Christine Mendoza

Nice photo but it appears the same old hand bra thing. Again I am hoping that she will show the glorious va-jay-jay. Has any new Glam Cam shows been done with her & has she been more liberal with display of the goods. I am unable to see any of her shows due to my work hours. (notice I am not saying "full monty"
Nice photo but it appears the same old hand bra thing. Again I am hoping that she will show the glorious va-jay-jay. Has any new Glam Cam shows been done with her & has she been more liberal with display of the goods. I am unable to see any of her shows due to my work hours. (notice I am not saying "full monty"

Well in the shows that I have seen and from some of other comments posted, she has now progressed to getting totally naked. She does however still not reveal her coochie, hiding it with her hand or a bedsheert, etc. But CM has defintely become more liberal since moving from AnB to Glam Cam as I never remember her taking her bottoms off in AnB.
In a few of the shows I've been in with A&B, she removed the panties & did a hand pantie show, but that was after a longtime 30+ minutes or longer show.
Now, she goes "full-monty" rather fast on GCL. It's great..far sexier than A&B, but still the hand in the correct placement.
She has always been a master at putting her hands in the right location. 1st is was covering her tits, now it's getting the hand over her "V" at the right moment...but just slow enough to always get us hoping she'll forget to cover it.
Flynn I agree with you. as well as the others. She has progressed, but I am hoping she goes the route of Carmen. Again I feel time is running out & that she will be retiring soon or that she is loosing interest due to a significant other in her life or the age factor, getting the itch to have kids ect. I would like to see the Va-jayjay but I will be supportive no matter what. By the way I have a friend who is getting married who loves CM do you think she does bachlor parties??, anyone know this??
Other things she mentioned in her chat was that her topless sets will be zip sets (with a video included) you have to pay extra for and she won't be doing topless in her member chats on the site.
Other things she mentioned in her chat was that her topless sets will be zip sets (with a video included) you have to pay extra for and she won't be doing topless in her member chats on the site.

Somehow I am not surprised by this. Figured CM might charge extra for any topless sets. Now we just have to wait for her site to finally be up.
Other things she mentioned in her chat was that her topless sets will be zip sets (with a video included) you have to pay extra for and she won't be doing topless in her member chats on the site.


Oh well. A girls gotta get paid. Was so hoping I could see her boobies on cam at some other time than the midnight glamcam chats. Damn.

I still would love to lobby her to release some topless pics from her younger years. Shes beautiful at any age, but I know she has them, and that sure would be a nice treat for those of us who were there back in the day.
agreed "dasig". a section of retro pics or vids when she was younger would be nice, topless or not.

Would like to see her add her old videos from her defunct site also. I know a lot are available out there on the internet, but some ppl don't know where to find them and if she owns them, why not add new fans the opportunity to see and enjoy her younger years on the adds more content to her site.
Other things she mentioned in her chat was that her topless sets will be zip sets (with a video included) you have to pay extra for and she won't be doing topless in her member chats on the site.

So predictable, i called this weeks ago. Making fans pay twice is BS, but really can't blame her, she's got many loyal fans, so it's easy $$$
I've been paying for her VIP/PRIVATE shows...I'm sure I'll fork out the $$$ for the zipsets also. I did it when Lana Lopez had them on her site also.

A horny fool & his money "MUST" part ways.