were obviously pulled over for something, he could've pulled them over for just being Black or she could have been distracting him from the Heroin in her car :dunno:

What reason is there for you to even suggest that could be a possibility in this case?? Why not apply the same potential randomness to all cases...:rolleyes:
I hate defending cops here and I really do think the fucking punch was excessive, BUT people should remember that these cops have a 9mm or .40S&W on their hip. Watch what the punched girl is doing right before the blow. He has no reason to believe that somebody grabbing at his waist isn't going for his Glock.