Dear friend, that is a sarcastic video, as you can notice because it's put together by the Daily Show
Thanks Supa for explaining. I kind of thought the opposite was present there.
It makes for a excellent reference point for perseverance of the Union, our American democracy, Constitutional values and the upholding of the most secure election in our nation's history. Kudos to the
Daily Show producers
. Make no mistake of it
, The Lincoln Project should get permission to continue to use snippets of it in ads to be used against ex-President Donald J. Trump (should he not be convicted in the impeachment trial), these traitorous, seditious and insurrectionist Congressional members (Hawley, Graham, Cruz, Johnson, Jordan. et al. ) in both the 2022, 2024 and 2028 elections and for any of the followers of the Trump family members (Eric, Donald Jr. and Ivanka Trump) and mindless media members (Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, etc.) and its oligarchy (Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood, Leo Terrell, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, Joe DiGenova, Victoria Toensing, et al.) Maybe sanctions for Giuliani, Wood, Terrell, Powell, Ellis, DiGenova and Toensing by the various state bar associations for which they were admitted. For all the false rhetoric they've spewed out to the public since the November 3, 2020 Presidential election.